Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 110 The Strangeness on the Road

"When you get out of the car, you will follow between me and Ah Xun. Lucky egg is an ordinary elf that can be immune to the attack of ghost elves. It shouldn't be a big problem if you are smart." Shinpei told carefully, even he himself was involved in this emergency, whether he can take good care of his teammates... No one can tell.

A convoy of buses was speeding through the road, and the road was rarely empty, even private cars on the side of the road were removed.The police force has blocked the passage leading to Huarui Town, and intercepted and repatriated all citizens.

Miscellaneous personnel are likely to make the situation more out of control.

"My lord, please be careful!" A Junsha wearing a police badge nodded, signaling to let go of the roadblock.

When the bus passed the checkpoint, the police officers at the intersection raised their hands and saluted to show their respect to the trainers who went to the front line for support.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, it's just a simple task and we'll be back soon." Shinpei comforted silently, her hands were constantly sweating nervously, obviously her heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Hearing Shinpei's comfort, Yumi's nervous heart calmed down a little.

"I hope so..." She looked out of the window worriedly.As the distance continued to shorten, the surrounding atmosphere gradually became strange.

Now it should be the turn of winter and spring, and it should be the time when all things are revived. The leaves of the large vegetation on the roadside are wilting, as if something has absorbed the power of life.

The street trees beside the road are dyed a deeper dark green at this moment, and the layers of tree crowns are stacked, bringing an unimaginable sense of depression.

The closer one gets to Huarui Town, the stronger this sense of depression and discomfort becomes.

"What do you think is the source of the weirdness? Could it really be the legendary ghost... How should we deal with that thing?" Someone whispered, venting their anxiety.

"Who knows, maybe it's just an extremely powerful ghost elf. Those who have lived for an unknown amount of time often have extraordinary abilities. I've heard that in other continents, there are crystal ghosts that can suck human souls."

"By the way, did you hear any strange sounds? Why do I feel that there is something making noises in the back of the seat, as if there is some kind of creeping feeling..." Yumei suddenly asked in doubt when she noticed something strange.

The outer layer of the seat of the bus is a conventional textile, which is filled with material cushioning.When something goes wrong, you can easily feel that something is wrong.

"When you say that, I seem to have the same feeling." As soon as he was reminded, Shinpei also felt uncomfortable immediately, and the chair behind him felt weird to the touch, and his whole body was hairy, and he unconsciously left the backrest.

"You two, don't wander around. Huarui Town is coming soon. If you want to go to the toilet, I'll talk about it later." A trainer reprimanded him. In his opinion, the two of them might have left their seats because of a sudden urgency.

This weird move naturally aroused the curiosity of more than 20 trainers present, especially Melissa, the leader, frowned and expressed doubts.

"Everyone be quiet, listen carefully!"

I saw Shinpei's right hand sticking down slightly to signal everyone to keep quiet. Although they had doubts, everyone still tried their best to cooperate and keep silent.Finally, the voice described by Mei in this extremely quiet environment finally became clear.

It was a hoarse creaking sound similar to that made by worms drilling in some rotting medium, but it was somewhat different from the sound made by worms in nature, and the sound it made was more similar to the sound of flesh and blood being cut.

Cut through the skin, drill into the flesh, tear apart the bones, and split the entire body into pieces.

In the silence, the creaking sound continued to amplify, and it gradually became easy to detect without listening carefully. Not only the sound, but also a certain special smell coming from the backrest became stronger.

A certain trainer who had done some research on smell stood up, pouted his nose, and analyzed the source of the smell.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and screamed: "This smell! This smell is the smell of dead bodies, definitely human corpses, I will never make a mistake, why does our car have this smell!"

The smell of dead bodies?
As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere became even more weird. Shinpei felt cold sweat slowly seeping from the edge of his neck, and the slightly cool chill constantly stimulated his brain.

Finally, it was Melissa who broke the silence. She turned her right hand in a well-dressed outfit, and took out a delicate and long dagger from the scabbard. It was engraved with black texture, and the silver-plated blade exuded a chill.

This is a supernatural dagger, contaminated with the power of ghost spirits.

The dagger quickly slashed across the seat back, and the sharp edge easily tore off the outer layer, exposing the stuffing inside.


Almost everyone present gasped at this moment, because inside the torn stuffing, lumps of white greasy fat and mottled bright red meat lumps were stuffed in a messy mess.

What's even more frightening is that in the center of the stuffing, a single human palm is stuffed randomly, which is particularly eye-catching in the mass of flesh and blood, which means that the owner of this pile of things may belong to a certain human being.

The bottom line in everyone's mind exploded suddenly, and the desire to survive constantly filled the depths of everyone's mind
But where did the sound of the maggots writhing come from?
Shocked, everyone glanced at the large area of ​​gray tones outside the window, covering wherever they could see.It turned out that the vehicle had driven into the fog at some point, and a colder feeling filled the small compartment space.

Suddenly, the sound of running water came from the darkened carriage. The sound came from far to near, and it was similar to the sound of marbles falling from the roof at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

The ticking sound gradually turned into a weird giggle, and a kind of pure malice began to envelope everyone in the car, as if it came from a pure abyss.

The atmosphere in the car had dropped to freezing point, and Melissa, as the leader, had to make a statement.Although this woman who was with ghost elves was surprised, she would definitely not be afraid of such a supernatural plot.

She snorted coldly, and a black elf ball on her belt suddenly burst into light: "Pretend to be a ghost, come out, Night Demon, and catch me the damned thing!"

Sure enough, the first thing Melissa summoned was the night demon known as the gatekeeper of the underworld. The terrifying scene in the carriage was most likely caused by ghost spirits.

[Elf: Night Demon / Gender: ♂ / Level: LV66]

[Characteristic: Sense of oppression / Attribute: Fighting / Status: Health]

The two-meter-tall body of the Night Demon Spirit seemed a bit crowded in the carriage, but this big guy didn't care.The antenna-shaped object above its head began to emit flashes of yellow light after it came into contact with the air. As if it had discovered something, a huge shadow ball condensed in its hand and blasted towards the floor.

"What!" There was an exclamation from the crowd, the shadow ball did not harm the steel floor, instead, waves of strange cries of pain reached everyone's ears.

That cry of pain was very strange, as if it sounded in the human mind, tightening the nerves of human beings.

The Night Demon didn't seem to relax at all, the shadow balls continued to blast out, and the overflowing ghost power almost cleaned the entire carriage.Thanks to the powerful control accuracy of the Night Demon, the shadow ball caused no physical damage at all, and all the damage seemed to be directly applied to the hidden thing through some means.

Finally, under the 1-minute long shadow ball attack, the hidden elf finally appeared. The doll with tattered body and weird expression was forcibly expelled from a certain space.

It has a thin black puppet body, two scarlet pupilless eyes lined up on its weird head, and what is even more frightening is its half-open mouth with a zipper.

It is the ghost cursed doll!
Seeing that it was a ghost-type elf, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was just a ghost-type elf. Now that it was clear that it was pretending to be a ghost, the matter could be resolved.

But to everyone's surprise, Melissa, who commanded the Night Demon to capture the Resentful Shadow Doll, did not relax at all, but became even more nervous.

"This thing is not a curse doll, everyone be careful, the night demon swallows it with a black hole, and banish this ghost thing to the underworld for me!"

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