Marvel's Berserker pleads to die

Chapter 8 The battle is over!Once again brutally strengthened, [Blood Rage]

Chapter 8 The battle is over!Once again brutally strengthened, [Blood Rage]

Zhou Youping was not without gains.

At least he found a trick to die in battle: fight in the explosive pile, it should be easy to die.

Zhou Youping remembered that he seemed to have seen several places similar to that explosives warehouse before.

Zhou Youping looked at a young man who was separated from him by an explosive magazine, and "explained" in his heart:

"Well, I didn't intend to commit suicide. I was just going to risk being killed by the explosives, and quickly kill the enemies on the other side. Fighting is supposed to risk death. It's reasonable."

He, Zhou Youping, did not commit suicide!

The system did not pop up a warning, which made Zhou Youping feel relieved, and then rushed towards the explosive store...the little guy at the other end...the unknown young general.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Zhou Youping's mind:

"Ding! Found an important person in this world - Tony Stark.

It is found that the host has been involved in an important battle in the world - "The Birth of Iron Man".

Post a challenge task!

Requirements: 1. Make Ethan and Tony Stark escape from the terrorist base successfully;
2. Defeat the terrorists (total destruction, escape, surrender);
Complete all requirements to complete the challenge.

Success reward: You can choose one of the three runes given by the system to integrate into the artifact (every time a rune is integrated, the artifact will gain a certain amount of growth)”

"Shut up!" Zhou Youping shouted in his heart.

Challenging tasks?

I'm not interested.

I just want to fight to the death!
Then go home!

The terrorists also saw Zhou Youping's behavior.

"Boss, that giant ran to the No. 2 explosive depot!" A minion reminded the bald leader in surprise.

"God help me too!" The bald leader cheered up: "RPG, aim at the No. 2 explosive depot,..."

The bald leader was halfway through speaking, when he heard a lot of miserable howls behind him.


"Report to the leader! Stark burned our ass!" a minion said to the bald leader.

"What? How is it possible!" The bald leader was startled.

When Stark appeared, in order to recapture him as soon as possible, the bald leader gritted his teeth and separated half a team, nearly 50 people came out to carry out this task.

Fifty vicious fighters can't beat a playboy?
How can it be?

The bald leader looked back.

The 20-meter-long flame continuously spewed out from the hands of a silver tin man.

Anyone who is touched by the flame will be ignited all over his body, and then he will be burned to death by the fire.

Stark just waved the flamethrower a few times, and the dozens of terrorists who wanted to catch him were set on fire.

Subsequently, Stark did not stop his revenge. After he solved the team that captured him, he took the initiative to attack other terrorists first.

It can only be said that Stark is worthy of being the world's number one arms dealer.

It took Zhou Youping more than ten minutes to kill more than 100 enemies.

And Stark killed more than 80 terrorists in just a short while with his temporarily designed and manufactured flamethrower.

This is not to say that Stark's Mark One is stronger than Zhou Youping.

One is because the enemy doesn't understand the function of Stark's armor.

As for the second, it can only be said that "there is a specialization in the art industry."

Stark, who specializes in this way, knows how to deal with modern warfare.

And Zhou Youping has never really systematically studied the knowledge of modern warfare. His combat method is similar to cannon hitting flies, outputting 999 each time, but the enemy obviously only has 3 lives, 996 is wasted, and the gain is very small.

"Boss, we are flanked by Stark and the Red Giant!" Minion reported the bad news again.

The bald leader knew that the plan to capture Stark alive and then retreat had become impossible.

Even, in the case of being attacked, most of them might not be able to successfully evacuate. He decisively ordered: "Change the target, focus on Stark, kill him, and then retreat!"

Although Stark's killing speed far exceeds that of Zhou Youping, Stark is an ordinary person after all...

When the terrorists heard that there was no need to continue fighting the monsters, and that they could retreat as long as Stark was killed, their morale was immediately boosted.

The next moment, Stark received the greatest "respect" from the terrorists with guns, guns and grenades.

The power system of the Mark [-] is only to allow Stark to drive the armor in the most basic way. Even the movement is just slow and heavy.

When Stark was suppressed by the firepower that Zhou Youping had received before, he was instantly suppressed by the impact of the hail of bullets and fell to the ground, unable to move.

One second, he showed great power, and the next second he was beaten into a turtle.

Fortunately, the steel armor was really strong, allowing him to swallow the enemy's attack.

But after all, it is a semi-finished product temporarily assembled with a pile of "broken". Under the firepower of the enemy's crazy output, the connection of the steel armor began to break first.


Zhou Youping "successfully" passed an explosives depot and killed the terrorist with one punch.

He wondered why the enemy didn't take the opportunity to detonate the explosives.

Moreover, the enemy's gunshots kept ringing, but he hadn't been hit by a single bullet for ten seconds in a row.

Zhou Youping couldn't help but look towards the direction where the gunshots were loudest.

Zhou Youping saw that the enemies turned their backs to him, and at this time the enemies were all pointing their guns at one person.Tony Stark.

Why are you ruining my good deeds again?
In this regard, Zhou Youping could not sit idly by.

"Hey! Come on, keep hitting me! I'm going to die in no time!" Zhou Youping shouted.

But what he didn't expect was that the terrorists ignored him and beat Stark even harder!
The ears of these terrorists may not be very good.

Zhou Youping decided to throw something to remind those terrorists, there is still someone here, come over with more firepower, take care of him!

He casually picked up a box from his side, and threw it viciously towards the position with the most enemies with both hands.

However, what Zhou Youping didn't expect was that the box exploded immediately after being smashed into the pile of enemies!
Enemies within a radius of ten meters from the center of the explosion were directly engulfed by the flames of the explosion, enemies within a radius of 20 meters were blown away by the shock wave, and enemies 20 meters away also received certain minor injuries.

Their physiques are not comparable to Zhou Youping's, and such shock wave power is almost fatal to ordinary people with fragile internal organs!

Just like that, five or sixty enemies were seriously injured or killed in an instant, and there were countless minor injuries.

The enemy's firepower was immediately "silenced" by half.

Zhou Youping felt very embarrassed.

The ghost knows that he randomly picked up a box on the side of the road, and it was actually filled with high explosives!
Can such a dangerous thing be put away? !So unprofessional!

At the same time, Stark suddenly felt that the impact force on his body was reduced by more than half. He took the opportunity to stand up and sprayed the enemy with the flamethrower for four or five seconds.

Of the original [-] people, more than half of them have lost their combat effectiveness.

This time, the enemy was really defeated.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The bald leader can't control so much anymore. Although the casualties will be heavy if he evacuates forcibly, it will definitely be a pill if he continues to fight like this.

Afterwards, Zhou Youping and the others took advantage of the situation and carried out a "chasing and killing" of the enemy.

Stark really wants to kill.

But because our iron man's armor is too bulky, all the enemies run away after only a few steps.

"Come back! Don't run away! Really, I'm almost dead! Believe me, if you work hard, you will win!" Zhou Youping chased after the enemy and begged them to continue fighting.

Then, the terrorists ran even faster, and they ran separately. No matter which one Zhou Youping chased first, it was impossible to leave their large group behind.

The terrorists have completely lost their fighting spirit, they just want to run for their lives now.

Zhou Youping knew that the opportunity was gone, he squatted on the ground decadently, and drew circles on the ground in frustration.


Blessings never come singly, misfortunes never come singly...

"Ding! After a bloody battle, the level of the host has been raised to level 3, and all attributes have been greatly improved!"

"Ca! Got strengthened again? I'm so hard!" Zhou Youping was very sad.

"Ding! You can choose to get two skills at random or get a skill in a specified direction!"

No need to think about it at all.

Zhou Youping: "I want one that can bleed to death, thank you."

"Ding! Get the designated skill - [Blood Rage]!"


【Blood Rage】:
Passive: 1. The isolated blood will generate self-awareness, which can simulate various props, actively protect the owner or attack the enemy, and all actions will consume the energy and vitality of the blood.

Active: 1. Release blood from any part of the body in a non-invasive manner.

2. Control your own blood.

3. Take back the blood flowing out of yourself, restore vitality and physical strength.


"Hey, big guy, you played well just now..."

I don't know when, Stark had already "kika~kika" walked to Zhou Youping's side, he patted Zhou Youping's knee, and continued as if he was familiar with it: "It's amazing that I didn't hold back my genius. rare.

Are you a mutant?

After the incident in 73, many human beings began to worship mutants. Professor X and Magneto's superpowers are all miraculous existences.

It's a pity that they are not in good health, one has Alzheimer's, and the other has terminal cancer.

Moreover, according to big data, starting from [-], the chances of new mutants appearing have fallen off a cliff, and mutants that appeared in the past have gradually disappeared from the public eye. In addition, most of the mutations among mutants are still disadvantages. It is more beneficial than beneficial, and now the mutants with fighting power are so rare that they almost become legendary existences, I think it is because of those genetically modified corns, wait, don't tell others that I said this..."

After Stark was imprisoned for three months, it was rare to meet a second person who could talk, and he was a friend who "saved each other's lives". He couldn't help nagging, and frantically revealed the secret information of this world .

However, Zhou Youping has no interest in these and is bored.

"Can you stop talking? I'm feeling bad right now!"

From the fact that his three-meter-high body has not returned to its original shape, we can tell that he is still in a state of anger.

Stark's EQ is inversely proportional to his IQ, and he is used to starting from reason when thinking about problems.

"Feeling bad?

Still have bad feelings?

It is said that some mutants have a very magical sixth sense and can even predict the future!
Are there hidden dangers? ! "

Stark quickly looked around.

Then, he actually found out...

More than 200 meters away, several terrorists, each with an RPG, are facing here.

In addition, Stark discovered that they happened to be caught in the aisle between two explosive depots...

Stark "We're in trouble!"

Zhou Youping: "Oh—oh~/(understand the tone according to the symbols)"

Stark felt as if something was wrong with his ears.

"Why do I feel like he's a little...happy?"

 Sweeping the grave today, I only had time to write these [-] words.

  Thanks to [Lige 1225] [I've been in a book shortage] [My life is boring] for the recommendation tickets.

  Ask for votes of encouragement.


(End of this chapter)

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