Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch113- End of the Battle (1)


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Will last 3 chapters...


Their battles ended, the dust clearing and silence ringing in their ears, all teams slowly began to converge on the battlefield's center, where Jiraiya stood over a fallen Orochimaru. They all carried with them the exhaustion and elation of their hard-fought victories.

Team Gai approached first, their energy vibrant despite the battle's toll. Neji, Lee, and Tenten followed their teacher, faces flushed from exertion but spirits still soaring high. "Ah, Jiraiya-sama, I see you have bested your opponent with the fires of your youth!" Gai boomed, striking a pose even in his weary state.

Jiraiya chuckled at Gai's antics, his voice raspy. "Your enthusiasm is infectious as always, Gai. And your team has done well."

Next to arrive was Team 3, led by Hyuga Iroha. Their faces, while tired, were alight with the success of their first major battle. Sai, Shin, and Yuyu fell into formation behind their leader, their eyes still wide from the aftermath of their confrontation.

"Iroha, your team showed great bravery today," Jiraiya praised, his gaze on the young team.

"We followed your teachings, Jiraiya-sama," Iroha responded with a respectful bow. "We would not have succeeded otherwise."

Team 8 followed, their expressions serious, but relief evident in their eyes. Sakura, Kiba, and Shino flanked Kurenai, their bond as a team evident.

"Kurenai, your team has outdone themselves," Jiraiya remarked, meeting Kurenai's proud gaze.

"Thank you, Jiraiya-sama," Kurenai replied. "We did our best."

Team 10, led by Asuma, had split into two groups during the fight, and each duo was a sight to behold. Chouji, towering over the others, grinned widely, while Shikamaru wore a quiet, satisfied smile. Ino stood proudly beside Shikamaru, her confidence renewed after the intense battle.

"Team 10, you all fought bravely," Jiraiya acknowledged. "Asuma, your training has paid off."

Asuma chuckled. "They did all the work. I'm just the guide."

Lastly, Team 7 approached. Naruto's infectious energy, Hinata's quiet strength, Koushin's mischievous smile, and Kakashi's steady presence were a testament to their resilience. They had faced two formidable Akatsuki members and emerged victorious.

"Ah, Naruto, Koushin, Hinata, and of course, Kakashi," Jiraiya greeted, an affectionate tone to his voice. "Your team fought well. You should be proud."

"Thanks, Pervy Sage!" Naruto shouted, his grin wide. "We gave it our all!"

Hinata smiled, her eyes warm. "Thank you, Jiraiya-sama."

Kakashi nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at his team. "Thank you, Jiraiya. They did well."

"Why the fuck you all cheering for?" Koushin asked, with his eyes wide open. They were looking around as if the battle was over, but it was far from that.

A slow, steady clapping filled the air, reverberating throughout the quiet battlefield. A chill ran down everyone's spine as the familiar voice of Orochimaru pierced the silence, his words laced with amusement and disdain. "As usual, Koushin-kun, you are the most sensible one."

Shock rippled through the ninjas as they turned their gazes to the spot where Orochimaru had fallen, only to find his figure melting away, replaced by an undisturbed, fresh-looking Orochimaru. He perched on top of the railings of a bridge nearby, lazily observing them. A smug, yet bored expression stretched across his face, a perfect mirror to the amused grin worn by Kabuto standing beside him.

"You've got to be kidding me," Koushin spat, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the unfazed Orochimaru. His fists clenched at his sides, a clear sign of his irritation. "I swear, Orochimaru-san your tricks are getting old."

Orochimaru simply raised an eyebrow, his amusement seeming to grow. "Is that so, Koushin-kun?" he taunted, leaning forward. "And here I thought you'd appreciate a good game."

"Does it look like I'm laughing?" Koushin shot back, his gaze hardening. Naruto, standing beside him, let out a low growl, sharing in his teammate's frustration.

Silence swallowed the battlefield. The triumphant energy of mere moments ago was sucked out, replaced by a feeling of dread. They all stood still, their eyes wide with shock at the sight of Orochimaru and Kabuto standing, unharmed and smirking. The disbelieving murmurs and hisses of breath from the teams served as a painful reminder of their miscalculation.

Orochimaru's figure at the center of the battlefield had been real. Jiraiya was certain of it. He had taken extra care to confirm it, his senses and experience affirming the authenticity of Orochimaru's defeat. Others had done the same as they arrived. Sakura with her medical expertise, Shino with his bugs, Neji with his Byakugan, all confirmed it wasn't a clone.

Yet, the chilling reality was that they had all been duped. It was a level of deception none had thought Orochimaru capable of. This was a blow, not just to their confidence but also to their trust in their perception. They felt their hearts heavy in their chests.

But the most shocked one wasn't Jiraiya, nor the other ninjas, it was Orochimaru himself. From his perch, he glared down at Koushin, an unreadable expression on his face. A flicker of surprise flashed in his serpentine eyes before he quickly masked it with an amused smirk. He was supposed to be hidden behind an almost imperceptible Genjutsu, undetectable even to the most skilled of shinobi, yet, somehow Koushin had seen him.

Orochimaru chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Interesting," he mused aloud, his gaze fixated on Koushin. "How did you see through my Genjutsu, Koushin-kun?"

Koushin shrugged, an insouciant grin spreading on his face, despite the renewed tension in the air. "You know, Orochimaru-san, I've always been told I've got good eyes. Must have something to do with that." He didn't elaborate further, leaving the older shinobi to make of his response what he will.

In the heavy silence, Koushin turned to Ino, a playful grin teasing the corners of his mouth. "What do you think, Pumpkin-chan?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with humor despite the tense situation. "Are my eyes beautiful or majestic?" Ino blinked at his sudden question, taken aback, then a small laugh bubbled from her throat. The mood in the group, which had been somber a moment before, was slightly lifted by Koushin's easygoing attitude. A low murmur ran through the crowd of ninjas, many of them blinking in surprise at Koushin's seemingly carefree demeanor.

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