Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch106- Choji & Asuma vs Roshi


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A ghostly tail swayed behind Roshi, the crimson aura of his Four-Tails enveloping him. He looked larger, more menacing, his chakra flaring up like an inferno. His eyes burned with an unholy light as he stared down at his opponents, a growl rippling from his throat.

Opposite him, Choji and Asuma stood, their eyes reflecting the fiery glow of Roshi’s monstrous form. The silence hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable, each of them waiting for the other to make a move.

Choji’s muscles tightened under his skin, his veins pulsing with Yang energy. It flowed through him, strengthening his body, amplifying his speed, making him nearly impervious. "Yang Release: Titan's Physique!" he called out again, reinforcing his technique. Unlike his Butterfly Mode, this technique didn't cause him to enlarge, but it imbued him with the same level of raw power, if not more.

"Ready, Choji?" Asuma’s voice was calm, a sharp contrast to the brewing storm. He twirled his trench knives, the gleaming edges humming through the air.

Choji nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. "Let's do this, Asuma-sensei."

Roshi moved first, his lava-encrusted fist slamming down where Asuma and Choji stood moments ago. The ground shuddered under the impact, molten lava splattering in all directions.

Choji moved quickly, his enhanced speed evident as he launched himself at Roshi. His fist collided with Roshi’s fiery form, the impact sending a shockwave through the battlefield. Roshi growled, the sound echoing off the rocky terrain, but he remained unmoved.

Asuma, on the other hand, chose a different approach. He moved with a fluid grace, each step measured, each strike calculated. His trench knives danced in his hands, whistling through the air as he attacked Roshi from a distance. "Futon: Wind Blade!" he called, the air around his knives rippling as he sent a series of wind-enhanced slices towards Roshi.

Roshi, however, was prepared. His hands moved in a swift flurry of motion. "Yoton: Lava Wall!" A thick wall of molten rock emerged, effectively blocking Asuma's attack.

Choji took advantage of the distraction, his fist hammering down on Roshi’s flank. The ground beneath them cracked under the force of Choji's strike, and for the first time, Roshi staggered.

The monstrous Jinchuriki growled, his eyes glowing dangerously. He spun around, his tail lashing out towards Choji. The Akimichi barely managed to dodge, his muscular form rolling away from the deadly whip.

From the corner of his eye, Choji saw Asuma move again. His former sensei didn't waste a single moment, pushing off the ground to launch himself into the air. "Futon: Great Wind Scythe!" Asuma’s voice echoed as he swung his trench knives, a large gust of wind whirling towards Roshi.

This time, Roshi had little time to react. The gust struck him full force, forcing him to dig his heels into the earth. Yet, even as he slid back, he retaliated. "Katon: Flame Bullet!" Roshi expelled a jet of flame towards Asuma, but the jōnin was already flipping away, avoiding the searing flames by a hair's breadth.

Meanwhile, Choji charged once again, his muscles coiling, then releasing. "Human Boulder!" he roared, his body spinning with a momentum that made the air around him vibrate.

Roshi, in the midst of his focus on Asuma, only had a fraction of a second to react to the incoming threat. He moved to form a lava wall, but the immense speed and power of Choji's Human Boulder attack sent him sprawling, the very earth trembling as he was knocked off his feet.

Choji, coming to a stop, quickly took advantage of Roshi's temporary disorientation. He launched himself forward, his fists charged with his chakra. "Titan Punch!" he roared, his fists connecting with Roshi’s body, each hit landing with the force of a wrecking ball.

Roshi snarled, his body sliding back from the impact. However, he was quick to retaliate, his fists encased in a shell of hardened lava. "Yoton: Molten Fists!" His punches flew at Choji, a flurry of heated fury.

Choji deflected, his arms moving in a blur to ward off Roshi’s assault. He felt the intense heat against his skin, but his Titan's Physique held strong, his skin not so much as smoldering under the searing touch.

In the corner of his vision, he saw Asuma moving. The jōnin was relentless, his trench knives glinting under the artificial light of Roshi's flaming aura. "Futon: Wind Scythe!" Asuma called, his wind-enhanced strikes slicing through the air.

Roshi grunted as the blades of wind struck him. He retaliated, his fiery chakra flaring up. "Katon: Flame Burst!" A wall of fire erupted from his body, pushing back Asuma and creating distance between them.

Asuma landed nimbly, the heat from Roshi’s flames licking at his flak jacket. His eyes were focused, trench knives poised and ready. "Choji, now!" he called.

With a powerful grunt, Choji drew on the reserves of his Yang chakra, his body humming with the energy. He charged, his form blurring from the immense speed. "Human Bullet Tank!" he bellowed, his enhanced speed and power propelling him towards Roshi.

The impact was colossal. Roshi, unable to react in time, was sent flying back, crashing through several rock formations. Choji uncurled, standing his ground, chest heaving but eyes alight with fierce determination.

Roshi groaned, slowly pulling himself from the wreckage. His gaze turned to Choji, a glint of respect passing through his fiery eyes. He roared, the sound echoing through the battlefield, his chakra flaring brighter. He was far from defeated.

In the brief respite, Asuma darted forward. His trench knives glinted ominously as he lunged towards Roshi. "Futon: Wind Slicer!" He sliced through the air, the sharp wind blasts spiraling towards the Jinchuriki.

Roshi barely had time to raise another Lava Wall before Asuma's attack struck, the intense gusts of wind colliding with the molten barrier. Amidst the steam and smoke, Asuma continued his relentless assault, the whirlwind of his Futon jutsu tearing through the battlefield.

All the while, Choji prepared for his next move. His heart pounded in his chest, the Yang chakra thrumming in his veins. His gaze was locked onto Roshi, his fists clenched at his sides. He was ready for the next round, ready to push his limits further to protect what he held dear. He was an Akimichi, and he would not back down.

Roshi grunted, staggering as he tried to find his footing amidst the onslaught from Asuma's Futon jutsu. His body radiated heat as he worked to replenish the chakra he had spent. He was not about to surrender, not when he still had so much fight left in him. His eyes flicked towards the sky, then closed in deep concentration.

"Three Tails!" he roared.

The intensity of his chakra soared, creating an oppressive atmosphere that hung heavy over the battlefield. The Jinchuriki's form expanded, three ghostly tails manifesting behind him. The ground quaked as Roshi's transformation completed, his body cloaked in a molten shroud.

Choji and Asuma stood their ground, watching as Roshi's transformation brought a new level of heat and danger to the battlefield. The increasing intensity of his chakra was palpable, but they did not falter. They knew what was at stake, and they were prepared to give everything to protect their village.

Asuma looked at Choji, his eyes serious. "Ready, Choji?" he asked, his voice steady.

Choji nodded, clenching his fists. "Ready."

With that, they charged. Asuma led the assault, his trench knives cutting through the heated air. "Futon: Wind Blade!" He launched a barrage of slicing gusts towards Roshi, the sharp winds intending to carve through his lava armor.

Roshi retaliated, swinging one of his lava-encrusted tails. "Yoton: Lava Whip!" The molten appendage cut through the air, intercepting Asuma's wind blades and creating a shower of sparks and ash.

But the duo's teamwork didn't falter. As Asuma engaged Roshi's attention, Choji took his position. He charged his chakra, the energy vibrating around him. "Yang Release: Titan's Pummel!" he declared. His fists glowed with raw energy, their strength enhanced beyond their limits.

With a battle cry, Choji launched forward, his fists hammering down on Roshi's molten defense. The force of each blow sent tremors through the battlefield, chipping away at the lava encasing Roshi.

Roshi roared, trying to swipe at Choji with his tails, but Asuma intercepted, his wind jutsu slicing through the air to ward off the molten tails.

"Choji, now!" Asuma yelled, his voice cutting through the sounds of battle.

Drawing on the last of his Yang chakra, Choji clenched his fists tightly. "Final Blow: Titan's Hammer!" His fists came down, the strength of his attack enhanced by his unwavering willpower.

The resulting impact was earth-shattering. Roshi's molten armor shattered under the force, the Jinchuriki sent crashing to the ground. His three tails flickered and vanished, his transformation receding.

The dust settled, revealing the hulking figure of Choji standing victorious over the defeated Roshi. His breathing was heavy, his body drenched in sweat, but his expression was one of pure determination.

Asuma approached, placing a hand on Choji's shoulder. "Good work, Choji," he praised, a genuine smile on his face.

With Roshi defeated, the duo could finally take a breather. They had succeeded in their mission. They had prevented the Jinchuriki from joining the Akatsuki. And most importantly, they had protected their village and their friends. The battle was over, but the memory of their victory would forever remain etched in their hearts.

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