Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch95- Crucial Information


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Tsunade turned her attention back to the group, her expression grave. "We need to prepare for the possibility of more reanimations, and we must also figure out a way to counter the Akatsuki's ability to extract tailed beasts without killing the host. This is a dangerous development, and we must be ready to face it."

Kakashi nodded, his determination clear. "We'll do whatever it takes to protect the village and our comrades, Lady Tsunade."

Tsunade looked at each of them, her eyes filled with pride and determination. "I know you will. Now go get some rest. You've earned it."

As the group left the Hokage's office, they couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and trepidation. They had completed their mission and saved the lives of Rasa and Kankuro, but their failure to rescue Gaara weighed heavily on their minds. The revelation of Obito's survival and his role within the Akatsuki only added to their sense of unease.

They knew that the battles ahead would be challenging, and they couldn't afford to falter. For now, though, they would take solace in the fact that they had returned home safely and would soon be reunited with their friends and loved ones.

As the group made their way through the village, Koushin walked alongside Kakashi, curiosity gnawing at him. There was so much he didn't know, having been away for nearly three years. Before he had left, he had suggested to Tsunade that they get in touch with the other villages and warn them about the Akatsuki. He was eager to find out if his suggestion had been followed and if the villages were united in their efforts against the Akatsuki.

"Kakashi-sensei," Koushin began, trying to sound casual despite his curiosity, "Before I left, I had suggested to Lady Tsunade that we reach out to the other villages about the Akatsuki. Did we manage to establish contact? Are the villages united against them?"

Kakashi nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, we did. Lady Tsunade sent out envoys to the other villages, warning them about the Akatsuki and the threat they posed. Most of the villages agreed to work together, sharing information and resources to help combat the Akatsuki."

Koushin sighed in relief, pleased that his suggestion had been followed. "That's good to hear. We'll need to stand together if we're to have any chance of stopping them."

Kakashi's expression darkened as he continued. "Unfortunately, not all the villages were receptive to our message. Some have chosen to remain neutral, fearing the consequences of taking a stand against the Akatsuki. Others are more concerned with their own power struggles and internal disputes."

Koushin frowned, disappointed but not entirely surprised by the news. "I suppose that's to be expected. Village politics and rivalries run deep. Still, it's frustrating to know that we could be stronger if we were all united in our efforts."

Kakashi nodded in agreement. "It is, but we have to focus on working with those who are willing to stand with us. The bonds we've forged with the other villages will be crucial in the battles to come."

Koushin looked thoughtful for a moment before asking another question that had been on his mind. "What about the other Jinchuuriki? Have we been able to locate and protect them?"

Kakashi sighed, his expression grim. "We've managed to locate some of them and provide protection, but there are still others who remain hidden, either by choice or by circumstance. We're doing our best to find them and offer our support, but it's a difficult task."

Koushin nodded, understanding the challenges involved in locating and protecting the Jinchuuriki. "I can only imagine. I hope we can find them before the Akatsuki do."

They walked in silence for a while, each lost in their thoughts about the challenges they faced and the difficult road ahead. Finally, Koushin spoke up again, his curiosity piqued by another aspect of their situation.

The sun was just starting to rise as Jiraiya made his way to the Hokage's office. A sense of urgency marked his steps, the normally jovial Toad Sage appearing unusually serious. Beside him, Sai, his new student, mirrored his master's gravity, an unusual departure from his usual aloof demeanor.

"Remember, Sai," Jiraiya began, his tone stern, "Information is a valuable weapon in our line of work. What we've discovered could tip the scales in our favor."

Sai nodded, an earnest look on his face. "Understood, Master Jiraiya. I'm ready to share everything we've found."

Upon arriving at the Hokage's office, they found Tsunade waiting for them, along with Kakashi, Koushin, Naruto, Hinata, and Shin, Kakashi's new student who idolized his master. Even at first glance, it was clear Shin was striving to imitate Kakashi, from the headband covering his left eye to the aloof demeanor he tried to project. But now that Kakashi’s eye was healed, it was no longer covered. Shin, though, still covered one of his eyes.

Tsunade acknowledged their arrival with a nod. "Jiraiya, Sai, thank you for coming so quickly. Let's get straight to the point. What information do you have?"

Jiraiya cleared his throat and began. "Sai and I have been tracking Orochimaru's movements and contacts. Recently, we discovered a transaction between one of Orochimaru's spies and an unknown party. We suspect this party may be connected to the Akatsuki."

The room fell silent as they absorbed this information. Tsunade leaned forward, her eyes sharp. "Did you manage to identify who this unknown party is?"

Jiraiya shook his head. "No, we couldn't get close enough to identify them. But we believe they're meeting again soon, and we'd like to plan an ambush to learn more about Orochimaru and the Akatsuki's plans."

Tsunade frowned thoughtfully, drumming her fingers against her desk. "That's a risky move, Jiraiya. If things go wrong, we could tip them off."

Sai, who had been observing the exchange silently, chose this moment to step forward, trying to mimic Jiraiya's confident air as he spoke. "It is indeed a risk, Lady Tsunade, but with the information we could gain, the potential rewards could be invaluable. I believe we have a good chance of pulling this off."

Tsunade turned her gaze to Sai, scrutinizing him for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Let's plan this out, then."

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