Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch79- Naruto is Back!


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-Well you welcome, dear author. Your genius is boundless.

-Well thank you ME.

Really though, the patron's name is Me. So, thanks!


Koushin stood on the roof of the Hokage building, his arms wrapped around Ino from behind, as they both joined Hinata, Shizune, Tsunade, and Kakashi in waiting for Naruto's arrival. Koushin had somehow known that Naruto would arrive at that moment, and although no one questioned how he knew, they all gathered in anticipation.

As they waited, the group chatted animatedly, with Koushin playfully teasing and flirting with Ino, much to the amusement and occasional annoyance of the others.

Koushin grinned at Ino, raising an eyebrow. "So, Pumpkin, you think Naruto will be taller than me when he gets back?"

Ino rolled her eyes, smiling despite herself. "I don't know, Koushin, maybe he'll just be more mature than you."

Tsunade, smirking at their banter, chimed in. "Oh, I think we can all agree that's a given."

Kakashi, with his usual nonchalance, added, "But knowing Naruto, he'll probably still be as unpredictable and mischievous as ever."

Just as the words left Kakashi's mouth, a puff of smoke appeared on the rooftop, signaling Naruto's arrival. As the smoke cleared, the group was momentarily taken aback by his appearance.

Naruto had grown significantly taller and more muscular, his 16-year-old frame now carrying a distinct air of confidence and strength. His once-spiky blonde hair was now pulled back into a man-bun, revealing the striking blue eyes that sparkled with mischief and determination. The whisker-like markings on his cheeks seemed to have deepened, lending him a more mature and fierce appearance. His Tengu-style crimson and black kimono draped over his broad shoulders, the rich colors accentuating his tan skin and powerful aura. The Sorrow Cutter, a katana with a red scabbard adorned with intricate designs, hung at his waist, a testament to his growth as a shinobi.

But what caught everyone's attention the most was the diamond-shaped violet seal on his forehead. It seemed to radiate a mysterious energy, and the group couldn't help but wonder about its significance and the power it might hold.

As they took in the sight of the transformed Naruto, their shock quickly turned to joy and excitement. With a wide grin, Naruto scanned the group and his eyes locked on Hinata. He rushed towards her, enveloping her in a tight embrace, much to her embarrassment, but she happily hugged back.

"I missed you so much, Princess!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine affection.

Hinata's cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she stuttered, "I-I missed you too, Naruto."

Koushin grumbled unhappily, although he smiled, saying, "You raise them for years, and they just forget you and hug their girlfriends."

His mock complaint drew laughter from the group, and Naruto turned to face him, his eyes widening in surprise as he realized Koushin was there.

"Kou!!" he exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face as he disentangled himself from Hinata and darted towards his surrogate brother.

Koushin opened his arms, and Naruto practically tackled him into a tight hug, his enthusiasm nearly knocking them both off their feet.

"It's so good to see you, Kou!" Naruto said, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "I can't believe you're finally back!"

Koushin chuckled, returning the embrace with equal warmth. "It's good to see you too, little brother. I've missed you."

As they pulled apart, Koushin looked Naruto up and down, taking in the changes that had occurred during their time apart. "You've grown so much, Naruto. I can hardly believe it."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, a familiar gesture that Koushin found endearing. "Yeah, well, I had a great teacher, didn't I?"

Koushin smiled, his heart swelling with pride at the young man his brother had become. "You look so cool in those robes, I am going to burn them!"

Tsunade, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, studied the violet seal on Naruto's forehead with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "Naruto, how on earth did you learn to cultivate my secret technique? The Strength of a Hundred Seal was a creation of my grandmother Mito, and I was the only other person who knew it."

Naruto grinned, his blue eyes dancing with excitement as he prepared to share his discovery. "Well, you know how I've been training with the Tengu Clan, right? Their first contractor was actually an Uzumaki - Uzumaki Hana. It turns out she left some special seals behind in their realm, and one of them was the Violet Seal. When I first saw it, I was shocked, because I thought only you knew this technique, Grandma Tsunade. So, I asked the Tengu Leader, Konoha-Tengu, about it, and he told me Mito probably learned it from Hana's records or one of her students."

Tsunade listened intently, her brow furrowed as she processed the new information. "That's fascinating, Naruto. It seems our family's connection to the Tengu Clan runs even deeper than we thought."

Kakashi, leaning against the railing of the rooftop, looked intrigued. "So, Naruto, is this seal you've cultivated any different from Tsunade's version?"

Naruto nodded enthusiastically, clearly eager to share the details. "Actually, it is! It has all the perks of the Strength of a Hundred Seal, but it also has the added ability to store a vast amount of elemental chakra. In my case, that's Wind Chakra."

Hinata's eyes widened with wonder. "That's incredible, Naruto. It must be an incredibly powerful technique."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head, a touch of pride evident in his expression. "It's definitely been a huge help during my training. I think it's going to make a big difference in our future battles."

Shizune, who had been silently listening to the conversation, finally spoke up. "Naruto, I'm impressed with how far you've come. Your dedication to becoming stronger and protecting those you care about is truly inspiring."

Naruto's cheeks reddened slightly at the praise, but he smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Shizune. I couldn't have done it without all the support and encouragement from all of you."

Koushin playfully punched Naruto's shoulder, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, don't get too cocky, little brother. There's still a lot for you to learn."

Naruto laughed, looking at Koushin with an evil grin on his face. "Your days of tyranny have come to an end, Kou. I shall prove once and for all that I am the older brother by kicking your ass."

Koushin smirked, his eyes shining with amusement. "Heh, you're still a hundred years too young to beat me, Naruto."

Tsunade, her excitement mounting, chimed in. "We still haven't tested Koushin's power. Let's go to Training Ground 7 to test both of your powers."

The others eagerly voiced their agreement, ready to see the two surrogate brothers face off, when suddenly, a red beam landed on Naruto's chest. Karin, her face flushed with happiness, wrapped her arms around him, exclaiming how much she had missed him.

Naruto, caught off guard by her sudden embrace, looked down at Karin in surprise. "K-Karin, it's good to see you too."

Hinata, observing the scene with a mixture of amusement and mild annoyance, gently cleared her throat. "Ahem, Karin, I think Naruto needs to breathe."

Karin, realizing her overenthusiastic hug, sheepishly released Naruto and stepped back. "S-Sorry, I just got so excited to see him again."

Naruto smiled warmly at Karin, appreciative of her concern for him. "No worries, Karin. It's really great to see you again too."

Koushin, ever the playful instigator, winked at Naruto. "Careful, little brother. You might have more than one challenger today."

Naruto rolled his eyes at Koushin's teasing but couldn't suppress a chuckle.

The group, now joined by Karin, made their way to Training Ground 7, their anticipation growing with each step. As they arrived, they couldn't help but marvel at the vast expanse of the training ground, filled with an assortment of targets, obstacles, and sparring rings. The perfect setting for a friendly competition between the two powerhouse shinobi.

Tsunade, clearly in her element, clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention. "Alright, Koushin and Naruto, let's see what you've got. We'll start with a simple sparring match, no jutsu or chakra usage. Just hand-to-hand combat. Are you both ready?"

Naruto and Koushin nodded, their eyes locked on one another, determination and excitement written across their faces.

As Naruto and Koushin stepped into the sparring ring, they took a moment to size each other up. Their eyes met, a spark of competitiveness igniting between them. They exchanged grins, knowing that this friendly match would give them an opportunity to test their skills against one another and provide a chance to strengthen their bond.

Tsunade raised her hand, preparing to signal the start of the match. "On my mark, begin!"

The moment her hand dropped, Naruto and Koushin sprang into action. Naruto launched himself at Koushin with surprising speed, aiming a punch at his face. Koushin, however, easily sidestepped the attack, countering with a swift kick to Naruto's side.

Naruto grunted as he took the hit, but his grin never wavered. "You've still got it, Kou. But you're not the only one who's been training."

Koushin chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Is that so, little brother? Let's see what you've got."

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