Level Up Family

Chapter 69: Academy Rumors, The Disturbance in the Mess Hall

With the bright sun blazing at the brilliant blue sky's summits, those within the Royal Branch Academy were now resting after having quite the morning of activities. It was clear that most had gone for lunch, leaving the compound as others proceeded to do different duties.

Naturally, the trials had already ended a long time ago as those newly chosen candidates were already undergoing the initiation process. Word of two extraordinary geniuses had sounded across the academy.

One of them came from a famous merchant family, who just so happened to set up a large industry in Ivanov; but the other was the most mysterious and the most highlighted due to being accepted by the Academy Principal. He had no origin, almost as if he had just appeared into the world from some remote corner.

Many discussed these two exceptional prodigies with glee. But while they did so, some spoke of another detail—news of two accepted beforehand by the famous Seth Vurlock and the equally infamous Juliana.

"Hmph! I don't think they're anything special to be accepted beforehand; they didn't even do the tests." One jealous youth said.

"That's right; you heard Superior Instructor IIan, he even personally attended the trials, solely to inspect the talents of his newly accepted student. It's a pity, though he had such good intentions, he could only get one of them." Someone else said.

"Yes, that Jae Wilborn sure is lucky to have become Instructor IIlan's student, but that fellow called Melson is even crazier; I don't know how he caught the Academy Principal's eyes. Just by looking at them, even a frog would be able to tell which of these rumored talents are better." Another voice said.

More voices of youngsters continued to sound about a mess hall, but unaware to many of them, their conversation targets had milk and sandwiches for lunch within a nearby corner.

"Tasty..." Grevlin said, making an exciting look, he usually ate good things, but this is the first time he tasted such fresh and sweet milk.

"Hehe, I told you it would have been nice; these milk are from that mystic dairy cow of Apline Plains, they're a delicacy." With a warm smile, Anna's large eyes were shining as her pale, but the cute little face had two small dimples that gave one the urge to poke them.

"Ah... then what kind of meat is this?" Grevlin asked with curiosity on his face, his finger now pointing on a large chunk of meat hidden beneath fresh vegetables in his half-eaten sandwich.

"Oh, I... I don't know." With a bit of disappointment in her eyes, Anna said as her mood turned a bit low as she stared at the meat.

Grevlin looked at her plate and noticed that her plate didn't have any meat; seeing her sad look, he thought for a bit, recalling a bit of information he read before.

'Ah, so she's a vegetarian. I might have been rude.'

Grevlin thought before he made up his mind and spoke, "Sorry, I didn't mean to ask, I thought you ate meat too."

"No, it's okay, your k... I mean, it's not your fault; it's just my condition; I can't eat it even if I want to do so, but I've already... cough-cough, I've already gotten used to it, so don't worry."

Anna replied with a cheerful smile, but she had to hold the small pink cloth over her mouth as she coughed a few times.

Grevlin felt a little better hearing her words; he thought for a bit before his eyes flickered as if recalling something.

"Hey, Anna, I didn't know that Miss Juliana had you as her student. Is she strong too?"

Anna smirked at this as she spoke, "Hehe if there's anyone in this school who can defeat your master, it's mine."

Grevlin, being smart for his age, naturally knew she was joking, but he still felt a bit bad hearing it. He replied, "I don't believe it."

"Oooh, then why don't we make a bet?" Anna asked with a sly look in her eyes.

Grevlin hesitated for a bit before he spoke, "Okay, fine, but it has to be something simple."

Anna giggled before she spoke, "Let's bet that when our masters come face to face, the first to act humbly and respectfully would be the loser. If either of us loses, then that person has to do one thing for the other if they ever ask of it."

'Hmph! With my master being a man, there's no way he can act like that in front of a girl.' Grevlin thought, his eyes flickering as it clearly showed his confidence.

"Fine," Grevlin answered with a smile.

Anna looked at this with a slightly victorious expression, she was about to say something, but sadly, they were soon disrupted.

"Well, well, look what we have here if it isn't those two amazing talents that didn't have to do the tests. I must say you too must be very special to be accepted by that bum of a drunkard master and that cursed woman." A slightly older teenage voice said as three persons had appeared around Grevlin and Anna's table.

Looking at them closely, one would realize that they were none other than the group led by the familiar robust teenager Grevlin had met before.

Anna giggled, seeing the single patch of hair on his head, giving him a goofy look. Even Grevlin found it funny; he thought it looked similar to those spunky bandits in that violent modern martial arts post-apocalyptic anime that his father made him watch, claiming that it was for 'growth' purposes.

"Hey, are you deaf? I'm speaking to you!" The robust youth yelled as he slammed the table with his hand.

Anna showed a slightly fearful look; it was clear that she was trying to put up a front before to hide her concern. Her small hand clenched on to Grevlin's shirt corners.

"Grevlin... we…" Anna said in a low voice.

Grevlin, on the other hand, frowned; he didn't like that youth's tone; no one has ever spoken to him like this, not even in school. He originally thought they were funny and was hoping to hear them speak in the manner like the anime, but it was disappointing.

"Get lost." Grevlin said no longer paying them any mind; he then turned to Anna and spoke, "Come, let's get going, we have to pay our masters a visit before the day ends."

"Mm," Anna said, feeling a little better; the two then got up from their seats and walked away under many prying eyes.

"Damn! That little lucky wretch! Just you wait!" The robust youth said in anger as he slammed the desk hard causing it to break apart with a boom.

His friends backing away as they looked at him in fear; quite a few persons noticed this scene and couldn't help but show surprise as they spoke out loud.

"Hey, isn't that fellow one of the runner ups in the trials, I think his name was..."

"Lawrence, yes, it's that Rey Lawrence who should be a relative that bastard Ex-Head Guard. Hmph! It looks like he's out for those newbies... who are they anyway?" Another person said, changing the topic.

"Ah, you know, I don't know, I've never seen them before." Someone else said.

"Wait, I remember, they were amongst those candidates during the trials, but they didn't go in; it's them; they are the pre-enrolled talents!" Another student said with a shout of alarm.

"What?" Some others exclaimed, a commotion soon after started, but as if it didn't bother them, both Grevlin and Anna continued on their way, headed to greet their masters, and finished their first day.

Unaware to them, in a distant corner, Jae looked at Grevlin with icy eyes as he thought to himself.

'So it appears it was as I thought, hmph, but no matter. I, Jae Wilborn, am chosen talent; my gifts will take me farther than here. Soon, I shall challenge you and crush you before everyone to prove my worth to dad and show that you are nothing in the end.'

Jae turned and left the mess hall with such dark thoughts in mind, traveling a different route, the halls coated in a dark flair giving him a spooky vibe. 

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