Legend of the Elven Investigator

Chapter 69 Heartbeat

a few days later.

"The excavation of the remains of EMI has made gratifying progress, and the excavation team led by Dr. Osho successfully unearthed the white jade orb in the records.

According to relevant sources, the white jade orb is closely related to the legendary elf Palkiya, and the white jade orb will enter our museum soon, and it will become another treasure of the museum after the Vajra Orb..."

Next to the Pathai ruins is a history museum, in which precious cultural relics unearthed from the Pathai city ruins are preserved nearby.As a witness to the ancient history of Pathai City, the Pathai Museum is free and open to all citizens and tourists.

The two Shinpei are hovering at the entrance of the EMI Museum at this moment, and the huge electronic screen on the outer wall is playing the latest progress of the excavation of the EMI relics in a loop.

"That's the white jade orb? It's so big and round, the luster is simply the best of the best!"

Sure enough, women's desire to possess shiny objects is second only to dragons. When Yumei saw the white jade orbs unearthed in the video, her eyes widened involuntarily, and stars burst out of it.

"Hey, why did you always have this expression when you came back from Modai no Mori, as if you were worried. Be happy, are you in trouble again?" Yumi looked suspicious, sensitively aware of the change in Shinpei's mentality.

In her eyes, Shinpei, who returned from the Emodai no Mori, had an extra gloomy aura.Although he was still the same person, his behavior and behavior were a little weird.

"Could you be possessed by some evil spirit? I'll treat you to the barbecue at the stove in the east of the city tonight, isn't that interesting?" Although she was puzzled, Yumi still expressed her concern in her own way as much as possible.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something. Let's go, it's time for our ticket check, let's go in." Shinpei smiled and touched someone's head. Yumi felt that there was nothing wrong with him, he was indeed absent-minded.

After a group of four people survived by chance, they each returned to their own life tracks.

Nanako handed over the water of Shizhi Lake to Dr. Yamanashi, and the doctor personally prepared it to make a special potion for the treatment of vegetables.

As for Shinsuke and Okja, the two left EMI overnight, as if they wanted to stay away from this city that brought them shadows.

After the four experienced the adventure of EMI, they also had obvious sequelae.

And as the only human being who has been in contact with Celebi, when Shinpei closes his eyes, memory fragments of that grotesque world often appear in his mind.

Distorted and shattered bubbles, a strange land with a sticky and fishy touch, and a raving call that seems to come from the abyss.

These images are lingering, deeply imprinted in the depths of memory.

There are quite a lot of people in the EMI Museum, probably because the news of the recent unearthed white jade orbs has attracted the attention of the public. More than [-] people who look like tourists are gathered around the two high-strength transparent vaults, wishing to paste them up to observe these two treasures in detail.

A mountain man wearing a mountaineering suit and a gray-green straw hat raised his fist and knocked on the glass cabinet, making a dull 'dong dong' sound.

Four tall and burly security guards immediately surrounded him. Seeing that the situation was not good, Shannan shrank his head and hid in the surrounding crowd. The two took this opportunity to squeeze in.

In the display case, a blue diamond the size of a human head lay quietly, and the strange luster diffused into the air from above, bringing a blue halo to the display case.

"The white jade orb is still being tested, so the only thing left here is the Vajra Orb. This Vajra Orb is the legendary Dialga's exclusive item, and it has magical power."

The scene was crowded and extremely noisy.Shinhei frowned slightly, a little impatient with such a chaotic environment.


There was a soft sound of "boom...boom...boom" in my ears, calm and powerful, and it sounded slowly with the rhythm.

This is?heartbeat?

Calm down, Shinpei tried his best to use his sense of hearing, and the miraculous sound of heartbeat drummed in his ears.

"Did you hear any strange noises?" Shinpei asked suspiciously.

"What else is there besides the noise? Are you still asleep?" Yumi looked confused, and then turned her attention to the Diamond Orb.

God, how much is a diamond the size of a human head worth!

The little money fan silently calculated a sky-high price, and stared at the double-protected Vajra Orb with extreme greed.

"So, am I the only one who hears this sound? Could it be... it?"

In Shinpei's eyes, the vajra orb started to expand and contract like the heart of a living creature, and the heavy heartbeat sounded like a yellow bell, even faintly affecting the frequency of his own heartbeat.

That strange feeling became more and more intense, and Shinpei couldn't help covering his chest with his right hand, but he still couldn't stop his increasingly violent heartbeat.

Shinpei, who fell into a strange state of stiffness, immediately aroused Yumi's concern. Seeing him suddenly froze, she immediately panicked and stepped forward to support him.

"What's the matter, Shinpei? Are you unwell?"

Seeing that Zhenping was still silent like a wooden figure, she didn't even blink her eyes, she immediately called for help, and the crowd around her immediately dispersed as if seeing a monster, only two security guards rushed up to help him up.

The last consciousness stagnated in the sharp scream of the ambulance, and Shinpei was completely lost in the majestic heartbeat.


When he woke up from the darkness, there was a blue light in front of him.

It seems to be in a vast void, there is nothing in front of him, except for the dark background, there is only a piece of blue land around him.

The whole world reveals the deepest depression and emptiness, it seems that because there is no medium, no sound can be heard.But the strange thing is that the extremely rhythmic heartbeat can still echo in his ears, as if the bell is reminding him that he is still alive.

At a loss, he didn't know where to go, but the superpower hidden in his body emerged uncontrollably at the next moment. Under the irradiance of fluorescent blue light, Shinpei only felt that he was one with this azure domain, and the beating sound in his heart seemed to be no longer so monotonous. Following the intuition in his heart, he went straight to the depths of the domain.

I don't know how long I walked, maybe 3 minutes, maybe three hours, or three days.Walking in a daze without a reference, all relying on the voice in my heart.

Finally, under the guidance of the heartbeat, Shinpei finally came to the place where the blue light is the most intense.

Looking up, a group of liquid-like rays of light is constantly flowing and changing, turbulent and distorted like a group of water in a state of weightlessness, and the terrifying energy fluctuations can be clearly perceived by human naked eyes.

Shinpei didn't know how to describe it, the liquid radiance went back and forth, like breathing rising and falling.Faintly, the world seems to be catering to its ups and downs.

A few steps forward, Shinpei's appearance was reflected in the light.Like a person in a mirror, Shinpei looked at himself in a daze, and unexpectedly kept twisting and moving on his own.

"Is this... my future? Can this ray of light see my future?" After watching for a while, Shinpei couldn't believe it.What he saw was another self, who was constantly taking risks and traveling, but in the end it turned into a mass of darkness with no trace left.

If this is true, then in the end, am I dead?
Such a thought appeared in my mind and lingered firmly.

It seemed to feel the approach of a different kind, the light distorted even more, a piece of light and shadow distorted and changed, and a shadow gradually appeared.

This shadow is illusory and distorted, only a vague outline.But in the eyes of Zhenhei, it is not unrecognizable.

The strange head crown, the fang-like horns under the mouth, is the time dragon Diya Luka!
Shinpei was shocked. Does this strange space have anything to do with Dialga?
Suddenly, the ground under his feet suddenly disappeared, and a strong sense of falling came over him. Shinpei only had time to scream and fell straight into the void.

During this infinite fall, Shinpei could only try his best to adjust his sight to get more information.

From the perspective of a mortal, all this is just a terrifying void, but the faint intuition keeps reminding Zhenping that there is something terrible in this darkness.

I don't know why, there were faint whispers in Shinpei's head again, the voice was getting closer and closer, and finally stopped at the back of the head that could not be observed, echoing in a very short distance.

The overwhelming creep-like creatures surged in the void, and a planet-sized creep squirmed wantonly.On it, there are more strange species.

Or it is covered with twisted and weird octopus tentacles, or a disgusting object composed of thousands of eyes, or it is simply a chaotic existence.

The whisper that seemed to come from the ancient demon god lingered in his mind, and Shinpei subconsciously tried to restrain his thoughts.

But this is the same as not imagining an elephant in your mind. The more you resist, the more clearly it will appear.

Shinpei's mind became more and more confused, his eyes gradually became dull, and he began to murmur indistinct whispers.

Consciousness quickly decayed and decayed as if it was polluted, and even from the residue, something similar to these distorted existences was born at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, the shadow that had been glimpsed before emerged from the darkness.Its strange crown exudes endless blue light, covering the polluted Zhenping with strange fluctuations.

Those disgusting black spots in the consciousness quickly shrunk and faded, and disappeared.

This is not the power of healing, but the power of turning back time!
Shinpei's mind became clear again.There is only a loud and distant roar left in Qingming's brain.


As if the roar from the source of time exploded, traces of azure light unexpectedly merged into Shinpei's own overpowering power.

The whole world was wiped out in this roar, and Shinpei, who was in it, went dark and lost consciousness again.

"Mapei, how are you? Don't scare me!"

Opening some sore eyes, what appeared in the eyes was the familiar decoration of the elf center.

Yumi's hands firmly grasped Shinpei's hands, and seeing him wake up, the tears that could not stop falling stopped immediately, and the next moment she called Miss Joy with great excitement.

Ms. Joy, who was on duty outside, rushed over immediately after hearing the sound. After checking that there was no problem with the monitoring data beside her, she worked together to help Zhenping up.

"Shina, you have been in a coma for three days, how do you feel now?"

Before Miss Joy could ask, Yumi couldn't wait to ask like an arrow.There was a haggard look of excessive worry on the pretty little face, and there were even heavy dark circles on the corners of the eyes.

"I don't know what's wrong, I just fainted all of a sudden..."

After thinking for a while, Shinpei decided to hide the indescribable things he saw.All of this seemed too weird, and the weirdness was more like a long nightmare.

"That's fine, you lie down at ease first, I'll go to Dr. Yamanashi to check on you."

After confirming that Shinpei was conscious, Ms. Joy turned around and rushed towards the treatment room where Dr. Yamanashi stayed. As an elder who had great expectations for Shinpei, the fact that Shinpei fell into a coma really made him very nervous.

After a while, Dr. Yamanashi in a white coat hurried over and saw Zhenping wake up with his own eyes. This unsmiling old man also showed a knowing smile.

But the next moment, he said something that made Zhenping's face change drastically!

"Shinpei, do you have the superpower?"

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