Marvel Clips, Start Inventory of Ten Spider-Man!

Chapter 55 Black Panther: Fuck! Captain America Is My Son? ! ! Hahaha! ! ! (Please Subscribe!)

"Avengers, assemble!"

"X-Men, assemble!"

"Inhumans, assemble!"

"Star Guard, assemble!"

"Mutant Brotherhood, assemble!"

In the multi-universe, among the countless parallel worlds, those powerful teams that defend the safety of human beings and the safety of their own race are all ready to monitor the whole plain with full equipment.

On the earth, countless monitoring devices are now connected to supercomputers, reading data crazily every minute.

Once zombie heroes appear, they will drop hundreds of heavyweight bombs desperately at the first time, and they will not be stingy with launching hydrogen bombs.

Afterwards, after the unlimited firepower offensive, they will appear on the stage, summoning the power of superpowers from all over the world, vowing to strangle the zombies to the death.

It is absolutely forbidden to let the zombie virus spread into their universe.

This virus can wipe out the entire universe.


At the moment, amidst the pictures of Wanjie, the villain zombie heroes rushed into the Baxter Building excitedly, preparing to take the No. 1 machine for themselves.

In this way, travel to other parallel universes and start a gluttonous feast for yourself and others!

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!"

It's just surprising that there was an extremely ear-piercing sound after entering the Baxter Building just now, surrounding many zombie heroes.

A group of humanoid robots emerged from a dark corner, the red signal lights in their eyes flickered frantically, followed by a series of extremely hot lasers.


In an instant, many zombies cursed loudly, frowning to resist the sudden attack.

"Damn it! What the hell is this!"

Wolverine stepped forward and crippled a humanoid robot with a paw, but followed by endless robots.

Everyone could only actively respond to the enemy, and the cosmic energy in their hands seemed to be free of money, and they frantically strafed away.

It didn't take a while to see explosions and lights resounding through the entire building one after another, which was a sign of the demise of the robot.

How could some ancient robots be the opponents of zombies with cosmic energy.

This made everyone in countless multi-universes who had just raised a glimmer of hope, immediately become depressed...

As for the humanoid waste Dr. Banner in the new Wakanda at this moment, he has been restrained, and he has been injected with a large amount of anesthetic to make him fall into a deep sleep.

Although Black Panther had a big hole in his chest, he was still safe and sound with no breath or waist pain. 440 Even Spider-man, who was nearly torn in half, feels better after being stitched together!

This is the almost invincible survival ability of zombies.

As long as the brain is not completely necrotic, the limbs are defective, even if the body is bent and cut off, you can still feel safe and survive!

Seeing these former partners in the medical room reappear in front of him, although Black Panther has become a zombie, there is still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then he even ushered in an old buddy for everyone.

I saw a man wearing the America uniform battle suit and holding the familiar alloy shield slowly walking out of the shadow corner...

"Captain America!"

"Captain America!"

Zombie Spider-man and Luke Cage, seeing this very familiar costume, couldn't help exclaiming, Captain America is still alive! is this possible!

It's really surprising!

But in the next second, the excited and cloudy eyes of the two became extremely dim, because the person who came was not Captain America, but a black man wearing his uniform and holding his shield.

And there is a big medical sewing thread on the head, which is really embarrassing.

"He's Captain America!"

But at the moment, Black Panther's words made the two of them puzzled. Although they had become one of the zombies, it didn't mean that their eyes were not working well.

When did Captain America become black?

What international joke?

"Black Panther, the joke isn't funny."

The zombie Spider-man even said directly that now that he has returned to justice, he does not want Black Panther to humiliate the former Captain America who represented justice.

"it's me!"

But at this moment, the black Captain America spoke.

That momentum, that accent, instantly made the zombie Spider-man's eyes widen, and he looked up and down at the black Captain America in disbelief.

After going out and removing the skin color filter, he really looks like Captain America, or he is Captain America himself.

"My brain is stored in this body, allowing me to be resurrected!"

Captain America seemed to see the surprise and disbelief of the zombie Spider-man, and he explained it calmly, as if this was an extremely normal thing.

The vitality of zombies is so terrifying!

At this moment, Black Panther said slowly, "This is my son's body. After he died, I sewed up Captain America's brain on him...."

At this moment, Black Panther in the parallel world watched this scene, his pupils dilated, and a bold idea sprouted in his mind!

If Captain America used the body of his own son, then that means (cbac)...

Black Panther: Captain America is my son?!!! Hahaha!!!

Countless people widened their eyes and realized this, and then, in the barrage, the overwhelming 666 and hahaha covered the entire screen!

It was nothing at first, but when these bastards laughed, the faces of countless Captain Americas in the multi-universe turned black...

How the hell am I the son of Black Panther?


After the joy of countless people in the multi-universe, I thought of a very serious question.....

If I remember correctly, only half of Captain America's brain is left...

Today, Captain America has been reborn with only half of his brain. This heaven-defying recovery ability is frightening...

This zombie is even scarier than Wolverine's Healing Factor, its regenerative ability, according to the division, definitely has level 6, or even level 7!

But this scene made the superheroes and supervillains who were waiting in the multi-universe and countless parallel worlds feel terrified.

"Give me another 1,000 intercontinental missiles, and the group of zombie heroes I want to blast will not be left with two scumbags!"

"H-bombs are giving me two, and suddenly I don't think one is enough."

"It doesn't matter where they appear, even if it's the White House, it will give me direct vitality coverage, this is for all mankind!"

"What? Can't be approved! Tell those useless officers, but if you let go of a zombie, we will wait for the extermination of the clan, and they are the culprits of everything!"

Such a terrifying survival and even the power of resurrection made everyone in the multi-universe feel heavy, and all the fear came from the lack of firepower.

In an instant, Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D, began to predict batch after batch of super-explosive weapons towards various countries.

One will destroy half the city!

And he directly applied for thousands of them!

Ask, it is the coverage of the extinction calendar!

Those zombie heroes who hit directly were caught off guard!

Be sure to let this group of inhuman zombies be blown up without leaving any bones and ashes!

But at this moment, the villain zombie heroes in the Baxter Building looked at the fragments of defective robots all over the place, and searched the entire building, but there was no trace of the traveling machine.

Their rusty brains finally realized something was wrong.

"Damn it! It's those humans who took the time travel machine!"

Ant-Man Pym cursed angrily, never thinking that he would be tricked sometimes.

"A plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

Iron Man was also angry, and then expressed even more anger.

"Go! Go back to their hometown!"

Immediately, they rushed towards the new Wakanda with a kind of villainous superhero, intending to strangle this group of hateful humans.

But this is also their luck.

To be honored to be the blood food in the stomachs of myself and others!

As for the real crossing machine?

Naturally, in the new Wakanda, Black Panther and others were originally planning to use this thing to escape from the terrifying zombie universe that lives under the shadow of death every day

But the problem is that there seems to be a problem with the machine and it has not been repaired.

And they understand.

The villains, zombies and heroes will eventually come back here in order to travel through the plane, and a big battle is about to come...

"Black Panther old thief! I've never seen you so brazen!"

Just when Spider-man and the others were preparing for a tough battle, an angry roar resounded from outside the Noki shield instantly.

In an instant, the hearts of the zombie Spider-man and the others couldn't help sinking.

This battle is coming now!

"Get out of here! Send me to my death!"

Accompanied by Iron Man's angry vent, the zombie Spider-man and others looked solemn, with resolute firmness, a kind of person slowly walked towards the outside of the energy shield.

This time, it is bound to be a decisive battle!

Protect the remaining human beings!

In an instant, the two factions of zombies were locked together, and the second civil war was just about to start...

"Hold on and kill them!"

Wolverine shouted loudly, the sharp claws in her hand flashed bright white light several times in mid-air, and swung towards the Black Panther with a big hole in her chest in front of her.

"You scumbags!"

Phoenix lives in the mid-air, and the Phoenix force that frightens the whole universe explodes from all over his body, while the zombie Spider-man and Cage have been emitting cosmic energy beams.

The incomparably muddy and heavy energy shoots towards Phoenix, to resist the suffocating Phoenix force!

The Ant-Man, whose body had become huge, once again used his effective move, and directly slapped Black Panther, who was still majestically confronting Wolverine a second ago, on the ground.

Instantly turned into a mass of fleshy paste, blood and flesh splashing everywhere...

Even in the face of Wasp's attack, he used his hands again, clasped his palms together, sandwiched Wasp in the middle, and sent her head flying.

Familiar scenes of domestic violence reappeared.

Ant-Man Pym is really a Marvel wristwatch!

The battle outside was a close one, but the scariest thing was that Dr. Banner woke up in the base and was attacking Black Panther's friend, the new Wakanda technician Renault Des.

"Do not!"

During the entanglement between the two, they accidentally touched the control lever and closed the protective position.

"The shield is gone!"

"What are you waiting for? Go!"

The villain zombie heroes, staring at the suddenly closed energy shield, were stunned for a second before rushing towards the new Wakanda like crazy wild dogs.

"Come on! Eat up that group of humans!"

Ant-Man shouted excitedly and came to the top of many villain zombies with huge strides...

With one punch, the roof of the house that looked like bean curd dregs was knocked over, the saliva flowed freely, and the eyes looked madly at a kind of old, weak, sick and disabled in the house.

"Are you ready, who will be eaten first?"

The long-lost meat in front of him seemed to make his already dead heart beat again, and he was really excited.


human flesh!

He hasn't eaten for a long time!

long time!

Immediately, unable to bear it anymore, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a person from the crowd, and opened his bloody mouth like an abyss.

He wants to enjoy this feast of human flesh!

As for the human flesh farm, let’s talk about it after we’re full!

Such a terrifying scene made the hearts of the superpowers in the multi-universe and countless parallel worlds throb for a moment, as spectators who watched all this from the beginning.

They know better than anyone else how pitiful the human beings on this universe and this planet are.

Today, more than 30 years of hard life have just come to an end, but now the return of the zombie hero makes all this shattered.

Death, a terrible death, will eventually fall on each of them!

This zombie universe is really too scary!

Oh shit!

It's 10,000 times more terrifying than the movie!


But the people staring at Wanjie's photo, watching Ant-Man's pause in the light curtain, all uttered doubts...

At this moment, he opened his bloody mouth wide open to meet the incomparably fresh human flesh in front of him, but at this moment his hands stopped, as if everything had come to a standstill.

"I.....I don't want to eat!"

"Hunger seems to be fading!"

Ant-Man's words are like a pause button, and as his voice falls, whether it's Wolverine, Iron Man, or Phoenix and others, "The action of cannibalism is the same...

The rest of the zombie heroes also felt the constant churning hunger in their stomachs, which was gradually subsiding at this moment.

Their rationality also slowly climbed up their minds again.

It seems that they are no longer "people" controlled by the endless desire for gluttony!

Countless people looked at the light curtain, and felt a little surprised in their hearts...

It seems that this plague of zombies can be resolved?

It turned out that after a long period of not eating, Ant-Man communicated with a kind of zombie heroes. Their sanity has recovered, and they are awake!

The superhero's sense of responsibility made him immediately put down the human beings in his hands and return to their original positions.

Then he looked at the zombie Spider-man and others hesitantly.

"Then we... truce?"

Everyone is not going to eat human beings anymore, so what is the fight? What is the fight for?

In an instant, all the zombie heroes agreed with this point of view, Phoenix restrained his terrifying Phoenix force, zombie Spider-man also returned the cosmic energy to his body, Iron Man extinguished the reactor that continuously provided energy in his body... …

"Ah!! titan is hungry! titan wants to eat!!"

But at this moment, an extremely angry and eager voice came from a wall, followed by Dr. Banner in the form of a green titan.

He directly punched the zombie heroes who resisted in front of him.

The other zombie heroes regained their sanity, but the green titan's appetite is not easy and simple [now he is still addicted to the painful and unbearable hunger torment E.


He wants meat!

The humans in front of him are his food!

Facing the green titan, which is more hungry and stronger, the faces of many zombie heroes are very embarrassing...

Especially the green titan slapped Luke Cage on the ground and rubbed it, and Wolverine was sent flying with a slap. That incomparably violent power caused headaches for countless people.

It is difficult for all the zombies to join forces to deal with him!

"Titan hates the woman who plays with fire!"

Facing Phoenix's incendiary Phoenix force, Hulk, who was full of fireworks all over his body, directly punched Phoenix's body with one punch.

Then a fist went down, and then smashed her head.

Facing the Iron Man flying in mid-air, he punched it on the ground, stepped on his chest, and stepped on it hard!

One foot directly blasted Iron Man's battle suit, and then penetrated the ground. The powerful impact made the zombified Tony's internal organs shift, bloody and bloody.

The overflowing blood immediately sprouted from the armor, terrifying and frightening!

Like the god of war alive, a war of heroes!

And at the moment, in the multi-universe, Luke Cage, Wolverine, Phoenix, Iron Man, etc., have unusually wonderful complexions...

Their faces were dark and they wanted to greet Lu Fatty's family!

I'm so...

Luke Cage: ???

Wolverine: ???

Phoenix: ???

Iron Man: I don't know if I should say mmp or not!.

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