Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch115- End of the Battle


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Koushin surged forward, his Lightning Chakra Mode flaring to life. In one swift motion, he brandished the Web Weaver Key, intricate webs of chakra snaking forth from his fingers. They ensnared Orochimaru's serpentine body, sapping away his strength, and giving Koushin a precious opening.

"You never learn, do you, Koushin?" Orochimaru's voice was dark amusement. He twisted, activating Jugo's Sage Transformation. His body bulked up, muscled tendrils snapping Koushin's chakra web like spider silk.

Before Koushin could react, Orochimaru was upon him, his body fluid manipulation turning his limbs into lethal weapons. But Koushin was quick. A Doton Jutsu erupted, a barrier of earth shielding him from the brunt of the attack.

"Ino, now!" Koushin barked, buying time for his teammate. The girl nodded, her body becoming still as she used the Mind Transfer: Necro Puppeteer. Her consciousness disappeared, leaving her physical form standing defenseless. Koushin gritted his teeth, stepping protectively in front of her as Orochimaru bore down on them.

Suddenly, Naruto was there. His clones springing up like a protective wall around them, baring their teeth at Orochimaru. "You'll have to get through me first, Snake!" Naruto declared, his rasengan churning with chakra.

"Necro Manipulation!" Shikamaru's voice echoed across the battlefield. The shadows beneath them writhed, latching onto the fallen shinobi around. They rose, their bodies controlled by Shikamaru, adding an unexpected reinforcement to their side.

But even as they coordinated their attacks, Orochimaru was far from beaten. His Mangekyō Sharingan glowed in the gloom, the Uwabami Spiral lashing out. Dark, snake-like shadows slithered forth, wrapping around the resurrected shinobi, crushing them under an inescapable hold.

Koushin's breath hitched. Orochimaru was too strong, his attacks too relentless. But they couldn't lose. Not now. Not ever. He clutched at the Purity's Radiance Key, channeling its power into a bright burst of chakra. The light washed over them, dispelling Orochimaru's shadows and revealing the battlefield.

"Nice work, Koushin," Kakashi praised, his hand lifting to perform hand seals. "Shin, ready?" The boy beside him nodded, his hands mirroring Kakashi's movements. Together, they launched the Raijin's Calligraphy. Lightning chakra enveloped their blades, cutting through Orochimaru's defense with a bright burst of energy.

Choji took the opportunity to charge, his Yang Release: Muscle and Bone Enhancement bulking up his body. His fist collided with Orochimaru, the sound reverberating through the battlefield.

Despite the onslaught, Orochimaru laughed, his form slithering away from the impact and snapping back into focus a safe distance away. "My, my," he murmured, a sinister grin playing on his lips. "You've certainly all grown stronger."

"Now, Sai!" Koushin barked. Sai, having already initiated his Artistic Realm: Reality Canvas, manipulated the pocket dimension to ensnare Orochimaru, trapping the snake sannin in an illusion of their design. Sai then used his art to conjure various obstacles and creatures to attack Orochimaru, hoping to confuse and disorient him.

From the sidelines, Shino, who had activated Insect Fusion: Chakra Symbiosis, sent a swarm of insects toward Orochimaru. The insects, linked to Shino through chakra, enhanced their user's senses, speed, and created chakra-infused webs, further confounding the snake sannin.

Koushin was far from idle, though. His eyes took on an icy sheen as he activated the Dominion's Grasp Key, aiming to sap Orochimaru's willpower, making him easier to manipulate and control.

"You're done, Orochimaru!" Naruto shouted, joining Koushin at his side. The Leaf's Jinchuriki channeled his Biju's chakra, combining it with his own. The result was an intimidating surge of power that echoed across the battlefield.

Orochimaru wasn't easily defeated, however. His serpentine eyes widened, and he slipped out from Sai's pocket dimension, using his extensive knowledge of genjutsu to disrupt and exit the manipulated reality. His snakes hissed, lunging out from his sleeves to deflect Shino's insects. Even under the intense force of the Dominion's Grasp Key, Orochimaru resisted, his will unyielding. "You'll have to try harder than that, Koushin."

Seeing Orochimaru's retaliation, Koushin's determination did not falter. His gaze hardened as he activated the Hellflame Essence Key, enhancing his fire jutsu to levels previously unattainable. The battlefield lit up in an inferno, the pure, destructive power of the Hellflame bearing down on Orochimaru.

The snake sannin twisted his body, avoiding the scorching flames with uncanny agility. At the same time, he launched a series of swift counterattacks, but his moves were becoming visibly slower, the Dominion's Grasp Key gradually taking effect.

Naruto took the opening, his Rasengan, now with an elemental chakra thanks to Koushin's perk, burning bright. He rushed at Orochimaru, his clones spreading out to cut off the sannin's escape routes.

Despite all their efforts, Orochimaru was still stronger than them. His Sage Body combined with Mangekyo Sharingan made him a near invincible adversary. But just as the scales seemed tipped in the snake sannin's favor, a devastating war cry tore through the battlefield. With a resounding thud, a fist landed amidst their ranks, scattering shinobi and making the ground tremble.

Tsunade, the Slug Sannin and the former Hokage, stood beside them, her eyes fierce and determination unwavering. Karin, her red hair standing out starkly against the backdrop of the battle, was at her side.

"The party's over, Orochimaru," Tsunade declared, her voice echoing across the battlefield. Her chakra pulsed around her, causing the earth beneath her to crack. "You won't have your way this time."

Tsunade charged, her enhanced strength evident as she aimed a punch at Orochimaru. The snake sannin deftly dodged her attack, his laughter echoing ominously. However, Tsunade's attack was merely a distraction, creating a gap for Karin to use her Adamantine Sealing Chains.

Karin's chains, glowing a brilliant hue, sprung from the ground like serpents of their own, racing towards Orochimaru. They wrapped around him before he could react, sealing his movements and trapping him in place.

For a moment, confusion flickered across Orochimaru's face. His eyes widened, his smugness replaced with surprise. This was not a sight they were accustomed to. Orochimaru, the insidious and crafty sannin, was taken aback.

"S-Such power," he murmured, his voice barely a hiss. His gaze shifted to Karin, surprise giving way to a glint of curiosity and intrigue. "Interesting..."

And then, with a swift motion, Orochimaru whistled. A figure emerged from the shadows — Kabuto, his right-hand man. With a swift motion, Orochimaru flicked a kunai towards Kabuto, breaking him free from Ino's mind transfer jutsu.

"Until next time," Orochimaru promised, his serpentine grin returning. Then, with a burst of smoke and a flicker of movement, he and Kabuto were gone, leaving behind a battlefield of exhausted, but determined shinobi.

As the smoke cleared, the Konoha shinobi looked around. Despite the retreat of their enemy, their expressions were anything but triumphant. This battle was merely a reminder of the looming threat of Orochimaru and the work they still had ahead. They knew, they had won the battle today, but the war was far from over.

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