Marvel's Berserker pleads to die

Chapter 9 The Awakened Stark

Chapter 9 The Awakened Stark

After the bald leader led the team to run a few hundred meters, he found that Zhou Youping and Stark were not chasing them, but chatting together.

The chat location is still between the two explosive depots!
The bald leader felt like he was doing it again.

With great difficulty, he stopped a few younger brothers who were not yet completely frightened, and asked them to use RPG to target all the ammunition depots
The bald leader got ruthless this time.

Not only did he want to detonate the two explosive depots around Zhou Youping and Stark, but he also wanted to detonate everything that could be exploded in the base at once.

He wants to use a large-scale explosion to seal off all the escape routes of Zhou Youping and Stark on the ground!

Even with the speed of a cheetah, it is too late to escape the explosion range of a few hundred meters from the cover.

Unless they can fly or space teleport, they can't run!
As for whether the red giant could be blown up, to be honest, the bald leader didn't have much confidence.

"Even if the giant can't be killed, at least Stark can be killed! Stark is dead, that guy should be very happy, plus the suit of armor on Stark. I can ask him to reimburse me for my loss." The bald leader thought in his heart Counting.

That's right, what he's doing now is to kill Stark.

In fact, from the very beginning, someone spent money and provided information to let the bald leader kill, but he didn't specify the person to kill, Stark.

Stark can't kill casually, he has to pay more!Before the extra money comes in, Bald plans to have Stark build some weapons for his "great cause".

Stark saw the other party's plan at a glance, and reminded Zhou Youping concisely.

Mutants' abilities can vary a lot, he thought, what if Zhou Youping could do it?
However, Zhou Youping didn't intend to think of a way at all.

After Zhou Youping saw the enemy's perseverance, he was very relieved.

Although he will be healed once after leveling up, such healing is not instantaneous.

Although his current vitality has recovered somewhat, he is still below the danger line. If he can be blown up by such a large pile of high explosives, he still has a good chance of dying on the spot.

Zhou Youping thought to himself: With such a large explosion, even if you start running now, it will be too late!
I don't have to work hard!

Even the system didn't warn him of "fraud insurance", which made Zhou Youping feel more at ease.

Don't panic, sit down and wait to die.


Thinking of this, Zhou Youping was so happy that even his body shrunk a bit.

As for Stark.

Zhou Youping wasn't worried at all, as far as he knew, the Mark [-] could also fly, and Stark would definitely not be in danger.

In this way, Zhou Youping will not have any sense of guilt for changing the plot and causing the death of innocent people.

However, what Zhou Youping didn't expect was that Stark had no intention of flying away at all.

He saw Stark crouch down too.

Are you tying your shoelaces?

"Don't you hurry up and escape?" Zhou Youping couldn't help asking.

Fiddled with the armor's legs, Stark said, "No, I see an opportunity.

I took a look and I noticed that the RPGs were not aimed in the same direction, only two of them were targeting our block.

As long as we find a way to intercept those two rockets, we can resolve this crisis. "

Zhou Youping immediately asked anxiously: "If they miss two rounds, then hit two more rounds, wouldn't it be enough?"

Stark said with a look of contempt: "Individual rocket launchers are very time-consuming to load ammunition, and this time is enough for us to leave this dangerous area."

Seeing that Stark actually had a solution, Zhou Youping scratched his head anxiously: "How can you intercept it? You have no tools!"

Stark raised his head proudly and smiled: "Who am I?

I'm the number one genius in the world - Tony Stark!
Let me tell you, the legs of my suit of armor are two rocket vehicles, and if I take it off and attach the sights, they can be used to intercept missiles."

Zhou Youping "struggled" and said, "Is there enough time?"

"It's finished, you can take it off and use it." Stark stood up and was about to take off the armor on his legs.

This made Zhou Youping very angry.

But he couldn't say something like "Don't save me, get lost".

Obviously he could be rescued, but he deliberately refused to accept it. In this way, the intention to commit suicide would be too obvious, and he would be warned by the system.

Zhou Youping could only stare at Stark bitterly.

However, Stark's next sentence made him unable to hate him anymore.
"But you have to be mentally prepared, the success rate of my plan may be less than ten percent." Stark said with a trembling voice.

In fact, in today's war, even with the assistance of radar, there is a great chance of failure to intercept a missile, and it often takes several times the interception missile to successfully complete an interception.

In modern warfare, defense is more difficult than offense most of the time!
And Stark only has two crude interceptor missiles modified with rocket aircraft, without radar assistance, and the guidance can only rely on optical aiming.

However, he needs to use these two interceptor missiles to intercept the two rockets 100% in order to successfully survive the crisis.

Its success rate is less than 5.00%, which is exaggerated, and its real success rate may not even be [-]%!

Of course, Stark chose to fly away on his own, but he didn't.

(Zhou Youping is too big, he can't carry Ethan like that)
After these months of living in a small black house, he thought about many things.

After losing the aura bestowed by the Stark Group, he found that he was not as likable as he thought.

Most of the people who are very friendly or even flattering to him on weekdays actually hate him, probably including his uncle who watched him grow up - Stan Obadale!

This made him realize that there are many more meaningful things in this world waiting for him to do.

For example: world peace!
He must re-correct and atone for his past wrongs caused by indulgence.

And there are many things that money can't buy, waiting for him to fight for.

For example: Sincerely!
After abandoning all interests, he thought of his secretary, Pepper Potts.

This should be the only person in the world who really cares about his likes, dislikes, habits, and everything else.

Stark has found many secretaries, and the salaries are very high, but the only one who can bear him is Pepper.

With a clear mind, after he really got to know himself, he felt that he had a love for Little Pepper.

Although it may be only one-sided thinking
Then, the person who exchanged his sincerity with him was Ethan who had just known each other for three months.

He also thought of his long-time friend Rhodes...


And now to Zhou Youping.

Although the two had known each other for less than an hour, and even though Zhou Youping didn't want it to happen, they did save each other's lives. This is the most direct life-saving friendship and comrade-in-arms love!
Comrades must not abandon their comrades, otherwise they will be betrayed and deserters!

Stark's pride made him unwilling to become a deserter who abandoned his comrades-in-arms. He was ready to exchange his 100% survival rate for the 5% possibility of two people surviving at the same time.

Mathematically speaking, 2X5% is far less than 100%, which is a big loss!

Watching the terrorists' rockets burst out of the launcher and fly towards them.

But Stark resolutely chose this unwise "business" for the sake of the understanding and stubbornness in his heart.

However, Zhou Youping didn't think so
"What a joke!"

Zhou Youping roared angrily, grabbed Stark in his hand, and then activated [Rampage]. One second before his sanity collapsed, he twisted his waist and spun Stark towards Yi in front of him like throwing a flying cake. The location of the cave where Sen was hiding was thrown out vigorously.

I, Zhou Youping, want to die!

You, Tony Stark, want to live!

Who do you want to impress by leaving this to live and die with me?

 Thank you for the recommendation tickets of [Lige 1225] [Myelitis] [Bone Daotian] [rxm Xiaoyao Xing]

  Continue to ask for recommendation votes for encouragement!

  One more chapter tonight


(End of this chapter)

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