Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch107- Team 8 vs Kaguya Clan


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Team 8, comprised of Shino, Kiba, and Sakura, moved in unison under Kurenai's watchful eye. Their opponents were resurrected members of the Kaguya clan, their bodies manipulated like marionettes under Orochimaru's command. Some of them were already displaying their bone-manipulation jutsu, skeletal protrusions forming deadly weapons under their command.

"I remember reading about these guys," Kiba muttered, grimacing at the sight of the Kaguya clan members. "They're really going to use their bones as weapons?"

"Focus, Kiba," Shino's voice was low, calm despite the situation. "Remember, our teamwork will be our advantage."

Sakura, her fists tightly clenched, nodded. "Let's do this," she said, a steely determination in her voice.

Their advance was halted as one of the Kaguya members, his body strangely distorted, stepped forward. His bones protruded from his skin like a grotesque suit of armor.

"So," he began, his voice hollow and unnatural, "you're the ones we'll be fighting?"

"Indeed, it seems so," Shino replied, his sunglasses reflecting the eerie skeletal figure before them. "It's regrettable that you've been forced into this situation."

"Think we'll be scared?" Kiba snarled, Akamaru growling at his side.

The Kaguya warrior laughed, a hollow sound. "Scared? No, my young adversary. Pity. We have been reduced to tools of war, resurrected to cause chaos. I pity you."

Kurenai, watching from the sidelines, murmured quietly. "Be careful. Genjutsu can be used for more than visual illusions."

The skeletal warrior cackled again, and in the blink of an eye, his bones shifted. His form blurred, and then he was charging towards them, bones gleaming like swords in the harsh light. Sakura stepped forward, her chakra-laced fists raised in defense.

"Watch out!" shouted a second Kaguya member, his voice filled with desperation. "The Dance of the Willow!"

Shino, having understood the warning, was quick to react. "Kiba, flank! Sakura, prepare for an assault!"

With precision, Kiba directed Akamaru into a spinning attack, a flurry of fur and fangs known as Gatsuuga. The dog-beast tore into the skeletal warrior, giving Sakura an opening. She charged in, her punch empowered with chakra, connecting with the Kaguya warrior's ribcage. "Cherry Blossom Impact!" Her voice rang through the battlefield.

Her attack sent the Kaguya warrior stumbling back, but it wasn't enough to bring him down. He retaliated, forming a spear from his forearm, but Shino was ready.

From his sleeves, a swarm of insects surged forth, forming a protective barrier around his teammates. "Hidden Jutsu: Insect Sphere!"

The insects, attracted by the chakra the Kaguya member was giving off, swarmed over him, biting and gnawing, forcing him to retract his attack.

"Kiba, another pass," Shino called, and Kiba, understanding, nodded.

"Got it!" Kiba said, Akamaru yipping in agreement as they lunged forward for another round of Gatsuuga.

Sakura, not one to be outdone, channeled her chakra once more, a white aura surrounding her clenched fists. "I'm not finished yet!"

She moved like a streak of pink lightning, slamming into the Kaguya warrior with another powerful punch. "Cherry Blossom Clash!"

Her blow sent the Kaguya member skidding backward, creating distance for Shino's next move. He clasped his hands together, forming the Tiger sign. "Ninjutsu: Insect Torrent!" A massive wave of insects erupted from the ground, swarming towards the Kaguya member.

In that moment, another Kaguya warrior, his voice a desperate whisper, shouted, "Watch for the counter-attack!"

And just as they predicted, the skeletal figure retaliated with Dance of the Larch, bones swirling around him like a tornado, shredding the insects and forcing Team 8 to retreat.

As the whirlwind of bones cleared, Team 8 regrouped, each member breathing heavily. The Kaguya warriors, manipulated like puppets by Orochimaru's sinister jutsu, stood waiting, their expressions blank, their bodies hollow shells of their former selves.

"Sakura, get ready for my signal," Kiba said, Akamaru growling lowly at his side. "Shino, I'm going to need your bugs to buy us some time."

Despite the grim situation, Sakura nodded firmly, determination burning in her eyes. "We've got this."

On the other side of the field, a Kaguya clan member gave an almost imperceptible nod to Shino, his eyes filled with quiet sorrow. "My attack is coming… Dance of the Clematis… be careful."

Shino acknowledged the warning with a curt nod. "Kiba, now!" He commanded, and the world around them seemed to slow as Kiba and Akamaru charged forward.

The Kaguya warrior countered with a large, drill-like bone extending from his palm, aiming straight at Kiba. "Wolf Fang Over Fang!" Kiba roared, and he and Akamaru spiraled around the Kaguya warrior, their forms a blur as they moved. They slashed at the Kaguya member, creating an opening for Sakura to strike.

As the Kaguya member staggered, another voice whispered from the line of Kaguya warriors. "Incoming… Brace yourselves…"

"Shino!" Sakura yelled, and the Aburame clan member acted instantly.

"Insect Jamming Technique!" he shouted, and a swarm of kikaichū beetles erupted from his sleeves, filling the air and creating a dense fog. This cloud of insects impaired the vision of their opponents and allowed Team 8 a momentary respite.

Sakura moved swiftly, chakra building within her fists. "Chakra Enhanced Strength!" she roared, rushing forward and delivering a punishing blow to the Kaguya warrior. The force of her attack was so strong that it created a shockwave, disrupting the Kaguya warrior's stance.

From the sidelines, Kurenai, her eyes sharp, quickly formed hand signs, the classic illusion technique - Genjutsu: Flower Petal Escape. In a flurry of cherry blossoms, Team 8 seemed to vanish and reappear in different locations, disorienting the Kaguya warriors.

While the Kaguya warriors were distracted, Shino capitalized on the opportunity. "Hidden Jutsu: Beetle Sphere!" He extended his arms, summoning a swarm of beetles that engulfed the Kaguya warrior. The insects bit and gnawed, draining his chakra.

Kiba and Akamaru were on the move again, their eyes locked on their target. "Dual Piercing Fang!" They shouted in unison, charging towards the Kaguya warrior with unparalleled speed and ferocity.

Simultaneously, Sakura readied her next attack. Her fists glowed with a brilliant white chakra. "Cherry Blossom Impact!" Her voice echoed across the battlefield, and with a swift, powerful strike, she sent the Kaguya warrior crashing into the ground.

Despite their fierce attacks, the Kaguya warriors refused to stay down. A voice called out, alerting them to the counter-attack. "Watch out for Dance of the Seedling Fern!"

Kurenai's voice rang out, calm amidst the chaos. "Stay focused! Shino, Kiba, Sakura - prepare for a range attack!"

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