Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch61- Goodbye Pumpkin


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So, there I was, standing right outside Ino's house, trying so hard to keep my cool and look composed. We were going out, but not on a typical date. It was more like a "let's hang out and tease each other until our sides hurt" kind of thing. The thing is, I'll be leaving the village for training soon, and who knows when I'll come back. We might not even see each other for years, if ever again. All I wanted was to spend some good, quality time with my Pumpkin before I went.

I knocked on the door, and Ino opened it with that annoyingly adorable smirk of hers. "Took you long enough, slowpoke."

"Hey! I'm right on time!" I retorted, pouting just a little. But she just rolled her eyes, grabbed by cheeks and puffed my pout.

"You are already cute, so no pouting for you!" Ino mock reprimanded, "I don't want other girls to notice my Prince."

I swatted her hands away playfully. "Please, as if anyone could handle me like you do, Pumpkin."

She laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You got that right. Now, come on, let's go."

We started walking through the village, making our way to our favorite little spot near the river. It was a place where we could just sit, talk, and throw friendly jabs at each other without worrying about being overheard by nosy villagers.

"So, Kou, you're really leaving, huh?" Ino asked, her voice carrying a hint of sadness.

"Yeah, I have to get stronger. You know, so I can keep up with you." I smirked, earning a playful punch to my shoulder.

"You wish, idiot," she retorted with a grin. "But seriously, I'm going to miss our banter."

"Me too, Pumpkin. But hey, think of it this way – when I come back, I'll be even more insufferable, and you'll have a whole bunch of new material to mock me with," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

She snorted. "As if I need more material. But, alright, I'll look forward to it."

We arrived at our spot by the river, and I sprawled out on the grass, soaking in the sun's warmth. Ino sat down next to me, looking at the water, lost in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Hmm? Oh, just how things are going to change while you're gone," she replied, her voice soft and contemplative.

I sat up, facing her. "Hey, don't worry, Pumpkin. I'll still be the same annoying jerk you know and love when I get back."

Ino chuckled, her eyes meeting mine. "I sure hope so, Kou. I don't know what I'd do without my favorite ego booster."

"Wow, I feel so appreciated," I said sarcastically, lying back down on the grass. "But seriously, Ino, I'm going to miss you too. Just don't forget about me, okay?"

She laid down beside me, her head resting on my arm. "Don't worry, I could never forget you, Prince-chan. You're too much of a pain in the ass for that."

I laughed, knowing that underneath her teasing words, she was saying that she cared. We laid there for a while, just enjoying each other's company, before Ino spoke up again.

"Hey, Kou? Promise me something."

"Anything, Pumpkin."

"Promise me that you'll remember me while you're away. Because you will always be in my mind, and heart. Gosh, if only we had a way to communicate. I want to be able to make fun of you from afar."

I grinned. "Meh, as if I can get your damn cute face out of my mind. Look, when I close my eyes, there you are. How do you do that?"

Ino laughed, sitting up and poking me in the chest. "You're such a dork, Koushin."

"But you love this dork, don't you?" I teased, sitting up and poking her right back.

Ino rolled her eyes, but her cheeks were tinted pink. "Yeah, yeah, I do. Now come on, let's do something fun to commemorate our last day together for a while."

I thought for a moment, then snapped my fingers. "I've got it! How about a little competition? Winner gets bragging rights until I come back."

Ino raised an eyebrow, smirking. "You're on. What's the challenge?"

I grinned, knowing I had her hooked. "Easy. Whoever can catch the biggest fish from the river, using only their hands, wins."

Ino's eyes lit up with excitement. "You're so going down, Koushin."

We spent the next hour splashing around in the river, trying to catch fish with our bare hands. It was ridiculous, and we were both soaked to the bone, but it was so much fun. In the end, Ino managed to catch a slightly bigger fish than me, and she held it up triumphantly.

"Ha! I win!" she declared, grinning from ear to ear.

I pouted, but couldn't help laughing. "Fine, you win this round, Pumpkin. But I'll get my revenge when I come back."

Ino stuck her tongue out at me, still clutching her prize. "We'll see about that, Koushin."

As the sun began to set, we made our way back to the village, still dripping wet and laughing at our ridiculous antics. We stopped by a small food stall, ordering some hot tea to help us warm up.

"You know, Koushin," Ino said, sipping her tea, "I'm really going to miss these little adventures of ours."

I nodded, staring into my own steaming cup. "Yeah, me too. But hey, when I come back, we'll have plenty more, alright?"

Ino smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You better come back with some great stories, or I'll be very disappointed."

"Oh, I will," I assured her, smirking. "You can count on it."

We continued to banter back and forth as we walked through the village, our laughter echoing through the streets. It was getting late, and I knew I had to say goodbye soon, but I wanted to stretch this moment out as long as possible.

Finally, we reached Ino's house, and the weight of our impending separation settled over us. She looked up at me, her eyes a little glossy, and I knew she was trying to hold back tears.

"Koushin," she began, her voice cracking just a bit, "you better come back to me, okay? I don't know what I'd do without my favorite sparring partner."

I chuckled, pulling her into a tight hug. "Don't worry, Pumpkin. I'll be back before you know it. And when I do, you better be ready for a rematch."

Ino laughed through her tears, hugging me back just as fiercely. "You got it, Koushin. Just...take care of yourself out there, alright?"

"What are these?" Ino said, as she looked at the items I placed in her hand. A vial with red liquid, and two chakra papers with weird symbols. "Is this blood?"

"My blood." I said, looking at her beautiful blue eyes with my purple. "Two drops, two chakra papers. When you drop my blood on them, it will summon me."

"You mean?" She began, but she then realized, "Oh."

"Ino, promise me." I said, while holding her hands, "Promise me you will use them when you are in danger."

"Kou—" She began, looking away.

"Pumpkin, you have to promise me." I asserted.

"I promise." She said, looking at my eyes.

"Even if there is no escape."

"No!" Her tears fell.

"I don't want to live in a world without you." I kissed her tears, "So promise."

"I— Fine, you dork. Lame, cheesy lines." She cried.

I smiled, wiping away her tears with my thumb. "Hey, if anyone can pull off cheesy lines, it's me."

Ino managed a watery laugh, sniffling as she tried to compose herself. "You're such a dork, Koushin. But... Thank you. I promise to use these if I really need to."

"Good," I said, giving her one last squeeze before letting go. "Now, come on, Pumpkin. Let's see that smile one more time before I go."

Ino took a deep breath, wiping her face with the back of her hand, and then smiled up at me, her eyes still shimmering with unshed tears. "There, happy?"

"Ecstatic," I teased, grinning back at her. "Now, you better take care of yourself too, alright? I want to come back to a worthy opponent, not some soft, pampered princess."

Ino rolled her eyes, but her smile didn't falter. "Don't worry, Koushin. I'll be more than ready for you when you get back. The technique you created for me… I will master it before you return, I promise."

“I trust you, Pumpkin.”

With one final wave, I turned and began walking away, forcing myself not to look back. I knew that if I did, I'd never be able to leave. But as I walked, I could still hear Ino's laughter echoing in my ears, and I felt the warmth of her smile in my heart.

The years apart would be tough, no doubt about it. But the thought of returning to Ino, of resuming our flirty banter and friendly competitions, kept me going. I knew that no matter how far I traveled or how long we were apart, she would always be there in my heart, waiting for me to come home.


Inoichi, Shikaku, and Choza's wives, Ima, Yoshino, and Kikoona, sat together with their little ones, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji who were three years old. The group was enjoying an afternoon tea, the children laughing and playing as the mothers chatted.

While the mothers sipped their tea, Shikamaru, with an inquisitive glint in his eyes, asked Yoshino, "Mom, how was I born?"

Yoshino smiled warmly, spinning a beautiful tale of how she and Shikaku wished upon a star for a child as wise and brilliant as the constellations above. She told Shikamaru that he was born from the love and brilliance of the night sky, filling his parents' hearts with joy. Shikamaru listened intently, his eyes filled with wonder and admiration.

Hearing this, Ino tugged on Ima's sleeve, asking, "Mom, how about me? How was I born?"

Ima's eyes sparkled as she told Ino a magical story of how she and Inoichi planted a seed of love in their garden, watering it with their dreams and hopes. One day, a beautiful flower bloomed, and from that flower emerged Ino, the most precious and radiant blossom of all. Ino beamed with delight, imagining herself as a vibrant, enchanting flower.

Finally, Choji, not wanting to be left out, asked Kikoona, "Mom, what about me? How was I born?"

Kikoona, with a sweet and gentle smile, began her story. "Well, Choji, your father put a little caterpillar in my belly. And after some time, a beautiful butterfly emerged – that was you!" She finished her story, her eyes shining with love and affection.

As Kikoona told her tale, Ima and Yoshino couldn't help but choke on their tea, desperately trying to suppress their laughter. They knew that Kikoona had unintentionally created an amusing double entendre, but the innocent expression on her face and Choji's wide-eyed amazement only made the situation even more comical.

Tears of laughter began streaming down their faces as they struggled to compose themselves. Ima clutched her stomach, unable to contain her amusement, while Yoshino pressed a hand over her mouth, giggling uncontrollably. Their laughter was contagious, and soon, even Kikoona couldn't help but join in, though she still seemed puzzled by their reaction.

The three-year-old Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji exchanged confused glances, not quite understanding the humor in their mothers' stories. However, seeing their mothers' joy, they couldn't help but giggle too, their tiny faces lighting up with delight.

The warm, infectious laughter filled the room, creating a memory that would be cherished by all present for years to come. This moment was a testament to their bond, a bond that had already begun to extend to the next generation of the Ino-Shika-Cho trio.

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