Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch114- End of the Battle (2)


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Not too long ago, Koushin had spent nearly 100 Perk Points on a Genjutsu Immune Perk. Being caught in such a simplistic visual genjutsu was simply not an option for him. His sensory abilities were naturally high, the perk simply made it impossible for him to fall under the sway of an enemy's genjutsu. Thus, despite Orochimaru and Kabuto's careful concealment, Koushin had been able to detect them. He didn't disclose this, but the look in his eyes told a tale of a ninja who was more than what he appeared to be.

Orochimaru, seeming to take a moment to digest this, smirked before his eyes slowly shifted. The slit-like pupils first changed into the familiar design of Sharingan, three tomoe spinning around the iris. Moments later, the Sharingan morphed into the Mangekyo Sharingan. The sight of the powerful eye technique sent a chill through the gathered shinobi.

Then, an enormous surge of chakra erupted from Orochimaru, creating a palpable shockwave that sent dust and debris swirling in every direction. His sage body, already intimidating, transformed into a chaotic maelstrom of chakra. The display was a show of raw, untamed power that left the onlookers stunned. The real fight was about to begin.

The smirk on Orochimaru's face widened as he let his chakra flood the battlefield, filling the air with an almost tangible sense of dread. "It seems our fun is just beginning," he drawled, his Mangekyo Sharingan spinning lazily. The sight sent a shiver of unease down their spines, but none of the gathered shinobi moved, their gazes fixed on Orochimaru.

"Naruto, get ready," Kakashi said, his voice firm. His student nodded, his knuckles white as he tightened his grip on his kunai.

Koushin, however, didn't seem fazed by Orochimaru's power display. He chuckled, tipping his head to the side as he examined the sage. "That's one hell of a party trick, Orochimaru-san," he said, his voice filled with a nonchalant humor that belied the serious situation. "Got any more up your sleeves?"

Jiraiya, watching the exchange, sighed heavily. He was well aware of Koushin's irreverent humor, but he never imagined the boy would be so audacious in the face of such a threat. But there was a method to his madness. Koushin's lighthearted banter, his irreverent taunts, were designed to distract and infuriate his opponents, throwing them off balance.

Orochimaru scoffed at Koushin's remarks, his eyes flashing dangerously. "You have a death wish, boy?" he spat, his tone venomous.

Koushin shrugged, unperturbed by the threat. "Just a wish for a good fight, Orochimaru-san," he responded smoothly.

With Orochimaru's shocking revelation and the swift display of his powers, the once triumphant atmosphere had turned heavy with dread and anticipation. The respective teams of shinobi quickly moved into defensive formations, their eyes sharp and their spirits steeled for the true fight that lay ahead.

Orochimaru gave a low, haunting chuckle, observing the prepared ninjas before him with his newly transformed eyes. Their slit-like pupils, now filled with the hypnotic swirl of the Sharingan, turned into the more complex design of the Mangekyō Sharingan. A palpable surge of chakra radiated from him, causing the very air around him to ripple with energy. His body began to glow, displaying the chaotic maelstrom of his Sage Transformation. Orochimaru had begun the real battle.

"It's time to stop playing around," Orochimaru said, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

Koushin, the first to detect Orochimaru's deceit, was ready. His casual demeanor remained despite the circumstances, a testament to his confidence. "Orochimaru-san, you remind me of a snake that sheds its skin. Always something new with you, isn't it?" he retorted, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Orochimaru's lips curled into a smirk at Koushin's jab, his amusement palpable. He extended his hand, and from it, a series of dark, snake-like shadows formed, seamlessly blending with the environment. It was Uwabami Spiral in action, a devastating technique birthed from Orochimaru's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Jiraiya's eyes widened at the sight, recognizing the inherent danger in the seemingly harmless shadows. "Everyone, stay alert!" he warned. "Those shadows are not what they seem!"

As if on cue, the shadows lunged towards the shinobi teams with alarming speed. Naruto, ever quick on his feet, managed to dodge them with a swift leap. "Woah, that's a new one!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with a mixture of shock and exhilaration.

Team 8 didn't fare as well. One of the shadows grazed Kiba, wrapping around him like a snake and binding him. Shino quickly responded, his bugs swarming the shadow and eating away at its chakra. But the damage had been done, Kiba was down, and his teammates were forced to move into a defensive position around him.

Over with Team 10, Asuma gritted his teeth. "Focus, everyone! We need to anticipate his moves. Don't let him gain the upper hand."

"Got it, Sensei!" Ino responded, her eyes steely as she moved into position beside Shikamaru and Chouji.

Team Gai was already in motion. Neji activated his Byakugan, scanning the battlefield for the hidden threats. "There are more shadows," he warned. "Stay on guard."

Back at the center, Orochimaru was enjoying the disarray. His Sharingan gleamed dangerously as he brought his other hand forward, this time using the Kagami Mirage technique. The battlefield seemed to multiply, an illusion confusing the senses. His image fragmented into many, causing disorientation among the shinobi.

Koushin looked unfazed, his eyes studying Orochimaru. He had seen through the genjutsu once, and he could do it again. "So, it's a mirage this time, huh?" he mused, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor.

The fight against Orochimaru commenced in a sweeping clash of jutsu, a symphony of technique and power that churned up the earth and set the sky alight with shockwaves of chakra. Kabuto watched from the side, his snake-like eyes gleaming with malicious interest.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Orochimaru," Koushin quipped, his eyes glowing with the eerie light of the Twilight Key. Shadows moved around him, bending light and dark to his will, a tangible defiance against Orochimaru's genjutsu. "You know, it's rude to start a party without the star of the show."

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