Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 68 Disappearing

The most dangerous and deadly moment of the EMI adventure has arrived!
"Even Celebi...couldn't resist the fate of being eroded by that kind of thing? This is the end, can we escape?" Shinsuke even threw the guitar in his hand to the ground, and despair swallowed up all his thoughts.

Whether it was the previous creep or the weird alienated shelling ninja, they were still able to fight, but the opponent was replaced by Celebi, who was in an unknown state. The odds of winning here were extremely slim.Even if he is really flat, it is difficult to suppress the mountain-like pressure in his heart.

Nanako, Shinsuke, and Tamako have elite-level combat power, but Shinpei can barely reach the elite-level threshold.What's more, for several of them, none of them are in the full state of six elves.Perhaps as long as this terrible Celebi has a mental attack, several people will be reduced to ashes,

"I'm sorry everyone, but I have to implicate you in this desperate situation." Nanako suddenly felt relieved and sincerely expressed her apology.

She poured out half of the precious can of Lake of Time water, put the remaining half into the jug, and solemnly handed it to Shinpei, "Let me be the first to stop it, and the task of saving the vegetable seeds will be entrusted to you. I believe you are Shinpei."

Nanako smiled brightly, but her tone seemed to be explaining the funeral.Even if she was going to die here, she decided to be the first one.

"Don't say that, Nanako..." Yuzi murmured with tears in her eyes.

Shinpei didn't take half a tank of lake water. Although Nanako's courage is commendable, she is still too small in the face of the absolute difference in strength.Instead of dying one by one, it is better to unite and make the last fight!
"Hehe, how could I die here? Although Celebi's state is unknown, she hasn't fallen into that kind of crazy situation. Maybe there is no chance of escaping!"

Thinking of this, two strange seeds that shone with emerald green luster and brought warmth appeared in Zhenping's palm.This is exactly the miracle seed given by Celebi when they met for the first time,

Celebi's spiritual power has been polluted, but the spiritual power of a divine beast is so huge, the process of that kind of distortion is much longer than that of ordinary elves.At this time, if you use its pure power to exert influence, it may be able to play a role.

In fact, Shinpei's approach is just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.There is absolutely no possibility of survival by relying on elves to fight, and only by going sideways like this can there be a chance of survival.

"Everyone, I will return these two miracle seeds to Celebi later. If Celebi makes a move, I will rely on you to help me contain it." Zhenping's mind is absolutely calm, "And those wild elves, we must get their help to fight Celebi!"

Nanako looked at the man with firm eyes in front of her, and suddenly found some support in her flustered heart.

"You guy, we believe you. Celebi is a child of the forest. I think in the forest, it won't lose itself so easily." Several people left all their elves beside Zhenping, and asked them to help Zhenping watch Celebi's actions.And they themselves went to seek help from the wild elves.

Now these wild elves couldn't distinguish the situation, and they didn't realize that Celebi was in a desperate situation.

Shinpei put the backpack behind him on the ground, and the figures of Hao Li, Ghost Stone and Gyarados appeared on the left and right.

"Everyone, please restrain Celebi, I'll return the miracle seed to it!" Shinpei clenched his fists and said.

Celebi didn't respond to the movements of the few humans in front of him, and the dark and cobweb-like lines on his body gradually deepened, symbolizing the slow advancement of his alienation.At the same time, the spiritual shield beside him was also changing color, approaching an uncomfortable chaotic color.

Next, all the elves left by the few people used their skills together, and brilliant sparks flickered on the spiritual shield.After a flurry of ups and downs, Shinpei took the opportunity to approach, only a few steps away from Celebi.

From this distance, Shinpei could more clearly observe the struggle in Celebi's eyes.

The part that symbolizes clarity and sanity is decreasing, and the part that represents chaos and corruption is expanding.

Shinpei tried to continue approaching, but the spiritual shield still blocked his footsteps. Even with the support of many elves, it was still difficult to break through Celebi's passive defense.

Shinpei slammed his fist on the shield, but it had no effect except for the severe pain in his hand.

"Is there really no chance?" Shinpei looked at Celebi whose breath was getting more and more confused, knowing that this alienation was deepening.If it continues to drag on, it may never be undone.

"Wait, maybe we can contact it with the superpower!" Shinpei suddenly had a flash of light in his heart. What he was carrying was the superpower, which was said to be able to communicate with the elves!
Concentrating all his energy and letting go of all distracting thoughts, Shinpei put his hands on Celebi's spiritual shield and tried his best to establish a connection with it.

The power of transcendence is the power of the mind, which transcends matter and connects the minds of two lives.

"Celebi! Let me in!" Shinpei frowned, gritted his teeth, almost indulging in this state.

There was a violent roar in the spiritual world, Shinpei opened his eyes, and a half-green and half-black Celebi appeared in front of him.

Celebi in the spiritual world clasped her body tightly with both hands, her whole body curled up into a ball, motionless like a human baby.The pure part of its body keeps floating, trying its best to contend with the distorted matter.In terms of quantity, Celebi's majestic spiritual power is undoubtedly superior, but in terms of quality, that kind of substance seems to have a strong ability to restrain spiritual power, and it is difficult to get rid of like maggots attached to bones.

This situation made Zhenping's heart feel even more stressed, and he couldn't even hold his breath, for fear of breaking the already fragile balance.

Shinpei called softly, but Celebi didn't respond.

After hesitating for a moment, Shinpei tried to approach Celebi.

In an instant, the world changed...

Shinpei fell to his knees with a plop, and countless dark green, wriggling and floating bubbles suddenly appeared in his eyes.They float chaotically in the world.

Several bubbles seemed to expand to the extreme, and they exploded with a bang, and countless mucus splashed, scattered all over the ground.

An indescribably strange aura leaked from the bubble.The sticky, smelly and slippery touch makes the fur flutter, and Shinpei only feels that the touch under his feet is like the internal organs of some huge sea animal, and the weird wriggling and stretching is extremely frightening.

"Huh...huh..." In a distant place, an inexplicable sound echoed. In this sound, countless distorted fantasies suddenly appeared in Shinpei's mind, as if something was calling, trying to let himself into its embrace.

"No, it must not pass, that kind of abnormality must be very terrifying behind it!" Shinpei bit his mouth forcefully, the bloody smell dilutes the imaginary,
"Wake up! Celebi!"

Shinpei reached out and had no choice but to try.As his fingers came into contact with Celebi's skin, he was taken aback, and the indescribable chaos and darkness resurfaced.Celebi opened his eyes, looking at the human being who appeared in his spiritual world with great difficulty.


Celebi barely regained his sanity, it understood what Shinpei meant, and removed the spiritual shield protecting the outside of its body.

Shinpei immediately withdrew from the overwhelmed state, exhaling like a drowned person.

At that moment, he felt that he had fallen into another void world, drifting away from the real world.

The shield disappeared, and the two miracle seeds floated up under the call of the mysterious power, and flew towards Celebi.

The inner power of the miracle seed was awakened, and the rich vitality and pure grass attribute power shone on Celebi's dark body, evoking a hint of verdant color.This is the result of the extra pure power competing with the distorted substances that invaded Celebi's body, and it is undoubtedly a new force for Celebi, allowing it to restore more sanity.



At this time, the wild elves who were found by Nanako and the others finally arrived. They surrounded Celebi and looked at the little forest god worriedly.

Maybe it was the people of the forest who contributed more power, or maybe the miracle seed that Shinpei returned to Celebi played a role. Celebi's eyes gradually cleared up, he waved his hand to open a time channel, entered the channel at full speed, and disappeared into the lonely woods.

"Shera is better than it..."

"Maybe it went to another world to seek help, and there are more of its kind there. In short, we survived." Shinpei murmured, the joy of the rest of his life remained in his heart, making the corners of his eyes slightly moist.

"We survived!"

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