
Chapter 372: Let's Intermediate

◎ Lindo Kingdom, In Front of Uumin City's Main Gate

A monster swarm of horrifying number was before the soldiers' eyes.

Where could such a large amount have gathered from? The area around Uumin City was basically all plains lined with farmhouses with fields and livestock. The place monsters usually appeared was in the mountainous area in Minshiana's direction where few people lived. This place was a meadow, and the soldiers standing by were astonished when they saw the width of the dust cloud showing that something was approaching.

In front of that scene, the soldiers of Lindo Kingdom finally started understanding their situation. The real form of the information that had been complicated due to the suddenness of the event was gathered in front of them.

They finally understood the crisis of the Odo Eater Leech swarm.

Although, it can't be said that they were excessively slow. The situation was known about 1-2 two hours ago. Then, as was discovered later, just like when Minshiana's capital was attacked, all the watch-keeping forts along the movement route of the swarm were smashed by someone beforehand, so the information was cut off.

Furthermore, something that sounded like dragon screams could be heard from inside the city. When soldiers actually went to investigate and sent a report to Luger, the Lindo Kingdom army's corps commander, saying that a black dragon had appeared, his face turned so red that it seemed like his blood vessels were going to burst as he observed the situation.

Although there was a proposal to send soldiers inside, there was already a report from a summoned bird used for scouting that even if they fought with the entire army, the number of approaching Odo Eater Leeches was high enough that it would be a desperately hard fight where annihilation was probable. In that case, trying to evacuate the residents from the city was a stupid plan. Considering movement speed on foot, the Odo Eater Leeches would likely catch up with and devour all the fleeing residents.

In the first place, the situation inside the city didn't permit them to prepare for escape. With the sudden appearance of the devil Hirukos, the residents had fallen into chaos as they evacuated to the feudal lord mansion's courtyard.

「Dammit, what the hell is this situation!?」

Luger slammed the desk in that place and repeated the words he had said who knows how many times. His aides didn't say anything. Since everyone there felt the same way.

The situation was clear. It was plotted by『someone』. However, Luger couldn't understand who could do this or why they needed to do such a thing.

「Hmm. It looks like you've lost your temper, Luger.」

A round man with dark skin entered the temporary tent in front of the main gate where Luger and his aides were.

「You are... Anglais? What business does the likes of a merchant have here?」

Luger scowled at Anglais as he said that. Anglais, one of the foremost merchants in Lindo Kingdom, was nothing more than an ordinary person to Luger.

He felt grateful that he was doing the Black Potion hunting that they couldn't do themselves, but his feelings of indignation at having their domain encroached upon was stronger. Naturally, his anger at the upper ranks for refusing to let the army hunt the Black Potions was greater.

「Now, now, don’t be hard-hearted. I brought a good story.」

So saying, Anglais sat on one of the chairs in that place, put a cigar in his mouth, and lit it.

「I'm asking what business you have?」

『Oh dear, master's attitude is as ever.』

Furthermore, a white cat appeared in front of the scowling Luger. Luger had only heard about the talking cat Elizabeth. So although he was somewhat surprised, he simply scowled.

「I told you, didn't I? I brought a good story. Ah, rest assured. This time isn't business. I'm an intermediary.」

「Intermediary? For who?」

After Luger's question, Anglais blew smoke from his cigar and smiled.

「The city's saviors.」


Then, in front of the soldiers, Kazane and Jinrai were introduced by Luger.

Uumin was near Conrad City, so rumors about the White Party were also well-known here, but only Kazane, Jinrai, Jin Bahar, and Yuuko-nee were there. They also showed the special Adventurers Guild Card proving they were rank S, but even if one were told that they were comparable to an army, few people could understand what that meant.

In the first place, most people never met someone who was rank S, and there were almost no opportunities to see one fighting, so dubious tales existed.

「She's wearing excessively pointed armor, but she's still a kid.」

「The middle-aged man next to her has two spears, but even if I'm told that he has strength comparable to an army...」

「Does that mean he'd be able to fight against everyone here?」

「However, that golden monster beside them looks strong.」

「But that skeleton warrior seems to be strangely tired.」

The soldiers were stirring and saying such things.

However, the only ones able to say that were the soldiers in the back who couldn't clearly see Kazane and the others.

The soldiers near the White Party group, particularly Kazane, were blatantly facing downward in cold sweats. That was due to the violent presence emanating from Kazane's armor.

「Wasn't he just ruthlessly killed?」

「Yeah. But he says he's going to come out.」

In front of the soldiers, Kazane and Jinrai conversed like that.

In other words, the Berserk Ogre in Kazane's armor was filled with such ferocity that he was about to explode.

「Well, if the person himself is enthusiastic, it can't be helped.」

While saying that, Kazane took Rokuten-kun, Tatsuyoshi-kun Dragoon, the mass-produced Tatsuyoshi-kuns, and the bones of the Holy Skull Legion out of her Item Box's『Large Storage Space』. The Muscle Clay Minotaur statue was also taken out, but she put that back in. Since she consumed a lot of Magic Power in the battle against the devils, the activation cost for Muscle Clay Minos was a little too much for Kazane right now.

In front of the astonished soldiers, Kazane handed Jinrai the『Twin Bone Orb』, the Holy Skull Legion's operation item.

「Well, even if we call it instructions, it's just a matter of making it charge in.」

「That’s fine. The opponents will be charging toward it anyway. However, I also want a dedicated weapon for the Holy Skull Legion.」

Kazane was currently handing over a Black Flame sickle made with『Arms Creation: Black Flame』. That made it look like a villainous Shinigami, but as expected, making it every time was costly and took up time.

「So, Jinrai-san, please intercept them with Rokuten-kun and the Tatsuyoshi-kun series.」

「Got it. I was planning to fully fire for the first time in a while. Holding back is needless, right?」

After Jinrai said that with a fiendish smile, Kazane replied「Naturally.」

「We've reached rank S at great pains, so it's fine to show off a little.」

Jinrai's smile deepened at Kazane's words.

And in front of the soldiers who were still astonished by Rokuten-kun and the rest, Kazane used Angelization and immediately took off into the sky, further surprising them.

「Wha, wha, what the hell is that girl, and those guysーー?」

Beside them, Corps Commander Luger was looking at Kazane and others with wide eyes. Anglais responded「That's why they're a rank S party」as he himself could do nothing but make a wry smile at the bizarre spectacle. Elizabeth cried「Naago」as she watched the two's state.

◎ Trade City Uumin, Near the Entrance to Slums Quarter

At the same time that Kazane took off into the sky. Naoki and the others were in front of the slum quarters.

「You guys are saying the Hirukos will return to normal?」

After Naoki's muscle pain was forcibly cured to a certain extent with magic, he joined Yumika and the others. Then, while they were in the middle of heading to the slum quarters as directed by Kazane at the beginning, Naoki and the others joined up with the militia corps that surrounded them at the Adventurers Guild at noon.

They came across Naoki and the others and offered to accompany them. Though part of the reason they came along was because they were suspicious of Naoki and the others' story.

「Yeah. Well, I won't know for sure until I give it a try, though. Although it's called an Event Spell, it can be separately used by itself, so there should be no problems.」

「Even though it's for an event, it can still be used afterward?」

「After that, there are a few exclusive scenarios and quests for healers that it's used for.」

Naoki answered Yumika's question. It was a Spell that was only useful in a few situations beyond the event, but it was treated as a normal Spell, so there shouldn't be any problems.

「Beyond this point.」

And the place the militia corps guided Naoki and the others was the entrance to the slum quarter. Currently, there were iron bars set up, and the Hirukos were pushing against them.

「We were completely done in.」

「It was probably mixed into the distributed meals. Dammit, why didn't anyone notice.」

The captain spit out, but Louise thought it was probably planned from the beginning.

「Anyway, we won't know until you actually give it a try. You have the mana potions, right?」

「Yes. Seven in all. She should be able to use the Spell quite a few times.」

Naoki replied to Louise while looking at the mana potions in his Item Box. Four mana potions were from Kazane, one was from a curio shop they found on their way to the Summoning Institute, and the rest were received from Magna, the Summoning Institute's director.

「Then, please.」

The militia captain said like a prayer as he instructed his men to open the gate.

Then, the gate opened, and the beings that were like masses of black tar surged forward all at once,

「Come, my angel, Fuune-tan!」

At the same time, light was emitted by Naoki's Heroic Spirit Ring, which changed into the shape of a girl.

Yumika made a sour expression as she looked at the Heroic Spirit's appearance. Tiara shouted「Oh, my!」while Lyle, Emily, and Louise made dumbfounded expressions.

Wearing the fashion item『Angel Wings』on her back; a white beret; a white frilly and fluffy Gothic Lolita-style dress; white tights; and white high heels, the girl was『the spitting image of Kazane』.

「Ya-hoー, I’ll do my best for Naoki-kun. A-haー」

Then, in a shrill loli voice that was higher than Kazane's, the girl shouted「Oh」and shook her staff, or rather, a magic wand-like item, which released light.

That light was『Light from Heaven』. It was a holy light for returning transformed human beings to normal, and Louise and the others saw that the Hirukos who were hit by that light were gradually turning back into human figures.

「... It's successful.」

Louise said in a hoarse voice. Although she had heard, she was half in doubt. After all, it was a lost magic whose discovery could be asserted as the devil hunters' dearest wish. Louise piercingly stared at the light in front of her. Perhaps she was thinking she might find a hint to recreate the Spell.

Then the girl who looked just like Kazane flew in the sky using Fly magic and advanced while shining light on the Hirukos. Naoki and the others followed her. Time was limited. They had to save as many as they could.

And that savior was called Fuune.

That Heroic Spirit was Supreme Healer『Fuune』. It was the player character Naoki chose to support Kazane's character, Sieg.

He actually spent 38 hours making the character's face imitate Kazane's, and he chose the shrill voice of the 40 year old loli voice acting veteran Kanek Tsuchiko-san, popular name Kanzuchi-san, as the character's voice; she was an existence integrating Naoki's dreams.

Furthermore, as a result of reflecting Naoki's tastes, Fuune had enormous breasts that included an effect that made them shake to an obscene degree.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』

Yumika: 「Fuune, Kazane..... ah, I think I get it. When I saw that character after we broke up, I thought that being with him was impossible anyway, you know? Or rather, that doesn't anger you, Kazane? The face as well, but... um, that chest?」[TL: Kazane and Fuune can be spelled with the same Kanji.]

Kazane: 「I had my doubts at first as well. He said『This is a mental image so that Aneki becomes like this. Don't give up on your dreams. I'm sure you'll be like this someday』to persuade me, and I thought, well, I suppose so?」

Yumika: 「No, you've been deceived.」

Kazane: 「Ah? Are you saying my breasts won't get bigger? Perhaps you're getting cocky because you've been getting bigger recently?」

Yumika: 「I wasn't talking about that. No... that, too.」

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