Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch67- Shinobi on a Shadowy Steed


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A Super Long Chapter. No matter what, I love you guys and thank you all for your supports!


A year and a half had passed since Koushin left the village for training. Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru had grown and become stronger under Asuma's guidance. They had been assigned a dangerous mission deep within enemy territory – one that required their full attention and skill.

As they began their journey, Ino couldn't help but think back to the times she had spent with Koushin. The laughter, the teasing, the unspoken affection that had always lingered beneath the surface of their banter. She remembered the warmth of his embrace, the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled, and the gentle pressure of his hand in hers.

Ino had grown into a beautiful young woman, her hair now longer, cascading down her back like a velvety sun. Her eyes, like the sky, were as blue as the sea. Her heart ached with longing for her dearest friend, and she couldn't help but wonder where he was now, and if he still thought of her. As the memories washed over her, she clutched the bag on her belt containing the vial of blood and chakra papers tightly in her hand, a constant reminder of the promise they had made to one another.

Ino knew that Koushin was out there somewhere, growing stronger and braver by the day. And she drew strength from that knowledge, determined to make him proud and prove herself worthy of his love and affection.

The mission began smoothly, with the team infiltrating the enemy's base and gathering crucial intel. However, things quickly went awry. A sudden ambush by the enemy forces separated Asuma from his students, leaving Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru to fend for themselves.

As they looked around, their hearts sank in despair. This was it, the end of the road. No hope of escape, no chance of survival. They were trapped, surrounded by their relentless enemies, who had planned this ambush with ruthless precision. The air was thick with tension as they braced themselves for the inevitable. They could see the glint of weapons in the hands of their adversaries, tens of them, all strong and determined to carry out their promised death. At that moment, time seemed to slow down, and they knew that this was the end.

The leader of the opposing forces sneered, his intentions all too clear. "You're a pretty little thing, aren't you? I think I'll have some fun with you before I kill you. We will definitely have fun."

Ino's body trembled, her mind reeling with a potent mix of dread and despair. The enemy leader's cold, cruel eyes bored into her very soul, promising nothing but pain and degradation. She couldn't bear the thought of being subjected to such inhumanity, of being defiled by this monster.

Her thoughts raced, consumed by a desperation that threatened to drown her. She couldn't see a way out, couldn't find an escape from the nightmare that was unfolding before her. As she stared into the face of her tormentor, she began to contemplate the unthinkable – choosing death over the fate that awaited her.

In the midst of her turmoil, she remembered the promise she had made to Koushin, and the fierce love and devotion that had fueled it. Her mind replayed his words, his fierce determination to protect her, to stand by her side no matter the cost.

"If I have to die to save you, I will," he had whispered, his eyes blazing with conviction. "I would rather die with you than live in a world without you."

Ino's heart clenched at the memory, tears streaming down her face as she realized the gravity of her decision. To choose death would mean breaking her promise to Koushin, leaving him to face the world alone without her by his side.

But the alternative was too horrifying to contemplate. And so, with her body shaking and her spirit crushed, Ino made a silent vow to Koushin, a final hesitation to honor her promise or prepare to meet her end.

"I'm so sorry, Koushin," she whispered, her voice choking with emotion. "I shouldn’t... I don't want to summon you to this hell, but I have to. I can't live through what they want to do to me, I would rather die. I hope you'll forgive me for wanting to die with you. I hope you can hug me in my death."

Her heart was heavy with conflicting emotions. Was she selfish to want to be joined by her beloved in death? Was love truly about sacrificing oneself for their partner? Or was it something more profound, something that transcended the boundaries of mortality and bound them together even in death? She couldn't help but wonder if their love would be stronger if they passed onto eternity hand in hand. It was for this reason that Koushin had made her promise to summon him in her death, so that they could depart from this world together. And she was determined to honor that promise, to be together till the very end. For she knew that she couldn't bear the thought of Koushin dying alone too, without her by his side. She would rather be summoned by him too.

As she steeled herself for the end, she reached for the vial of blood and chakra papers with trembling hands, a final, desperate attempt to summon Koushin and honor their bond.

The enemy sneered at them, a look of contempt etched on their face as they watched them standing there, their bodies trembling with fear and desperation. They wanted nothing more than to see them crumble, to kneel down and beg for mercy. It was all just a game to them, a chance to revel in their own superiority and assert their dominance over their hapless victims. With their overwhelming numbers, they had them firmly under their control, and they knew it. The end was inevitable, or so they thought.

Suddenly, the enemy leader's gaze fell upon the paper clutched in her hand, and he burst out laughing, a loud, boisterous sound that echoed through the air. Without warning, he swiped his hand, unleashing a powerful gust of wind that threatened to knock them off their feet. But even in the face of such overwhelming power, they stood firm, their fear giving way to a steely resolve that burned deep within their souls. They would not kneel, they would not beg. They would face their fate with courage and dignity, even if it meant staring death in the face.

The chakra paper, now stained with Koushin's blood, was snatched from Ino's grasp by a sudden gust of wind. Her eyes widened in terror as she watched it float away, her last hope seemingly slipping through her fingers. The enemy forces laughed cruelly, relieved that nothing had happened.

"Looks like your pathetic last attempt has failed, girl," the leader sneered, stepping closer to Ino. "Now, where were we? Ah yes, let's free you from those bothersome clothes."

Ino's heart pounded in her chest, her eyes locked on the chakra paper as it drifted further away. She felt torn, wondering if she should risk wasting the last drop of Koushin's blood or accept her fate. As she hesitated, the paper finally settled onto the ground, seemingly forgotten by everyone.

And then, in her darkest moment, when all hope seemed lost, a miracle happened.

Just as the enemy forces turned their attention back to Ino, a powerful reverberation shook the ground beneath their feet. The sound of pounding hooves echoed through the air, growing louder and more menacing with each passing moment. A figure on horseback appeared, silhouetted against the setting sun, charging towards them with a fierce intensity that made the enemy forces falter.

Ino's heart leaped into her throat as she took in the sight of the figure on the horse. Could it be? As the rider drew closer, she realized, with a mixture of shock and relief, that it was indeed Koushin. He was taller now, his shoulders wider, his body packed with slender muscles. His purple eyes, reflecting the full moon, promised cold brutality, and his hair was a tad longer, falling to his neck like a mane of sun reflecting the setting sun on his back, a great contrast to the moon in the sky.

As he approached, Ino's heart swelled with a mix of relief, happiness, regret, and desperation. She could hardly believe that he was really there, that he had come to save her. The enemy forces were numerous and strong, and she knew that the odds were stacked against them. But, even if they were to die together, they would do so with their promises to each other fulfilled.

His steed, a creature seemingly born from the shadows themselves, was an imposing sight. Its dark, glossy coat gleamed in the moonlight, and its fiery red eyes blazed with a fierce intelligence that reflected the dusking sun. This was Shadowmere, a creature of legend, and together with Koushin, they made an unstoppable force.

Koushin rode an abyss black horse, standing two meters tall and rippling with muscle. Ino had never seen such a fearsome creature before, but she instinctively knew that it was on their side. The horse's very presence seemed to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

As Koushin closed the distance between them, Ino could see the fierce determination in his eyes, and she knew that he would do whatever it took to protect her. She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for summoning him into such a dangerous situation, but her heart swelled with gratitude and love at the sight of him, willing to risk everything for her.

Koushin rode his horse with lightning speed, positioning himself between Ino and the enemy forces. His gaze never wavered from the enemy leader, his eyes cold and unforgiving. He raised his voice, his words echoing through the battlefield.

"Stay away from her. You will not touch her, or any of them, not even a single hair," he snarled, his tone leaving no room for doubt or negotiation.

The enemy leader sneered, trying to appear unfazed, but Ino could see the flicker of fear in his eyes. "And who do you think you are?" he challenged, trying to maintain his bravado.

"Koushin," he replied simply, as if the name carried the weight of a thousand warnings. "And I am here to keep my promise."

Ino watched from behind Koushin, her heart pounding with a mixture of relief and worry. She had faith in Koushin's abilities, but the enemy forces were numerous, and she knew that the battle ahead would be fierce.

With a mighty roar that echoed across the battlefield, Koushin charged forward, his heart blazing with a fierce determination to protect the ones he loved. In front of him lay a sea of enemies, their numbers seeming almost insurmountable. But Koushin was undaunted, his resolve unbreakable as he rode his powerful steed into the midst of the fray.

As he fought, his eyes were fixed on the battered forms of his comrades - Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru - lying helplessly behind him. He would not allow them to be harmed, not while he drew breath. And as he looked at Ino, his love, he could feel his anger boiling over. The lustful gazes of the enemy upon her only fueled his rage further, and he swore to himself that he would make them pay for their insolence.

With each swing of his weapon, Koushin moved with a grace and ferocity that left his enemies stunned. He fought with an otherworldly skill, honed by his time in the dangerous realms of Oblivion. Drawing on the power of the Dominion's Grasp Key, he weakened the willpower of his foes, making them vulnerable to his genjutsu.

As his enemies fell before him, their once-confident gazes replaced with fear and submission, Koushin knew that victory was within his grasp. But there was one foe who still stood in his way - the enemy leader, whose iron will had managed to resist Koushin's full power.

Koushin and the enemy leader faced each other, their eyes locked in a deadly stare. The air crackled with electricity as they both prepared to unleash their most devastating techniques.

The enemy leader had the power to use the jutsu of a powerful Jounin, hoping to catch Koushin off guard when he attacked. But Koushin was ready, dodging and weaving as he launched a barrage of Raiton: RasenSenbon attacks that rained down on his opponent like lightning bolts.

The enemy leader tried to retaliate, using a combination of Doton and Katon jutsu to create a shield and deflect Koushin's attacks. But Koushin was undeterred, unleashing a powerful Katon: RasenSpear that shattered the enemy's defense and left him vulnerable to Koushin's next move.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Koushin closed in on the enemy, his fist covered in a spinning mass of earth and stone - Doton: RasenKnuckle. He slammed his fist into the enemy's chest, sending him flying backward with a sickening crunch.

But Koushin was not done yet. He wanted to make the enemy pay for what he had done to Ino and her comrades. He continued to toy with his opponent, unleashing a barrage of Raiton: RasenSenbon attacks that sliced through the air like a thousand razor-sharp needles.

The enemy leader tried to fight back, but he was no match for Koushin's sheer power and skill. With each passing second, he grew weaker, his movements becoming slower and more labored.

And as Koushin landed the final blow, a devastating Raiton: RasenSaw attack that tore through the enemy's body like a buzzsaw, the other enemies could only watch in horror and despair. They knew that they were facing a force unlike any they had ever encountered, a Shinobi whose power and skill were beyond measure.

As Koushin emerged victorious, his enemies lay broken and defeated at his feet. He had shown them what true hopelessness looked like, and he had avenged Ino and his comrades with a brutal and unrelenting ferocity that left no doubt in anyone's mind.

As the dust settled, Koushin turned to face Ino, who stood in awe of the man who had come to her rescue. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to fade away. Emotion swelled within them, a mixture of relief, gratitude, and the deep bond that had always connected them.

Ino ran towards Koushin, her arms open wide, and he enveloped her in a tight embrace, lifting her off her feet as they held each other tightly. Their hearts beat in unison, a tender rhythm that spoke of their love for one another. Her emotions were in shambles. She had hoped to die with her beloved, tearing her heart in two by staying loyal to her promise to summon him to his death, but despite what she thought, Koushin was able to beat numerous enemies, not only saving her and others, but also avenging the desperation they felt.

Shikamaru and Choji, exhausted but alive, watched the emotional reunion from a distance. They exchanged a knowing glance, silently agreeing to give their friends some space to reconnect. As they tended to their wounds, they couldn't help but feel grateful for Koushin's timely arrival and the incredible power he had displayed.

Koushin slowly lowered Ino back to the ground, their eyes never leaving each other's. They were both a little older, a little wiser, and the intensity of their emotions had only grown in the time they had been apart. Their hands lingered, their fingers intertwined as they took a step back to study one another.

"You've changed, Koushin," Ino said softly, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "You're... stronger, more confident. But your heart is still the same. You came for me when I needed you most."

Koushin smiled, a warm, tender expression that reached his eyes. "And you, Ino," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "You've grown into an even more incredible kunoichi. I'm so proud of you."

Ino blushed at the compliment, her heart swelling with happiness. The world around them seemed to fall away as they stood there, basking in the warmth of their connection. In that moment, all their fears and doubts faded, replaced by a sense of belonging, of knowing they were meant to be by each other's side.

Koushin reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from Ino's face, his fingers gentle against her skin. "I missed you, Ino," he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Every day, I thought of you and wondered if you were safe, if you were happy."

Ino's eyes filled with tears, and she leaned into his touch. "I missed you too, Koushin. So much. But I always knew, deep down, that we would find our way back to each other."

As their emotions threatened to overwhelm them, Koushin leaned in, pressing his forehead against Ino's. They stood there, their breath mingling, their hearts beating in sync. It was as if they were speaking without words, their souls connecting on a level beyond the physical.

Ino's eyes flickered with uncertainty as she reluctantly pulled back from their tender embrace. "Koushin," she whispered, her voice wavering. "Do you... do you have to leave again?"

Koushin's expression shifted, a mixture of determination and sorrow crossing his face. He hesitated, his fingers gently tracing the curve of her cheek. "I... I have to, Ino. There are still a few more problems I need to solve, and it might take some time. I wish I could stay, but..."

Ino nodded, her eyes glistening with tears. She understood the weight of his responsibilities, the sacrifices he had to make for the greater good. But it didn't make the prospect of losing him again any easier to bear.

"Promise me something, Koushin," Ino said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Promise me you'll come back to me. No matter how long it takes, no matter what challenges you face... promise me you'll find your way back."

Koushin's eyes shone with unshed tears as he took Ino's hands in his. "I promise, Ino," he vowed, his voice thick with emotion. "No matter what happens, I will always come back to you. You are my anchor, my guiding light, and my heart. I can't imagine a life without you by my side.”

The corners of Ino's mouth lifted in a playful smile as she whispered, "You are still the lame dork." The words, though teasing, were tinged with a tenderness that made Koushin's heart swell.

Laughter trembled in his voice as he responded, his eyes shimmering with love. "I guess some things never change," he murmured gently. "I'll always be your lame dork, Ino."

Their laughter intertwined, creating a harmony that echoed through the night, a testament to the unshakable bond they shared. Embraced in each other's arms, they found solace in their connection, a love that had transcended time and distance.

Tears of longing and relief flowed down Ino's cheeks as she leaned in, capturing Koushin's lips in a fervent, soul-searing kiss. Their love, a force both fragile and indestructible, bound them together in a way that defied logic and reason.

As their lips parted, Ino nestled her head against Koushin's chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat an anchor in the storm. For that fleeting, precious moment, they were whole, their souls woven together in a tapestry of love that reached beyond the confines of the world around them.

But the harsh reality of their circumstances soon encroached upon their stolen reverie. With a heart heavy with sorrow and resolve, Koushin reluctantly extricated himself from Ino's embrace, his eyes brimming with unspoken promises. "I have to go, Ino," he whispered, the words a bitter pill on his tongue. "But remember... I will come back to you. I promise."

Ino nodded, her heart clenched by the agony of their imminent parting. As Koushin mounted Shadowmere, his silhouette melded with the moonlit sky, an image forever etched into her memory. The wind caressed them gently, weaving their promises, dreams, and love into a tapestry of unbreakable devotion.

As Koushin and Shadowmere vanished into the darkness, Ino clung to the memories of their stolen moments, the love they had shared, and the promises they had made. She knew that soon, Koushin would return to her, and their hearts would be reunited once more.

Until that fateful day arrived, she would hold onto the love that bound them together, using it as a guiding light to navigate the darkest nights, the most turbulent storms, and the fiercest battles. For deep within her soul, she knew that Koushin was hers, just as she was his. Their love, a powerful force that defied all odds, would be the beacon that illuminated their path, leading them back to each other's arms, where they belonged.

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