Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch32- Annual Konoha Bug Catching Contest!


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Another day, another boring D- Rank mission,

Kakashi, with his usual mysterious air, unfolded the scroll and read out our mission. "Alright, team. Today's mission is... to help out at the annual Konoha Bug Catching Contest!"

Naruto's face lit up like a kid in a candy store. "Sweet! I've always wanted to participate in that!"

Hinata, however, looked a little uneasy. "Um, K-Kakashi-Sensei, does that mean we'll be... catching bugs ourselves?"

Kakashi chuckled. "Not exactly, Hinata. Our job is to help the organizers set up the contest area, and then make sure everything runs smoothly. We'll also be responsible for returning any stray bugs to their designated areas."

I grinned, nudging Naruto playfully. "Hey, maybe we'll get to see some rare beetles, huh, Naruto?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "You bet, Kou! I've heard that some of the bugs in this contest are super rare!"

As we made our way to the contest area, I couldn't help but feel a little excited myself. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend a day surrounded by all sorts of weird and wonderful bugs?

When we arrived, we were greeted by none other than my good friend Shino from the Aburame Clan. His clan was the organizer of this year's contest and he was decked out in his usual dark clothing and sunglasses.

"Ah, Koushin," Shino said in his monotone voice, though I could sense a hint of enthusiasm. "I'm glad to see you and your team are here to help, why? Because we need help."

I clapped him on the back, grinning. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, buddy! You know I've always been a fan of your creepy-crawlies."

Naruto chimed in, his eyes wide with excitement. "Yeah, Shino! We can't wait to see all the bugs you've got lined up for the contest!"

Shino nodded, a small smile hidden behind his high collar. "Very well. I'll show you where to start."

As we began setting up the contest area, Naruto couldn't help but tease Shino a little. "So, are there any bugs that even you find too gross to handle, Shino?"

He raised an eyebrow, his voice as dry as ever. "Naruto-san, I am an Aburame. There is no such thing as a 'gross' bug to me. They are all fascinating creatures."

Blondie laughed, shaking his head. "I figured as much, but it was worth a shot."

Hinata, who had been nervously eyeing a particularly large beetle, finally spoke up. "Shino-san, will we be handling poisonous bugs?"

Shino assured her, "No, Hinata-san. While some may look intimidating, they are all harmless. The contestants will be wearing protective gloves, just in case."

With Shino's guidance, we set up various stations for the contestants to catch and observe the bugs. There were nets, jars, and even little habitats for the more delicate insects.

As the contest began, we were responsible for keeping an eye on the contestants, making sure they followed the rules and didn't harm any of the bugs. Naruto was having the time of his life, practically bouncing from one station to the next, while Hinata slowly grew more comfortable around the insects.

At one point, a particularly feisty beetle managed to escape its enclosure, and Naruto sprang into action. "Don't worry, guys! I'll catch it!"

He chased the beetle around the contest area, much to the amusement of the onlookers. With a triumphant shout, Naruto finally managed to catch the runaway bug, returning it to its proper place.

As the day went on, more familiar faces began to appear at the contest. Sakura and Kiba, along with their Jounin Sensei Kurenai, came to support Shino.

"Hey, Naruto!" Sakura greeted him cheerfully. "I didn't expect to see you guys here."

"Hello, Sakura-san," Naruto said with a small smile, "We've a mission to help Shino with this contest."

Kiba laughed, patting Shino on the back. "Yeah, it's not every day we get to see Shino so... excited."

Shino just raised an eyebrow but said nothing, a faint hint of a smile on his lips.

Ino and Shikamaru soon arrived with their Sensei Asuma as well. Naruto immediately asked, "Hey, where's Choji?"

Shikamaru pointed at the field, where several children were trying to catch bugs. Choji, almost twice the size of the children, was attempting to catch them too. We all facepalmed, and Shikamaru explained, "The award for first place is a week-long food ticket at a barbecue joint. So, Choji wanted to participate, much to our annoyance."

Naruto laughed, shaking his head. "Classic Choji."

With all our friends gathered, the atmosphere at the bug-catching contest turned even more fun and lively. We continued to help the contestants and monitor the event, all while bantering, teasing, and playfully mocking each other.

At one point, Ino approached me, a mischievous grin on her face. "So, Kou, how are you enjoying your glamorous D-Rank mission?"

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Oh, it's just fantastic, Ino. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend their day surrounded by a bunch of creepy-crawlies?"

She smirked, leaning in close. "Well, at least you have some good company."

"True," I admitted, with a small smile on my lips. "Your addition did make it more enjoyable."

We continued to exchange playful banter throughout the day, our friendship growing stronger with each laugh and shared moment.

As the contest drew to a close, we all gathered for the award ceremony. The winner, a young girl with an impressive collection of rare butterflies, was ecstatic to receive her week-long food ticket.

Choji, on the other hand, looked absolutely crestfallen. "I can't believe I didn't win," he mumbled, his eyes welling up with tears.

Shikamaru patted him on the back. "Don't worry, buddy. There's always next year."

With the contest officially over, we all pitched in to help clean up the area and return the bugs to their proper homes. Although it had been a long and tiring day, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the time I'd spent with my friends and teammates.

As we headed back to our respective homes, Naruto gave me a nudge. "You know, Kou, that was actually pretty fun."

I grinned, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, it really was. Who knew a D-Rank mission could be so enjoyable?"

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