Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 111 Attack and Ruthlessness

As if realizing that Melissa had seen her true face, the cursed doll's big mouth, which was already covered with a rust-colored zipper, began to split open ferociously, and the corners of the ever-elongating mouth expanded all the way to the back of the head.


The upper jaw was almost completely separated from the lower jaw, and the cursed doll suddenly let out a roar of unknown meaning. When the roar reached the ears of everyone in the car, it became an indistinct shout, and the source of the sound became more and more distant.

The source of that growling sound was no longer the curse doll, but something more terrifying and distant.

Although he didn't understand what was going on with the cursed doll, the Night Demon still faithfully carried out Melissa's order. Two strong ghost hands grasped at a distance, and the strong ghost energy grabbed the body of the cursed doll fiercely.

The shadow claws cast by the night demon with all its strength left six deep scratches on the puppet body of the cursed doll, and black smoke visible to the naked eye overflowed from the body of the cursed doll.

The strange thing is that the night demon spirit's blow severely injured the cursed doll in an instant. According to the passage of physical strength, the crispy cursed doll should have fallen to the ground and lost the ability to fight at this moment, but this weird elf showed no signs of serious injuries.

The upper jaw of the cursed doll continued to turn up, leaving only the zipper part of the body connecting the head and body.The unscrupulous malice in the scarlet eyes flowed out nakedly, shocking everyone's spirits.

Seeing these eyes, everyone, including Melissa, felt their hairs rise subconsciously.

"Hurry up, Night Demon, use the black hole to banish it, that thing is coming out!" Melissa shouted eagerly, her in-depth study of ghost-type elves made her understand the meaning of that kind of malice better than anyone else present.

It means an evil force that is so powerful that it is almost impossible to resist!

This kind of malice is unmatched even by the Heavenly King-level ghost elves that Melissa met in the depths of the Songshen Volcano when she was traveling in the Fangyuan area. What's more, unlike most ghost elves, this malice hides a deeper malice to kill everything.

For ghost elves, milder types like Geng Gui and Dream Demons generally do not kill humans, and all they need are the negative emotions generated by humans.

And there are more deadly types of ghost elves, such as the crystal lantern fire spirits in the Hezhong area who use the souls of creatures as fuel, and the broken ship wheels and death coffins and other evil elves whose purpose is to rob life.

Melissa couldn't believe that the ghost that broke free from the cursed doll was just coming out to say hello harmlessly.

All this must be stopped before the other party breaks free!
The Night Demon naturally felt this strong will that made it almost tremble, beyond what Melissa felt. The antenna-like structure on the Night Demon's head used to detect the existence of ghosts gave it a stronger perception, and under the impact of this strong malicious will at this moment, the sense of crisis in the Night Demon's heart almost exploded!
The night demon spirit was determined, and continued to release ghost energy to restrain the cursed doll. At the same time, his arms were vigorous, and the powerful arms continued to drag the cursed doll's body to the black hole in his chest.

Come on, let me in!
A hoarse scream came from the non-existent mouth of the night demon, and the tiny elf in front of him actually had a weird strength enough to resist him.

At the time of the stalemate, the atmosphere at the scene almost dropped to freezing point.A dark and deep shadow ball suddenly shot out from the corner and hit the cursed doll's upper jaw that was about to split. This force was the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the cursed doll's mouth stopped moving.

It seems that the power conduction of the hidden monster was affected by a little interference, and the strength of the cursed doll wrestling with the night demon suddenly weakened, and a strong force cooperated with the black hole attraction in the chest to swallow the gradually weird cursed doll in its entirety.

As soon as the cursed doll is inhaled, the black hole of the night demon is immediately confined.The flickering frequency of the antenna above the Night Demon's head suddenly dropped to a normal frequency, and the fatal crisis was finally eliminated before it happened.

Melissa used the elf ball to take back the Night Demon. The Night Demon opened the black hole and exiled that weird monster with great effort.

On the side, Ghost Stone's figure floated in front of the real plane, and there were still a few traces of ghost energy condensed in its ghost claws. Obviously, it was the one that released the crucial shadow ball.

The older trainers around couldn't help but feel ashamed when they saw that Shinpei had reacted, their own reaction was actually not as good as this young trainer's.

Melissa nodded towards Shinpei, and it was true that Shinpei took a timely action to save the development of the matter.It's just that she is the leader of the rescue force at the moment, so she naturally needs to maintain her majesty.

But now that it had encountered this surprise attack, the car immediately had a creepy air of astonishment.

When did this cursed doll with a strange breath get into the car?Which victim was the owner of that lump of minced meat?
Melissa slashed across the backrest one by one with a dagger in her hand, but there were only strange flesh and blood in the seat where Shinpei sat.

This really doesn't make any sense. Even a ghost-type elf can replace some rotten minced meat into a bus that was running normally in a city dozens of kilometers away two hours ago without anyone noticing it?

But it is precisely because he can't understand the reason why this attack has a profound meaning.

All of this can only be turned into a mystery and buried deep in my heart for the time being. The current top priority is to rush to Huarui Town to find out the situation, so as to provide intelligence basis for the next wave of alliance rescue forces.

The bus continued to pass on the road, and the outside scenery could no longer be seen from the car window. All that could be observed was the gradually thickening gray-brown fog, the kind of unsettling fog.

Because of the limited field of vision, the speed of the car gradually slowed down, leaving only about [-] kilometers per hour.In this way, the convoy formed a long dragon and shuttled slowly and orderly through the fog.

Suddenly, the carriage shook slightly, as if something had been run over by the wheels of the bus.The driver didn't take it seriously, just thought it was some sundries that were discarded all the way by the roadside.

But he was wrong.

Five seconds after the feeling of crushing, the driver suddenly noticed that something in the fog suddenly expanded rapidly and slammed into the carriage.He subconsciously slammed on a brake, and only twenty kilometers per hour made the bus stop before the impact came.

Because they are close enough, everyone in the car can clearly see the things in front of them through the wide windshield.It was a medium-sized van that had rolled over, and it could be seen that the obviously deformed vehicle was stuck crookedly in the middle of the road, blocking the way.

The driver looked at Melissa pleadingly with frightened eyes, but the latter remained unmoved, and said in a cold voice: "Go down and check the situation, and we will naturally go down to help you remove these obstacles after confirming that it is safe."

The driver's eyes obviously changed, and Melissa only felt complicated, and continued to add: "Don't worry, I will let Geng Gui accompany you down, you will be fine."

As soon as the words came out, the driver's expression improved, but he still couldn't hide his sad face.

Although Shinpei felt disgraceful about Melissa's decision, it was indeed the best choice from an objective point of view.The current status of the ghost tower's activity is unknown. As the leader, Melissa naturally cannot risk her life. The value of the people in this car is indeed the lowest for this ordinary driver.

If there is a possibility of an accident, it is better than losing the strength of the precious trainer at this moment. This is ruthless and inevitable in a critical moment.Melissa bears the lives of more than 200 trainer reinforcements and tens of thousands of residents in Huarui Town.

For this, she has to do it!

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