
Chapter 371: Let's Divide Up the Work

When Kazane rushed over to her exhausted companions, Yumika was in the downhearted mode she hadn't been in since Resurrect City and was sitting on the floor grasping her knees. However, when Yumika saw Kazane, she pulled herself together and stood up.

「Ah, Kazane. Welcome back. You were able to properly return.」

Yumika didn't realize that Kazane had seen the scene just now and replied as if nothing had happened. As might be expected, she couldn't hide the stiffness of her face; setting aside what had happened, everyone in that place were happy they had won, and since the cause had already disappeared, they were also able to stiffly smile.

As long as they could immediately forget a certain summoned being that had endlessly continued kamikaze bombing. No, that was already forgotten.

「Oh, everyone's together... no, Naoki and the others aren't here?」

Then Jinrai returned to that spot.

「Oh, Jinrai-san. Where did you go?」

Since Jinrai was operating normally, Kazane saw that he would be easier to talk to than the others with their strange atmosphere and replied to him. And after thinking a little, Jinrai replied to Kazane.

「Mm. I was in charge of a troublesome enemy, but he ran away.」

「He ran away?」

「Well, he said something about how he had no choice but to withdraw due to his companions being annihilated.」

Exactly as Jinrai said, Old Jinrai had already retreated.

Even if the two devils retreated and his own dragon disappeared, Old Jinrai wanted to prioritize settling things with Jinrai, but even though he said it was temporary, it seemed that when his devil masters left, he was physically unable to stay behind.

「Well, no problem. Yumika, you and the others did well against that dragon.」

Jinrai didn't forget to praise his disciple like that, but Yumika's expression wasn't cheerful. That confused Jinrai, but Kazane decided not to worry about that and gathered everyone to review the situation.

First of all, the masterminds of this incident were Age and Gilbert of the Seven Deadly Sins. Kazane told them that she and Naoki had already driven them away. Anglais and Zacks' party didn't know about the Seven Deadly Sins, but they knew that devils were involved in the spreading of the Black Potions, so they listened to Kazane's words without any doubt.

Jinrai added that the man who was the subordinate of the devils had also left. And naturally, the dragon had been defeated by Yumika and the others, so at the present point, it seemed all the masterminds had retreated from the city.

The remaining problems were the approaching swarm of Odo Eater Leeches outside the city and the rampaging Hirukos inside the city, but...

「Jinrai-san and I will go assist outside the city.」

「Oh, just the two of you? Shouldn't we go as well?」

Louise asked a question after Kazane spoke. Depending on the situation, Louise could reduce their number with Judgment Bolt.

「Nn, I want to ask Louise-san to act with Naoki and the others to deal with the Hirukos.」

「With Naoki?」

Louise tilted her head after Kazane's words. It seemed she didn't understand why Naoki's name appeared when she talked about dealing with the Hirukos.

「Naoki's summoned Heroic Spirit might be able to undo the Hiruko transformations. Well, it isn't certain, though.」

「Such a thing...」

Louise was half in doubt, but instead of Louise, Kazane talked to Yumika.

「Yumika, do you remember that in the middle of Zexiaharts' main scenario, there was a scenario where people in a city turned into magical beasts?」

After that was said to her, Yumika also started remembering the details of Zexiaharts in her own memory.

「Umm, I vaguely remember that I advanced while looking at a strategy guide, but was that scenario where you sprinkle Holy Water from the Tree of Life on them to return them to normal?」

「Yes. For healing classes, there was an additional scenario to learn the Spell『Light from Heaven』instead of using the Tree of Life's Holy Water. Well, it's an event Spell learned while clearing the main scenario.」

Louise didn't understand much about the content of their conversation, but she knew the names『Tree of Life's Holy Water』and『Light from Heaven』. The latter was a lost magic that devil hunters had been frantically searching for for hundreds of years.

「Then, if you use that, can the people who have transformed into Hirukos be saved?」

The adventurer Zacks, who had been listening to their conversation, called out from the side.

「Probably. But Naoki can only summon her for 10 minutes. We can't save everyone who has transformed, and it's not certain that they can be cured. That's the same for the killed Hirukos.」

Zacks made a bitter expression after Kazane's words. On their way here, they had killed many people who had become Hirukos with their own hands.

「If they've already been fixed as Hirukos, that's the end, and it will be some time until he'll be able to summon her again, so we have to save as many as we can in 10 minutes. It's also an act of mercy, but we have to prioritize protecting the survivors by reducing the number of Hirukos.」

Since she was the leader, Kazane so judged. Even though it hurt her stomach and she felt acidic bile rising in the back of her throat, Kazane, who was still checking the situation with Remote Vision, knew that delaying the decision would produce more sacrifices.

Behind her, Anglais and Ougi were whispering to each other.

(Did you understand the meaning of that conversation?)

(Yes. It's already been about 50 years, but I was in the middle of advancing that scenario. However, covering the city in 10 minutes would be difficult. Do you have a map of the city?)

(Hmm. Is that so?)

「Kazane-san, I have a map of the city. Do you need it?」

「Yeah, by all means.」

Then, unfurling the map presented by Anglais, Kazane looked at the situation with the bird's-eye view from Remote Viewing and used a pen to mark the distribution of Hirukos on the map.

「The largest amount is near the tattered buildings in the southeast, and after that is the place with many strangely flashy buildings. The Hirukos are also gathering and approaching the area near the feudal lord's mansion in the center where people are taking refuge. There are also many near Anglais-san's mansion, but those ones seem to have originated from the Black Potions, so we'll set them aside.」

「I guess not dealing with the collected items was a mistake? I'll have to think about that for the future.」

『It’s a troublesome subject.』

Angalis sighed, and the white cat Elizabeth on his head spoke.

「Hmm. I've understood the situation, but even if it's just once, could we have the Heroic Spirit stop by the feudal lord's mansion?」

While looking at the map, Louise made a troubled expression and asked Kazane that.

「That's fine, but why?」

「I heard this from Zacks' party, but it seems there are people there who haven't transformed into Hirukos yet but are in danger of doing so. They're in quarantine right now. I think the legendary『Light from Heaven』will almost certainly be able to cure those people.」

After those words, Kazane nodded and said「In that case...」

「Yeah, OK. It looks like Naoki is still at the Summoning Institute, so I think it would be best to coordinate using Yumika's Chat and have them move to wherever Louise-san thinks are the best places. Also, Yumika?」


「These are mana potions. I only have 4 on hand, but could you give them to Naoki?」

So saying, Kazane took the mana potions from her Item Box.

「That's fine, but what will they be used for?」

「Naoki's Heroic Spirit Fuune is about level 120, but if she's going to continually cast the Spell, her Magic Power will quickly run out, so some means of recovering it are necessary. Also, please check if there are any in stock at curio shops and give them to him as well.」

「Yeah, OK. Well then, we should hurry.」

So saying, Yumika opened a Window and began getting in touch with Naoki.

「So then, Zacks. Could you guys go to the feudal lord’s mansion and gather the people on the verge of transforming into Hirukos?」

「Yes. Understood. If that will save the people of this city, absolutely.」

Zacks and his companions nodded after Louise's words. In the middle of despair, they had finally found a ray of light. Of course they wouldn't miss that chance. And when he heard that, Anglais also opened his mouth.

「Ougi. Go with them to the feudal lord's mansion.」

「Is that fine?」

Anglais nodded after Ougi's question.

「The feudal lord Morant is also acquainted with you. You'll help the discussion advance without delay.」

「Then, where will Anglais-dono be going?」

After Ougi's further questions, Anglais looked at Kazane and the others.

「I will go outside with Kazane-san and Jinrai-dono. If they're going to cooperate with the soldiers outside, they'll likely need a mediator as well.」

『I'll be there as his guard, so he'll be safe.』

While fluttering her tail, Elizabeth said that. Ougi agreed with those words.

「Then I'll leave it to you. Kazane-san, is that fine with you?」

「Yeah. If you can do that for us, then please. Yuuko-nee, are you fine with that?」


Anglais' body was round and quite heavy, but it seemed that would be no problem for the current Yuuko-nee. Size-wise, she was only a little bigger than before, but with her six tails and golden hair, she looked dignified.

「Yuuko-nee has become even more beautiful. Can I touch, Yuuko-nee?」


With Yuuko-nee's permission, Jinrai hugged Yuuko-nee. Yuuko-nee was more important than Old Jinrai or anything like that. He certainly said he would break up their partnership, but he never said he wouldn't pet her. Then Jinrai departed for his own Shangri-la.

「So then, Anglais and Elizabeth will go outside with Jinrai and I. Yumika, Tiara, and Louise-san will join Naoki at the Summoning Institute, then take measures against the Hirukos. With Hippomaru-kun, you should be able to reach them right away. Ougi-san and Zacks' party, please head to the feudal lord's mansion and prepare for what we talk about earlier.」

Everyone responded after those words.

「Everyone, right now, let's do what we can do. Let's get through this. So then, let's go!」

And together with Kazane's words, everyone started to move. With Remote Viewing, the figures of the Odo Eater Leeches had already come into sight. Kazane, Jinrai, and Anglais mounted Yuuko-nee together and immediately headed outside the city.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』

Yumika: 「Huh?... If I remember correctly, didn't master spit out『I won't ride Yuuko-nee anymore』just a few hours ago?」

Kazane: 「Nn? Without particularly worrying about that, he looked incredibly happy to ride her.」

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