Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 256 Crimson, almost black

Chapter 256 Crimson, almost black

In the vast black starry scene, the silver-gray cosmic storm energy cluster looks like a plump silver fish.

Behind it, the originally insignificant golden light source body suddenly broke through the "eggshell", stretched out its flame-like wings, and rapidly multiplied and became larger.

"Phoenix" sticks out its slender neck, flaps its wings and leaps up. The energy entity like an eagle's beak pierces into the center of the storm group fiercely, and behind it is the whip chain formed by three clusters of purple energy beams. It is coming with a precise swing.

beep beep beep.
"Warning! Warning! I am about to be impacted by high-energy particle waves. The estimated contact time counts down, one minute and 42 seconds, 41 seconds, 40 seconds."

The "Space Lab", which was about to approach the edge of the cosmic storm, suddenly rang a piercing bell.

Johnny was still wearing his "space suit", and Ben Graham, who was also in charge of the extravehicular mission, had just absorbed the shell of the spaceship under his feet, and stood deep on the deck of the spaceship and in the vacuum environment.

Ben listened to the warning sound constantly resounding from the helmet, looking puzzled, and then Reed Richards' anxious and eager voice suddenly came.

"This, this is impossible! How could the energy storm suddenly get out of control, what is going on! Ben, Johnny, return to the cabin immediately, return immediately! The spaceship must immediately activate all protective devices."

Ben subconsciously turned left and right to look around. Although the blue-black armor-like spacesuit looked round, it was extremely flexible in action.

At the right rear, the energy storm group that was hundreds of kilometers away could already be faintly pierced by a long, pointed golden flame with the naked eye.

It was like a balloon filled with water, and after bursting, it spewed out rapidly in a ring shape.

The original silver-gray energy color of the storm group became more strange and mysterious when it was connected in series by the golden streamer. It was approaching rapidly in the blink of an eye, and it was about to engulf the entire spaceship.

"Reed, Reed! Calm down, this spaceship is dedicated to the research of storm energy, and we have also done a lot of simulation tests, it will be fine."

Susan loudly comforted Reed Richards who was almost hysterical. This was the first time she had seen Reed lose his composure.

Reed frantically flicked the energy shielding system of the spaceship, and lowered the special alloy deck, and even eagerly banged on the console, trying to make the energy shield that spread a little bit faster complete.

"No, it's not like this, Su. This spaceship was originally designed to be able to get close to the cosmic storm, not to survive in the center of the storm! The hull of the spaceship may be fine, but we can't prevent our bodies from being corroded by the energy of the storm, and you see This energy index!"

Reed's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his handsome and thin face was covered with big drops of sweat in an instant. His palm was firmly pressed on the screen of the detection instrument, and all the values ​​on it reached the highest peak. Constantly blinking question mark characters.

At the other end of the cabin, Johnny took Ben back calmly. As the isolation door was sealed, the outer energy cover of the "Space Lab" and the raised blockade deck were also in place one by one.

"Final countdown, ten, nine, eight"

Reed finally took pictures of the spacecraft’s automatic return route set in tens of seconds. Facing the spread speed of the cosmic storm, even if he had the authority to use the most secret curvature engine technology of the spacecraft, he could not escape in time.

The light in the cabin flickered twice, and Reed didn't know why he hugged Susan suddenly. At the moment of danger, his courage was either crushed, or he became unbelievable.

"Sue! I'm sorry, I"

The bursting cosmic storm passed through the energy shield almost without hindrance, passed through the deck of the ship, engulfed Johnny and Ben, the two figures hugging each other, and also engulfed Reed Richards' last wish. the words said.

There is no medium in a vacuum that can transmit sound, and a group of energy bodies should not have the ability to "sound", but whether it is Kalt or all the Skrull royal family and ordinary people, they "heard" a piercing scream in their hearts.

As soon as the energy traction beam of the Skrull ship was projected on the "Phoenix", it was twisted and swung away by this group of light sources. The form was completely condensed into the bird-shaped Phoenix Power, and even had an extremely humanized profile. The head glanced behind.

It seems that he never cared about the little bugs that followed him for a long time.

Carter didn't show the slightest disappointment. He watched the phoenix flapping its wings and rushing towards the blue planet that could be faintly seen.

"Sure enough, I still go to C-53. What is there... that attracts it so much?"

Ignoring the Skrulls who had already knelt around and pleaded guilty, Carter just twisted his neck and said in a low voice:
"Contact Mutas! It seems that they are not exaggerating, maybe this planet really has a target worthy of our transformation."


In the Arctic Circle, the Greenland ice sheet.

The world's largest island, which was "feuded by all lands" by the Howlett family, no longer even belonged to Denmark in name.

Nearly half a century ago, James Howlett took the trouble to get Jay Gatsby to forge his identity and get the actual control of Greenland from the Danish royal family.

Today, even in the official recognition of the United Nations and countries around the world, Greenland no longer belongs to any country or regional organization, and does not even need communication with other countries.

This place seems to be an "enclave" outside of modern human society.

Only a few people know that this piece of land completely belongs to the family with the wolf as its emblem. Over time, people in the extraordinary world who walk on this permafrost are collectively called "direwolves".

The rustling white hair wind cuts the snow field layer by layer like a blade, and this place is closer to the North Pole than the "Wolf's Nest Base" in the southwest of the island.

Even in the extreme daylight, there are ice fields with a temperature of nearly minus [-] degrees that are uninhabited. However, under the solid ice that is several meters thick, in the almost dark ice cave, a beautiful figure is covered with only a white cloak, and the eyes are closed. Sitting cross-legged.

The bright red long hair is scattered, forming a strong contrast with the frosty white eyes in the cave. The only light source here is the fiery red eyes through Jean Gray's eyelids.

She frowned tightly from time to time, her long eyelashes fluttered and dropped a few frost particles, and the light in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Innocent Qin, your thoughts are messed up again, are you still unable to make up your mind? You almost eliminated me completely, hehehe regretted it at this moment?"

The rampant and seductive voice in Qin's mind was murmuring extremely weakly at this moment, even if it reappeared after being silent for more than ten years, it had never been so sluggish.

"Shut up, can't you feel the energy fluctuations from outside the sky?"

Since the actual combat training in the Hell Dimension half a year ago, Qin Gray has been granted by her teacher, the White Queen, to break away from the daily training of the "Sirius Legion" and meditate alone in the depths of the ice field.

She is constantly fighting and grinding with the power that she has not yet controlled, and the suppressed inner personality and emotions.

From the day she stepped into the ice cave, she made up her mind to "cut off" all the thoughts she shouldn't have.

And after half a year of self-examination and weariness, Jean Gray's repressed personality finally no longer retains even the most basic power of induction.

"Tianwai? Hee. The power we can feel must be extraordinary. Who did it last time? By the way, that Tianqiqin, don't you really feel it's a pity that you did this?"

Qin Yanhong's long hair suddenly exploded, and the temptation to suppress her inner personality is now very easy and natural for her.

Time, loneliness, only ice and snow and wilderness accompany, some immature and naive girlish ideas, gradually, are about to be forgotten.

".Even if there is another apocalypse today, there is no need to worry. Maybe those Kree people finally came, have no chance to see it."

As the last corner of the inner personality in the spiritual realm is about to be cleaned up, Qin's brows are gradually smoothed out, but she does not know where a disturbing awareness arises in her heart.

The suddenly opened eyes pierced two bright yellow rays of light, and the cave a few meters below the ice cap suddenly exploded, revealing a huge hole that shot straight into the sky.

Qin's spiritual power followed that strangely raised thought, shuttled through consciousness between heaven and earth, and actually connected to another "spiritual world". She saw a flaming phoenix soaring in the sea of ​​stars?

In just a moment, Qin's field of vision seemed to change from a bystander to "Phoenix" itself. She looked at the moon flying past in front of her, and the space fortresses orbiting the earth.

She just waved her wings, and everything that was in front of her eyes was swept away. Gradually, Qin saw the stream of lightning in the dark clouds, saw the sea, mountains and rivers, and even focused her eyes on a pale ice field.

Beside the cave on the ice sheet, a red-haired woman in a white cloak stands alone. She is looking up at the sky in a daze, her eyes are golden.

That's Jean Gray, herself.

"Qin hee hee ha ha ha! I can feel it! It's too close, too close!"

The voice from the bottom of my heart seemed to muster up the last strength and shouted.

Qin finally withdrew her "gaze", and she still kept looking up. A giant flame bird across the sky rushed straight down, and she could almost see the golden eyes of the giant bird staring at herself for a moment.


On the ice field, in the ear, in the mind, there is only this sharp sound that makes the sky tremble.

The moment the giant golden bird fell, it seemed that everything was just a phantom, and it disappeared without a trace when it touched Jean Gray's forehead. Except for the strange and still snowstorm, the ice field did not change at all.

Qin Gray knelt down on the ground, her bright red long hair drooped down, and the color seemed to become a little darker, so that it was dark red and almost black.

It's been a long time like this, and I haven't gotten up.

 Sorry for the lateness everyone, just finished proofreading.

(End of this chapter)

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