Level Up Family

Chapter 70: A Strange Reaction?

When Grevlin and Anna left the mess hall, they walked through a long pathway before they separated. Grevlin followed a different route that led to the garden's center's remote building. Here, there weren't any students running about or training, as only peace reigned.

A figure was currently noticed with his back turned, seated around the pond with a fishing rod; his eyes showed a dazed look as if he was lost in his world until he finally sensed Grevlin's arrival.

"My apprentice, you've come," Seth said as he smiled at Grevlin, looking at him with beaming eyes.

Grevlin felt a bit awkward when called an apprentice, but he still waked up towards the man and greeted, "Student greets master."

Seth had a more joyful expression as he heard Grevlin's words; he beckoned from him to sit down as he spoke, "That's good, come now, have a seat, let us have a chat."

Grevlin nodded at Seth before sitting on a chair at the side and staring at him in silence.

Seth then spoke in a gentle tone, "Now tell me, how do you like the academy so far?"

Grevlin thought for a moment before he showed a pensive look on his face, his eyes a bit distant and recollective as he replied.

"Um, I like it, compared to what I'm used to, it is... fun."

Seth initially thought that Grevlin would reply in a child-like manner, but as he heard his answer, he gave him a more profound look as he thought to himself.

'Well now, this is something; what could he have experienced before to call this academy fun?'

Seth was a bit curious, but he didn't want to pry overly; he smirked as he asked, "Oh, well did you make any friends?"

Grevlin, when hearing those words, had a faint smile on his typically calm and numb face, he replied without hesitating.

"Yes, master, I made a great friend, her name is Anna."

"Anna, ah... that lass, I just remembered that she was also pre-enrolled today. Haha, you sure are quite the lucky kid to meet that child; that's good; I'm happy she's also made a friend."

Seth said with a look of satisfaction; Grevlin stared at him with a curious eye; he didn't know that he knew of Anna, nor that her status was so special.

'is Anna related to master?' Grevlin curiously thought, but before he could ask, Seth decided to change the topic.

"Good, I'm glad you had such a pleasant first day. You've already been filled in with the rules and basic standards of the academy by the previous instructions sessions; as such, it is my duty as your personal instructor to guide you on the rest."

Grevlin, hearing those words knew that he couldn't ask about his pondering anymore; he obediently looked at his master in silence and waited for his next words.

Seth had a satisfied look on his face as he continued speaking, "Now then, as you already know, our academy is meant to train all types of warriors. Those who graduate here can further advance themselves by joining the main Royal Knight Academy, establishing their status as knights in training. However, if becoming a knight of the dynasty isn't what you're interested in, you can also branch off to become a Seeker who roams the lands, uncovering ancient ruins and even performing missions and noble deeds. Whichever you choose to embark on, our academy sets that foundation."

Grevlin had a flicker in his innocent eyes that showed an intelligent look, he didn't say anything, but it was clear that he was thinking a great deal about Seth's words.

"Good, I can see that you must already have a path in mind, why not tell me? Do you wish to become a Royal Knight or a Seeker?" Seth asked as he gave Grevlin a stare.

Grevlin took a moment to collect his thoughts before his eyes showed a firm look when he replied, "I want to be like dad, I want to travel the world and roam with the winds."

"Oh? Well now... I didn't think you'd choose that path, but I guess it's expected. Huhu... apprentice, your choice might just be perfect for you, as for someone or your gifts, it's better to be left unchained, unbounded by anything."

Seth said as he sized up Grevlin a bit more. In his eyes, he saw an endless source of power within his body, one that the average person of this world couldn't sense.

'Such bearing, equally fitting for his innate gifts, it's a pity, he can't be trained in the standard way.'

Seth mused to himself, recalling Marius's words; he thought for a while before his face showed an expression of hesitancy before growing a bit more resolved.

"Child, although I've heard from your father that your body is a bit different from the norm, I would still like to give it a shot, so what say you? Do you wish to try and see if you utilize my Mystical Power Arts?"

When Grevlin heard those words, he showed a look of surprise as he didn't expect such a question. He asked, "Really? But father said that I couldn't learn it, it won't work."

Seth hearing his reply shook his head as he spoke again, "If what he said was true, then that's likely the case, but why limit yourself simply because of the inevitable? Sometimes in life, you just have to be willing to take a chance even when you know of the outcome."

As Grevlin heard such words, his eyes flickered with understanding. He couldn't help but think.

'An investment? Then for dad, mom, and little sister, I must try to do the unthinkable. If I want to grow strong and protect them, I must be willing to do what no one else can...'

With sharp-looking eyes, Grevlin faced Seth with a firm mind as he spoke in reply, "Master, I will do it."

Seth originally thought that Grevlin wouldn't bother with it, but as he heard his words, his eyes lit up as he smacked Grevlin's back and spoke with a healthy laugh.

"Haha, that's good; even if it doesn't work, I will still be satisfied, my dear apprentice."

'This uncle... so strange.'

Grevlin thought to himself with a slight look of discontent; he could still feel the sharp sting on his back from the previous hit.

Seth didn't seem to notice Grevlin's mood; he waved his hand, causing a black manual to appear before the two of them, hovering directly above his palm.

It was a worn-out book that glowed in a dark residence with cryptic markings on its surface. After taking the book out, Seth smiled as he spoke with happiness.

"My apprentice take a look; this book here is my treasure. I found it in an extremely dangerous ruin, way back during my earlier years. It is called the Darkness Sutra and wields an overbearing power of darkness that can—"

Seth wanted to continue speaking, but it was at this point he noticed something strange; he sensed a terrifying power coming from Grevlin's direction, causing him to become startled.

"This... what the hell?"

Seth exclaimed in alarm, but that was only the beginning.

When Grevlin saw his book, his heart made a thumping sound as his body felt strange; even his breath grew a bit different as a vague black mist formed around his being.

Soon, his eyes started to glow in red in seconds as the characters become more prevalent; he could read and understand every rune shown. As if driven by impulse, Grevlin spoke in a resonant by unusual dark voice.

"Arva Nouak Vaksin..."

As if his words invoked something, the hovering book started to emanate a sinister radiance, dousing the compound's entity as if the world had turned into one of perpetual darkness.

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