Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 255 "Phoenix" Behind

Chapter 255 "Phoenix" Behind

"Cosmic storm" is actually an imprecise general term.

It includes a large number of charged particles released by star explosions in space, resulting in the formation of high-speed particle flows and high-intensity electromagnetic waves, and the solar wind produced by violent explosions of sunspots during the peak period of activity.

And energy fluctuations caused by many strange celestial body changes.

Since the big bang of the universe 150 billion years ago, stars and galaxies have been spreading outward rapidly. This phenomenon is the "cosmic expansion theory".

The gravity that sustains each other between the planets should have slowed down this expansion, but this is not the case. The expansion of the universe is still accelerating, which also makes the endless "storm" in the universe.

Reed Richards, who has been madly obsessed with the study of "cosmic storms" for several years, summed up such a cosmic "celestial phenomenon" as: a form of activity produced by collisions between cosmic substances when they are born or died .

And these activities will release high-energy particles in a relatively large range, resulting in the so-called cosmic storm.

In the nearly 150 years that the earth has been recorded, there have been more than 1859 records of being affected by "cosmic storms", among which the first "Carrington storm" in [-] is the most.

The earth's atmosphere filters out a large number of harmful rays and energy particles, but just the most negligible aftermath of a storm can also cause large-scale power outages, ships, aircraft navigation systems failure and other huge disasters.

In front of the detection camera of the "Spacelab" spacecraft, four heads are tightly packed together, observing the image of the storm produced by the interaction of the gorgeous energy vortex gas and radiation.

Everything in the detection lens seems to be a turbulent sea dyed in colorful colors by watercolors, surrounded by a group of silver overlapping halos, coming from the other end of the starry sky.

With the approach of the "cosmic storm" and the two-way rush of the spaceship, this incomparably magnificent scenery can gradually be seen by the four people with their naked eyes through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cabin.

".The red light band is the formation of a large amount of sulfur gas, the green is hydrogen, and the blue is oxygen."

Reed pointed to the dense spots of light around the energy storm group, his eyes were full of fascination, and he spoke in a soft voice, as if he couldn't hold anything else in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, I said Mr. Richards, how did you think of studying this stuff?"

Susan's younger brother, Johnny, smacked his mouth and muttered. He lost interest and lay back on the seat after watching it for a while.

Reed, whose eyes were still "welded dead" in the detection camera, came back to his senses a little bit, and explained eagerly after listening to Johnny's question.

"Six years ago in March, the power transmission system of Quebec, Canada was interrupted by a trace of cosmic storm energy for more than nine hours. I intercepted an energy wave at that time, and after analyzing it, I found that this storm was extremely unusual. Among them The elemental molecules carried by the high-energy particle flow are not seen in any conventional storm phenomenon."

Johnny looked at Reed's back, shrugged noncommittally, and finally interrupted after listening for a while:
"OK sounds great, but honestly Reed, while this thing looks fascinating, I don't believe it's more caring than Sue"


The atmosphere in the cabin suddenly fell silent with Susan Stone's coquettish voice.

It was rare for Ben Graeme to agree with Johnny's words, hugging his shoulders and nodding silently, while Reed coughed repeatedly as if he was choking on drinking water, his flushed and glowing cheeks were comparable to Susan's.

"Come on, cough, cough, get ready, Ben, there is one hour and 42 minutes before we will touch the outer circle of the storm. Although the material structure and energy shielding technology of the spacecraft allow us to get close to it to the greatest extent, it is better to be cautious. "

Thinking about the process of the experiment, Reid and Susan met and avoided each other's eyes from time to time. Although they didn't speak to each other, their work was still going on in an orderly manner.

Just now, after being glared at by his sister fiercely, Johnny also closed his mouth obediently, and followed Ben to prepare for the mission of leaving the cabin.

For a while, no one noticed that in the detection lens of the spacecraft, another extremely intense particle fluctuation gradually emerged after the energy cluster of the "cosmic storm".

It only appeared for a moment, and the golden color blocks in the light curtain were covered by the vast storm that was getting closer.

Hundreds of kilometers behind the golden wing-shaped light source, between the orbits of Mars and the earth, the long shuttle-shaped brass-colored spacecraft with spreading branches passed through the vast star field, still following closely, as if it couldn’t bear it anymore hunter.

The only remaining royal starship of the Skrulls has followed the "force of the phoenix" to drift among the stars, and it has been recorded for dozens of years on earth
"Your Majesty, the moment when the 'Children of the Universe' absorbs this group of strong particle storms should be the best time for us to act, and all the ship owners are waiting for your order."

The skinny captain of the starship had milky white sparse short hair on the top of his head and under his chin, which was a symbol of extremely old age for a race like the Skrulls who were originally hairless.

In the era when the Skrull Empire was in decline and was nearly collapsed by the Cree people, there were very few such old people, but he knelt on his knees, his forehead lightly touched the ground and his palms were spread out on both sides, showing a quaint look. The towering throne performed the highest courtesy.

This is not the old captain, the Skrull emperor who surrendered and worshiped, "Dort VII" died in the war with the Cree, and his successor was placed on the throne in front of him. The new emperor tore off his head.

If the empire of the Skrulls was as strong as it was thousands of years ago, the old captain would definitely not succumb to such an ambitious usurper, but the Skrulls today
There is no good or evil, only the strong.

Surrounding the brass-colored throne sculpted integrally with the starship, there are more than a dozen so-called "Super Skrulls" guarding them.

In the culture and habits of this race, these Skrulls who can not only change their appearance and shape, but also copy the target's ability or strength are called the royal family.

The flickering glow in the ship just formed a shadow curtain, covering the faces of a group of royal families of different shapes and sizes.

On the low-backed brass throne, the sturdy figure like a hill sank deeper into the darkness, until the blade-like fingertips of the Skrull emperor Kalt scraped his turquoise wrinkled chin, and moved forward slightly. After leaning forward a bit, he finally saw his face clearly.

"'Phoenix', it is not a dead thing! We have been following it for so long, is it really so easy?"

The old captain didn't know for a moment whether Emperor Carter was asking himself or talking to himself, he still kept his kneeling posture, thinking about how to respond.

"Carter, don't even think about it, grab it and subdue it! With the power of the phoenix, the Kree Empire's defeat is only in our palms!"

On the right side of the throne, the thinner figure than the Skrull Emperor Kalt stomped his feet violently, setting off sparks on the rock-like metal deck, roaring violently.

In the Skrull Empire, the identity difference between the same royal family is extremely small, even the emperor can call them by their first names.

Unlike the Skrulls who all wore blue-purple armor or costumes, Kalt only wore a skirt around his waist, and had a sturdy figure covered with lizard scales and cuticles. He just glanced to the side, grumpy. The giant man grunted and lowered his fist and said nothing more.

Carter stood up, silently looking around at the dozen or so remaining Skrull royals.

Although no one dared to speak again, the sharp and narrow faces that gradually emerged from the shadows were silently expressing their inner desires.

"Captain Bellomo, turn on all the power of the kingship and prepare to launch the tow cannon. Pike, since you are so energetic, you idiot, go and help. After capturing the Phoenix Force, we will stop at star C-53." Going to rest, hum. According to Talos’ legacy message, there seems to be a race with good abilities on that planet.”

Boom, boom, boom.
Carter walked down the throne step by step, and he didn't see that he was deliberately exerting force, but every foot seemed to drive the entire starship to rumble and tremble.

Walking all the way to the mottled hanging window more than ten meters high, Carter crossed his arms and looked at the golden light source body that had fully stretched out its wings.

The super Skrull named Pike opened his mouth wide, erupting a lava-like viscous energy flow all over his body, transforming into a life form burning with blazing flames, and rushed to the energy cabin of the spaceship in a few steps, without any hesitation. Unreserved release of power.

The old captain Bellomo and dozens of operators in the cabin got busy quickly, and some of them transformed into several tentacles, which dazzled and dazzled on the light curtain of the spaceship.

The two sides of the Skrull kingship slowly separated and protruded, and then the entire starship formed a trident-like shape, and the tip of each "halberd thorn" gathered a lavender energy cluster, and it grew rapidly.

"Your Majesty, when the 'Children of the Universe' swallowed the energy of the storm, it is the best time for us to do it. A spaceship was detected not far from the storm. It should be from star C-53. Hehehe, in such a powerful energy fluctuation With their technological level, they are likely to be annihilated into molecules”

The skinny Captain Bellomo stood beside Carter, barely able to touch his chest. The old-school Skrulls were still more accustomed to calling the Phoenix Force the ancient name-"Son of the Universe".

Seeing that the kingship's traction energy was driven to the maximum, the old captain couldn't help rubbing his hands, his speckled pupils were golden-yellow illuminated by the flame of "Phoenix".

What he saw seemed to be not only the dazzling light of the tail of the "Phoenix", but also the glory of the resurgent Skrulls!
"Belomo, don't be so happy, if the power of the phoenix allows us to capture it so easily... Hehehe, then its power is too limited."

Carter just looked at it for a while, then turned around and walked back to the high platform, sitting on the throne in silence, as if he didn't expect much from all of this.

(End of this chapter)

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