Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch81- Naruto vs Koushin(2)


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Seeing that he was losing ground, Naruto focused his chakra, and a cloak of wind enveloped his body. The Wind Chakra Cloak made him faster, lighter, and allowed him to deflect incoming attacks with ease. His movements became a blur, and the sheer speed of his attacks increased dramatically.

Koushin's eyes widened in surprise, but a grin soon spread across his face. He was always up for a challenge. Channeling his own chakra, Koushin was enveloped by a Lightning Chakra Cloak, making him as fast as lightning, with improved response time and reflexes.

The two surrogate brothers, now both cloaked in elemental chakra, charged towards one another, their weapons clashing with a resounding clang. The force of their blows shook the air around them, creating gusts of wind and crackling sparks of electricity.

Their friends watched in awe, unable to tear their eyes away from the epic, high-speed battle. Choji, his eyes wide with excitement, exclaimed, "I've never seen anything like this before! They're both so fast!"

Shikamaru nodded, his analytical mind working overtime. "This is something else entirely. Naruto's Wind Chakra Cloak is impressive, but Koushin's Lightning Chakra Cloak is just as powerful. It's hard to predict the outcome of this match."

Ino and Hinata, on the other hand, were growing increasingly worried. The intensity of the battle had reached new heights, and both fighters were pushing themselves to their limits.

As the battle raged on, Naruto and Koushin continued to clash, their elemental chakra cloaks flaring with each strike. The air was filled with a chaotic symphony of crackling lightning and howling wind, as the two fighters showcased their newfound abilities.

Naruto, his Wind Chakra Cloak swirling around him, launched a series of rapid slashes with Sorrow Cutter, the wind-enhanced blade slicing through the air with devastating force. Koushin, however, managed to dodge and deflect each attack, his Lightning Chakra Cloak granting him the speed and reflexes to keep up with Naruto's onslaught.

Not to be outdone, Koushin went on the offensive, his kunai crackling with electricity as he thrust it towards Naruto. Naruto's Wind Chakra Cloak came to his aid, deflecting the electrified weapon just in time.

The onlookers could hardly believe their eyes, as the two warriors continued to trade blows at a breakneck pace. Even their elemental chakra cloaks seemed to be locked in a fierce competition, the wind and lightning fighting for dominance with each attack.

Naruto, fueled by his desire to prove himself, pushed his Wind Chakra Cloak to its limits, the winds swirling around him growing more and more powerful. Koushin, unwilling to be outmatched, did the same with his Lightning Chakra Cloak, the electricity crackling around him becoming more intense.

Naruto managed to disarm Koushin, and smirking, he declared, "Looks like I win, big brother."

Shikamaru and Choji sighed, nodding in agreement. "That was a good battle, Koushin, but it looks like Naruto has you beat this time," Choji said.

Koushin stared at his empty hand, a momentary look of frustration crossing his face. But before he could respond, Ino, Hinata, and Kakashi shook their heads.

Ino smiled, her eyes full of confidence in her partner. "Don't count Koushin out just yet. His strong suit was never weapons, but his fists."

Hinata nodded, recalling the countless sparring matches she had witnessed between the two. "Koushin's hand-to-hand combat skills are formidable."

Kakashi, who had been silently observing the match, finally spoke up. "That's right. Koushin's true strength lies in his taijutsu."

Naruto's smirk faltered, and he gulped as he remembered the painful beatings he had received from Koushin's fists in the past. He knew better than anyone the sheer power behind those hands.

Koushin cracked his knuckles and grinned, electricity still crackling around his body. "Well, little brother, it seems our audience wants a show. Are you ready for round two?"

Naruto steeled himself, his determination returning. "Bring it on, Koushin. I'm not backing down."

The air on the battlefield grew heavy, charged with tension and anticipation as Koushin stepped forward, his body wreathed in lightning. Naruto braced himself, his Wind Chakra Cloak swirling around him like a protective shield.

Koushin launched himself at Naruto, his fists striking like bolts of lightning. Naruto barely had time to react as Koushin's powerful blows connected with his body, sending him reeling. The crackling energy from the Lightning Chakra Cloak only served to amplify the force behind each hit.

Naruto gritted his teeth, trying to fight through the pain and regain his footing. He managed to dodge a few of Koushin's strikes, but the sheer speed and power behind them made it nearly impossible to avoid them all.

Ino, Hinata, and the others watched anxiously as Koushin continued his relentless assault. They could see the pain etched on Naruto's face, but they also saw his determination not to give in.

Koushin, his eyes focused and intense, pressed on. "You're doing better than I expected, Naruto. But you're still not quite there."

Naruto, struggling to stay on his feet, glared back at Koushin. "Don't underestimate me, Koushin. I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve."

With that, Naruto summoned all his strength and launched a counterattack, using his Wind Chakra Cloak to propel him forward. He managed to land a solid hit on Koushin, sending him skidding backward.

Koushin quickly recovered and smirked, acknowledging Naruto's resilience. "Not bad, little brother. But now it's my turn."

He rushed forward, his fists moving with blinding speed. Naruto tried to deflect and dodge the attacks, but he was quickly growing exhausted.

Hinata clenched her fists, her worry for Naruto mounting. "Please be careful, Naruto."

Ino, her eyes full of concern, added, "Koushin, don't push him too hard. Remember, this is just a friendly sparring match."

Kakashi, observing the battle, remarked, "Koushin's taijutsu has always been exceptional. Naruto is doing well to keep up, but he's starting to reach his limit."

Shikamaru nodded in agreement, concern etched on his face as well. "We should probably stop this before it gets out of hand."

The intensity of the battle continued to grow, with Koushin and Naruto exchanging blow after blow, their elemental chakra cloaks flaring with each hit. Their friends watched, torn between admiration for their skills and worry for their well-being.

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