Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch80- Koushin vs Naruto


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Naruto responded with a rapid series of punches and kicks, forcing Koushin to stay on the defensive. Koushin, however, remained calm and composed, parrying and dodging each attack with practiced ease.

As they continued to trade blows, their friends watched in awe, impressed by the speed and power both fighters displayed. Ino, standing beside Hinata, couldn't help but cheer them on. "Come on, Koushin! Show Naruto what you're made of!"

Hinata, however, couldn't help but worry for Naruto's safety. "Please be careful, Naruto."

During a brief pause in their battle, Koushin glanced over at Ino, a teasing glint in his eye. "Pumpkin, with your cheerings carrying me, I shall blast his arrogant ass off!?"

Ino rolled her eyes, laughing despite herself. "Oh, please, like you need cheering to show off. Just don't hurt each other too much, okay?"

Koushin grinned before turning his attention back to Naruto. "You hear that, little brother? We've got an audience."

Naruto smirked, not missing a beat. "Well, in that case, I guess I'll have to show off a little."

With that, Naruto rushed forward, his movements a blur as he attempted to land a hit on Koushin. Koushin, however, anticipated the move and caught Naruto's fist in his hand, using his momentum to throw him over his shoulder.

Naruto, however, quickly flipped mid-air, landing gracefully on his feet. "Not bad, Kou. But I've got a few tricks up my sleeve too."

Koushin raised an eyebrow, curious to see what Naruto had in store. "Oh really? Let's see it then."

Naruto didn't disappoint. He charged at Koushin again, this time feinting a high kick before quickly changing direction and sweeping Koushin's legs out from under him.

Koushin landed on his back with a grunt, momentarily stunned by Naruto's agility. He quickly recovered, springing back to his feet with a grin. "Impressive, Naruto. I didn't see that one coming."

Naruto beamed, proud of himself for catching Koushin off guard. "Just a little something I picked up during my training. But I'm not done yet!"

Their sparring match continued, both fighters evenly matched as they showcased their skills. Each blow was met with a counter, and neither could gain the upper hand. The onlookers, enthralled by the display, cheered and shouted encouragement, their excitement growing with each passing moment.

As Naruto and Koushin continued their intense hand-to-hand combat, their movements became a blur, a testament to their incredible speed and power. The two surrogate brothers exchanged blow after blow, each one met with a parry or dodge, their faces a mix of determination and exhilaration.

Naruto, panting slightly, wiped sweat from his brow before grinning at Koushin. "You know, Kou, I never thought I'd enjoy getting my ass kicked so much."

Koushin laughed, equally winded but still full of energy. "You're not doing so bad yourself, little brother. But don't think I'm going to go easy on you."

The banter between the two only served to fuel their competitive spirits, and their friends couldn't help but be drawn in by their enthusiasm. As Koushin narrowly dodged a spinning kick from Naruto, Shikamaru, who arrived with Choji upon hearing the battle, commented from the sidelines, "I never thought I'd see the day when Naruto would give Koushin a run for his money."

Ino, her eyes never leaving the intense battle, nodded in agreement. "It's amazing how much they've both grown. It's hard to believe they're the same people we knew all those years ago."

Hinata, her hands clasped together in worry, whispered, "I just hope they don't hurt each other too much."

Back in the ring, Naruto and Koushin continued their fast-paced exchange, their movements almost too quick for the human eye to follow. Koushin, taking advantage of a brief lapse in Naruto's defenses, managed to land a solid punch to his shoulder.

Naruto winced but grinned, his eyes sparkling with determination. "Nice hit, Kou. But you're going to have to do better than that to take me down."

Koushin smirked, not missing a beat. "Is that a challenge, little brother?"

Naruto's response was to charge forward, his fist aimed directly at Koushin's face. Koushin, however, easily sidestepped the attack, countering with a swift elbow to Naruto's side.

As Naruto reeled from the blow, Koushin seized the opportunity to launch a flurry of attacks. Naruto, however, quickly regained his composure and managed to parry each strike with impressive skill.

Their friends, watching in awe, couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer speed and power of their sparring match. Choji shouted, "Come on, Naruto! Show Smart Ass what you've learned!"

Hinata, her worry momentarily forgotten, cheered, "You can do it, Naruto! I believe in you!"

Feeling a sudden surge of confidence, Naruto decided to up the ante. As Koushin charged forward, Naruto swiftly drew Sorrow Cutter, the katana gleaming dangerously in the sunlight.

Koushin, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the weapon, instinctively reached for a kunai, his grip firm and steady.

The atmosphere shifted as the two brothers faced each other, weapons in hand, their eyes locked in a fierce, unwavering stare.

The onlookers gasped as they watched the sparring match escalate, the tension in the air palpable. Ino glanced nervously at Hinata, who was biting her lip in concern. "This is getting serious," Ino muttered, her eyes never leaving the two combatants.

Hinata nodded, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. "Please be careful, both of you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

As Naruto and Koushin circled each other, weapons at the ready, their gazes never wavered. Naruto's eyes were filled with determination, while Koushin's held a hint of excitement.

With a sudden burst of speed, Naruto lunged at Koushin, Sorrow Cutter slicing through the air with a deadly grace. Koushin, however, was quick to react, deflecting the blow with his kunai.

The sharp clang of metal against metal rang out, echoing through the training grounds as the two warriors exchanged a series of rapid, powerful strikes. Each attack was met with a counter, neither willing to give the other an opening.

Naruto, fueled by his desire to prove himself, continued to press the attack, forcing Koushin to remain on the defensive. Koushin, however, maintained his composure, his movements fluid and precise as he parried each of Naruto's strikes.

The onlookers held their breath, their eyes locked on the intense battle unfolding before them. Shikamaru couldn't help but marvel at their skill, commenting, "I never thought I'd see Naruto wielding a katana like that. His training with Tengu really paid off."

Ino nodded, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement. "I know. It's incredible. But Koushin is holding his own too. He's always been resourceful."

As the weapon battle continued, both Naruto and Koushin began to show signs of fatigue, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they struggled to maintain their speed and power. Sweat dripped from their brows, but neither was willing to back down.

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