Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch96- Nakama Power!


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The group spent the next few hours strategizing, going over every possible scenario and planning their responses. Sai, despite his normally awkward demeanor, proved to be surprisingly adept at tactical planning, often agreeing with Jiraiya's points and occasionally suggesting innovative ideas of his own.

The meeting was tense, filled with grave faces and the heavy weight of responsibility. Everyone understood that this mission had the potential to reveal vital information about the enemy, but also posed great risks.

Naruto, feeling the weight of the situation, clenched his fists, his determined gaze fixed on the map spread out on the table. "We have to do this, no matter the risk. We can't let them get away with their plans."

As the morning sun peaked over the horizon, Konoha bustled with activity. The five teams, led by Jiraiya, were preparing to set out on a mission that could potentially turn the tide in their ongoing conflict with the Akatsuki. At the head of the group, Jiraiya surveyed the ninja under his command, his usually playful demeanor replaced by a sober gravity that reflected the seriousness of the situation.

Team 3, led by Hyuga Iroha, stood tall and ready, composed of Sai, Shin, and Yuyu. Sai, always looking to emulate Jiraiya, mirrored his master's stern expression, appearing unusually focused. Shin, on the other hand, was trying to channel Kakashi's aloofness. His eye hidden behind his headband, he attempted to look nonchalant, though a hint of nervousness betrayed his composure.

Jiraiya's gaze then moved to Team 7, Kakashi's squad. Kakashi stood at the forefront, his demeanor calm yet determined. Beside him were Koushin, Naruto, and Hinata. Naruto's face was a mask of determination, his blue eyes burning with resolve. Koushin seemed to draw from Kakashi's calm, looking composed despite the gravity of the mission. Hinata, though looking slightly nervous, stood tall, her resolve not to let her comrades down clear on her face.

Team 8 was next. Led by Kurenai, the team comprised of Sakura, Kiba, and Shino. Sakura's brows were furrowed in concentration, her eyes glinting with determination. Kiba, with Akamaru at his side, looked confident, ready for action, while Shino, as always, kept his emotions hidden behind his dark glasses, his posture revealing nothing but readiness.

Asuma's Team 10 consisted of Shikamaru, Chouji, and Ino. Shikamaru looked as casual as ever, but his eyes held a keen sharpness that spoke of his readiness for the mission ahead. Chouji was munching on his favourite chips, but his expression was serious, a change from his usual carefree self. Ino, ever the cute, looked focused and ready, her gaze steady on her darling, Koushin.

Lastly, Team Gai stood energetic as ever, led by Gai himself. Neji appeared composed and prepared, his Byakugan eyes serious. Lee, mirroring his sensei's fervor, was practically bouncing on his heels in anticipation, while Tenten, ever the practical one, was checking her weapons one last time.

Looking at the assembled shinobi, Jiraiya couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They were a formidable force, each team unique in their abilities and strengths. He knew that whatever they would face at Kannabi Bridge, they were prepared to meet it head-on.

"All right," he began, addressing the group, "our mission is simple in its goal, but potentially complex in its execution. We will be ambushing the Kannabi Bridge to intercept a meeting between one of Orochimaru's spies and an unknown party. Our primary objective is to capture them and extract as much information as possible."

A collective nod of understanding rippled through the group. Each shinobi knew the importance of this mission. Information was crucial in this war, and this was an opportunity they couldn't afford to miss.

"The operation will be carried out in two stages," Jiraiya continued, pointing to a detailed map of the bridge and its surrounding areas. "First, we'll surround the area, laying out a perimeter to prevent any escape. Second, once the meeting is underway, we'll close in, ensuring that neither party can flee without a fight. It is essential that we coordinate our actions and respond quickly to any changes in the situation."

He shifted his gaze, making sure each shinobi understood their part. "Team Gai and Team 8, you will secure the perimeter. Your task is to prevent reinforcements from arriving and block escape routes. Team 10 and Team 3, you will be on standby, ready to provide support when we launch the attack. Lastly, Team 7, with me, will move in for the capture once the meeting begins."

There was a heavy silence as each team took in their tasks, committing them to memory. The gravity of the mission hung over them, but there was no fear in their faces, only a steadfast resolve.

"Remember, we move as one," Jiraiya stressed, "Communication and coordination are vital. We cannot afford to act independently. Any questions?"

Shikamaru raised a hand. "How do we know when to move in for the capture? We don't want to jump the gun and scare them off before the meeting even starts."

To Shikamaru's question, Sai walked forward, his posture rigidly straight in contrast to Jiraiya's relaxed stance. "I believe I have a solution to that," he said, his voice calm and composed. "Over the last three years, I have refined my ink techniques with Master Jiraiya. I can now create drawings that react and transform in response to specific signals."

His words sparked a round of impressed murmurs amongst the group. Sai continued, presenting a small ink brush from his pouch. "I will inscribe a mark on each of us. When the signal is given, the mark will change shape. This will allow us to coordinate our actions seamlessly."

As the group digested Sai's plan, Jiraiya chuckled, a warm and proud sound. "That's my boy, always thinking ahead. His dedication to improving his techniques is admirable."

Sai, however, shook his head humbly. "The credit doesn't belong to me alone," he confessed, his eyes sliding over to meet Koushin's. "This idea was originally Koushin's."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the group. Koushin, standing next to Kakashi, had a knowing smirk on his face. But he quickly replaced it with a modest shrug, saying, "I just thought it would be useful."

Seeing the impressed glances directed at Koushin, Ino stepped forward, a proud smile on her face. "That's my boyfriend, always thinking ten steps ahead."

Koushin looked at her with a playful smirk, his eyes sparkling with affection. "How was that Pumpkin-chan?" he asked, the teasing nickname sending a wave of amusement through the group. "Your boyfriend is a genius, isn't he?"

In response, Ino simply rolled her eyes, though her smile never faltered. As the group erupted into light-hearted laughter, Koushin allowed himself a small moment of satisfaction. He had come up with the idea three years ago, right before he had left for training with Kakashi. It had been inspired by a muggle story, Harry Potter, where they used a charm called Protean to link objects and allow them to change in sync. He thought if Sai could pull off something similar, it could be invaluable in the field.

But Koushin wasn't finished yet. Just as Sai was about to start marking people, he halted him. "Wait, Sai," he called, drawing everyone's attention. "Mark everyone's back of the forearm with an 'X'. Depending on the order, you can then change it."

Brows furrowed in confusion, Shikamaru was the one to voice the question everyone had. "Why an 'X'?"

With an enigmatic smirk, Koushin only said, "Nakama Power."

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