Marvel Clips, Start Inventory of Ten Spider-Man!

Chapter 54 Fuck! ! ! Zombie Heroes Invading The Multi-Universe? ! ! ! (Please Subscribe!)

In the multi-universe, an uncontrollable panic hovered in everyone's heart.

And their gazes were fixed on the picture of Wanjie, not daring to be negligent in the slightest, for fear of missing some important plot.

Especially the plot about the time-traveling machine.

With many zombie heroes disappearing into the vast universe, at this moment the picture in the light curtain came to the earth.

The zombie apocalypse caused human beings to be nearly extinct. The trees that were once far away from the urban area returned and covered countless concrete and steel bars.

The earth at this moment is like a rainforest!

Overgrown grass and trees!

At the same time there is silence...

However, at the corner of the small planetM, Black Panther and other survivors gathered here to build the last spark for the revival of the human race, the new Wakanda!

And Black Panther is the king here, ruling everything under his command.

Trying to lead human society back to prosperity

It is a pity that as long as there are people, there will be struggles. Even in this small society with a small number of people, there are even more undercurrents inside.

The leader of the younger generation, Curtis vainly attempted to usurp the throne.

Under his sensation and planning, Black Panther was brutally assassinated. Fortunately, the Wasp, who had only one head left, used the zombie virus to infect her and saved Black Panther.

But this was used by Curtis, who led the group to extort confessions from Black Panther, who had become a zombie, and even used it to stir up everyone's emotions, preparing to behead the two zombies, Black Panther and the Wasp.

But when the two sides confronted each other, everyone opened their mouths and looked at the sky in shock...

It's Zombie Heroes!

Those zombie heroes with hideous faces, ferocious horror, and blood all over their bodies!

And many zombie heroes who had been deeply hungry for a long time, at this moment, like tigers seeing their prey, their eyes immediately glowed.

There is food in front of them, the things they dream of!

After being hungry for a long time, they can finally eat!

Tears flowed out of his mouth in an instant, and Hulk preemptively hit the ground with a violent impact, making a loud cracking noise.

"The titan is going to eat them all now!"

Those eyes full of desire stared straight at every human being in the crowd, shouting excitedly and crazily!

Immediately, facing the fleeing crowd, he grabbed a small person with one hand and stuffed it directly into his mouth like a piece of snack.

"Crack! Click!"

The incomparably crisp sound of bones breaking, accompanied by the fearful wails of everyone present, seemed so horrifying.

The hell on earth is about to reappear!

But at this moment, Ant-Man Pym grew up and hugged Hulk from behind to stop him, "Don't eat it, don't eat it, we can use these humans to build a human breeding farm!"

"In this way, we can have endless human flesh!"

"If you eat everything now, we will really have nothing to eat!"

As a zombie think tank, he not only wants to fill his stomach now, but also thinks about the future, instead of thinking like Hulk, a big fool.

Don't think about anything, just eat and eat!

Such a horrifying idea fell into the ears of everyone present, and in an instant, some people turned pale...

They human beings, who once dominated the earth, existed at the top of the food chain. In the doomsday that has been dark for forty years, they have just climbed to the top position. Now they are going to be reduced to blood food? Become the food of his population?


A sense of despair breeds from the bottom of my heart...

They don't want to be kept in captivity as livestock, especially by a group of zombies who try to eat them at any time!

But obviously, the thoughts of this group of zombie heroes are beyond their control!

If people eat chicken, duck and fish, do they still get the consent of the chicken, duck and fish?

Obviously, at this moment, in the eyes of all the zombies, they have already become meat!

And in the multi-universe, people in countless parallel worlds are hearing this incomparably shocking thought, even if they are superheroes or supervillains.

At this moment, I couldn't help trembling and trembling in my heart.

This is so fucking scary!

Human Fertility Farm?

Enjoy delicious human flesh regularly!

Their faces changed again and again. Forty years of zombie career has already made this group of beasts lose their human form!

What Iron Man, what Spider-man, what Wolverine...

Now they are just a group of monsters who only know how to devour human flesh!

"Scary, it's too scary~~!"

"God! Don't let this group of inhuman zombies come to my universe, don't!"

"What about the other four gods? Is it possible that no one will take care of them? Death? Eternity? Infinity? Annihilation? They are also dead? Can a powerful one wipe out all these hateful zombies!"

"Come on, the devourers of the planet are all dead, let alone these four...I'm afraid, they have already become the merits of their mouths! This universe is hopeless!"

"But even so, isn't there still the Celestial Group? And the Eternal Race?"

"Heh, what you said is even younger brother! The gods are not their opponents, the god group? The eternal race? Don't wishful thinking!"

At this moment, countless people looked at this group of zombies, and they felt great discomfort. They are also human beings, and seeing their own kind degenerate like this [Tian Jing's allegiance emerged in their hearts!

The only thing they can pray for now is that this group of zombies must never come to their own universe...

Just as everyone was discussing and praying, suddenly, a voice came out from the light curtain...

"No!!! Enough! Do you still have humanity?!"

Everyone was stunned, and subconsciously looked at the light curtain. They were very familiar with that figure, and it was originally the protagonist of this inventory, Spider-man!

I saw his ferocious-looking hands close together, and an incomparably dazzling and muddy cosmic energy ray suddenly burst out from his hands.

The roaring and questioning words made everyone stunned!

human nature?

When did zombies become human again?

They are no longer human!

And this powerful beam of cosmic energy shot across Ant-Man's head in an instant, making countless zombie heroes startled.

Zombie Spider-man This doesn't look like he's playing.

But really want Ant-Man's life!

"Look at yourself, are you insane!"

"We've been traveling in space for forty years [and greedily devour everything we see."

"Now we can cure the desire to overeat, look at Black Panther and the Wasp, this is the best proof, right by our side!"

"I absolutely cannot let you do that!"

The sense of justice that Spider-man has been lurking in his body burst out at this moment, and his mouth started to spray.

He was angrily responsible for Ant-Man Pym's crazy plan just now.

They used to be superhero, superhero!

They used to fight to protect human beings, but now, what are they doing?

Breeding humans in captivity? Do you want to treat humans as meat animals?

But anyone who has a little conscience in his heart and knows that he was once a human being would never do such a thing!

little Spider-Man stopped in front of the zombies, and said in a deep voice: "Look at Black Panther, look at the Wasp! They are also zombies, but they have restrained the desire to eat people! This is salvageable, since it can be saved, we It shouldn't be so wrong!"

However, Spider-man's words fell on the ears of the rest of the zombies as nonsense.

The desire to overeat has already eroded their hearts, but they can't control that much. Now all they think about is eating..... eat up everything in front of them!

Wolverine stepped forward and waved her paw towards the little Spider-Man who was standing in front of everyone, ready to kill the little bug that prevented them from eating.

It happened that there was one less person who robbed them of food.

He also wants to learn Hulk.

Eat meat for two!

It's just that people never expected that not all zombie heroes are insensitive. Luke Cage flew to Spider-man and blocked Wolverine's claw, and even punched him Blast out!

As the saying goes, different ways do not conspire with each other!

He is ready to defend the only trace of superhero in his heart, even if it is only a trace, he can prove it to the world.

He used to be a superhero, not an ugly zombie who was full of fat and only knew about gluttony!

In an instant, the zombie heroes split into two teams, and each set up a stance, the beginning of the death of heroes began

Spider-man vs. Iron Man!

The former father and son are now facing each other with swords!

Wolverine vs. Luke Cage!

The hardest and sharpest alloy claws touch the hardest body, just like the sharpest spear and the strongest shield touching each other!

As for the invincible Hulk?

Sorry, this guy is too full and has turned into the form of Dr. Banner, with almost no fighting power!

But even so, in Dark Phoenix, sword fighting and other important combat power, the zombie Spider-man was defeated in a short while.

Fortunately, at the time of crisis, someone in New Wakanda activated the energy shield, keeping the villain zombies out of the energy position.

An incomparably powerful energy stance that reveals a little blue light, isolating everything inside and outside!

But only the fighting sword was left in the new Wakanda......

The alien body structure of Dou Jian has unmatched strength, as powerful as Superman, seeing himself alone within the barrier.


After pulling the hoarse zombie and making a strange scream, the whole person rushed forward suddenly, and appeared in front of Black Panther in the next second.

Stretching forward with both hands, a black tiger pulled out its heart, and immediately gave Black Panther a front chest pierced through the back, and it was heartbreaking!

Countless thick black blood spewed out immediately and scattered on the ground.

The heart of those watching couldn't help but stop for a moment.

What was unexpected was that in the next second, the sword fight directly left Black Panther beside him, and came in front of the zombie Spider-man.

Both hands directly locked the zombie Spider-man's hands, controlled his arms, and then "... 呲啦", the extremely powerful force directly split Spider-man into two.

The body was torn into two pieces like a piece of paper, and the countless flesh and blood were like broken lotus roots, which only made people frown.

Not to mention, the internal organs and even the bones of the human body are clearly presented in front of everyone at this moment.

This scene of blood flowing into rivers is really brutal!

Seeing that Luke Cage was going to be brutally murdered, at this moment a silver-white suit with huge amounts of armor fell from the sky. This is Iron Man's first machine, the Mark 1 armor!

His feet were like cannonballs, he stepped on the fighting sword directly under his feet, and then embraced the fighting sword with both hands, using the incomparably huge power of the mecha to grab the fighting sword's head.

"Hey! Isn't that my machine?"

Iron Man, who was outside the energy position, was surprised for a moment. He pointed at Mark One and wondered how his battle armor would fall into it.

hands of others.

Even here?

But at this moment, looking at the restrained sword fighting, Spider-man and Luke Cage immediately started without any hesitation, and countless turbid cosmic energy rays burst out from their hands.

It shot straight at the hateful and ugly head of Dou Jian.

After a while, Dou Jian's head exploded instantly, transforming into countless foul-smelling liquids and spreading out towards the surroundings!

As for the people in Mark 1, it was Black Panther's good friend Mr. Fogg, and it was he who opened the energy barrier to resist the attack of zombies.

And Iron Man and his group reacted immediately after a short period of absence.

Seeing the death of their comrades-in-arms, they immediately stretched out their hands angrily, turning the extremely powerful cosmic energy into rays to vent on the protective barrier.

However, after decades of painstaking research by Black Panther and others, this protective screen is used to resist the cosmic energy of the zombies.

No matter how angry they are, there is nothing (Zhao Zhao Zhao) to do with the protective barrier in front of them.

It's all just work in vain.

In an instant, a group of anti-running zombie heroes suddenly became dull. They couldn't deal with the tortoise shell in front of them, so they couldn't eat fresh human flesh.

Thinking about why they and others returned to Earth, without any hesitation, they turned around and left in an instant.

After all, they came back to their hometown for the parallel world shuttle.

Not one or two human beings who can't fit between their teeth!

After a while, they found the parallel world shuttle, outside the Baxter Building where the first prototype was located!

"Too, toe, toe, toe!!!"

Thinking about the long-awaited parallel world traversal machine that I and others are about to get, many villain zombie heroes laughed excitedly.

In other parallel universes, endless meat is waiting for them!

And at the moment, there are countless multi-universes.

Seeing the scene in the light curtain, I couldn't help but thump in my heart at this moment!


Could it be that they can really find a traversing machine that can travel through parallel worlds!

Isn't this going to drag the rest of the multi-universe into flames, it's not for fun!

Especially not being able to come to one's own cosmic energy.

Let me ask, who else in the world can resist this terrifying virus of losing households?

Countless people panicked, their hearts beat faster, as if they were facing a formidable enemy!

At this moment, in the multi-universe, in countless parallel universes, all the superheroes and supervillains on earth, even within the galaxy, outside the galaxy, and countless large File size small

All the forces are dignified and fully enter the state of preparation for war!

multi-universe S.H.I.E.L.D, multi-universe Illuminati, multi-universe Aegis Brotherhood, Mutant Brotherhood, Dark Avengers, Inhumans, Galactic Audition... oh, silver

River Guard and more...  

Countless forces are extremely dignified, they are ready to defend against the enemy!.

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