MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 67 – Analysis


<Japan / Wild Wild Pussy Cats Base / 17:23>

"Well, well, well" Pixie-Bod laughed loudly as she looked at Class 1A with a smirk. "Finally little kittens have arrived!"

In front of her finally stood the entire Class completely exhausted and in a precarious state, they had scratches everywhere on their uniform some even had small bleeds on some parts of their body. Not to mention the fact that they were covered in mud and leaves everywhere.

"I'm hungry..."


"Um... it was better than I expected" Aizawa observed the state of his students with a lazy look and a very slight smile on his face. The lazy teacher was leaning against the wall of the main WWPC building.

(A/N: WWPC = Wild Wild Pussy Cats)

"I expected more from the UA Star Class! But I see they're just scaredy cats!"

"Listen to me well you little shitty cat!" Shouted Bakugo as he walks menacingly towards Pixie-Bob looked at Bakugo with a scowl and a vein on her forehead. "I don't give a shit what you think of us! You're going to give us food right now!"

"And there went his streak of not messing with other people..." Karishima muttered with a chuckle as he grabbed Bakugo by the shoulders preventing Bomberman from doing his thing.

"I see you still have a lot of energy..." Pixie-Bob muttered with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she clenched her cat paws tightly. "Maybe I should send them back to the forest."


"Alright that's enough" Aizawa cheered drawing everyone's attention. "It's getting late, inside the building you have food and new clothes, take a bath and make sure you get a good night's sleep, tomorrow the real training will start."

Suddenly Class 1A wasn't so excited about Summer Vacation anymore.



<Thermal waters...>

"This was what I needed!" exclaimed Lena as she melted into the soothing hot springs. "Forget what I said, this really is a vacation!"

"Touche ma'dam!" said Toru with a sigh of satisfaction escaping her lips, Momo simply mumbled something while her eyes were closed.

Currently all the Class girls were deeply immersed in the hot springs that belonged to WWPC.

'I guess being a successful team for 12 years brings some luxuries with it... Besides-' Lena thought disdainfully before her mind wandered elsewhere drawing a wide victorious smile from her. 'I have a perfect view!'

In front of Lena was the view to Valhalla itself. Momo's ample bosom, Uraraka's plump body, the juicy thighs to Tsu, Ashido's butt....

And most importantly!

Looking beside her, was a relaxed Kyoka leaning on her shoulder with her eyes peacefully closed. Kyoka's slim and athletic body which had toned up her arms and legs, not to mention her abdomen.

Lena closed her eyes with a winning smile. "This is life..."



<Japan / Kyoto / Hospital / 19:42>

It was a normal day at Kyoto Hospital, doctors were moving around tending to several patients at the same time, every now and then a hero would arrive with some injuries, and there were a few children waking up their Quirk. The special wards dedicated only to seriously injured Heroes were rarely needed and they had priority over other patients.

Doctors didn't have to be afraid that some villain would attack them and take hostages or that a fight between Heroes and Villains would end up with the hospital in ruins, although it was certainly possible it rarely happened. Mainly because most Villains and Heroes would come to an unspoken agreement not to fight or attack the Hospitals as they save the lives of both sides and such acts are frowned upon on both sides of the coin.

Such was the day to day life of any hospital in the Heroic Society, exhausting and in constant motion, but quiet and safe at the end of the day.

Today, however, was one of those special days when that tranquility vanished.

"Make way make way make way!" shouted a police officer intimidatingly, behind him stood a beautiful woman with golden hair and blue eyes hidden behind her glasses. The woman was dressed in a white lab coat which I should had a plain black shirt, she had dark gray pants and black heels.

The woman was none other than Angela Ziegler.

"You don't have to yell" Angela spoke with a frown as she watched as the civilians would have passed by nervously. "You're just scaring them unnecessarily."

Like all the previous times where Angela tried to strike up a conversation with the policeman, he said nothing and kept walking.

Angela could only let out a sigh as she remembered why she was here right now.

A month or so ago, Reaper had managed to obtain much of the information about ARCANGEL, something that was already incredibly bad and that sometimes did not let her sleep thinking that some government to some Villain had the data collected so far, although Winston and David were not very affected by the news, she was, this was the project of her life where she had invested more than 10 years of research!

Not counting what she had to do to save the research from the authorities in her time....

A grimace formed on Angela's face as a sense of guilt came over her, which she quickly cleared as a look of resolve appeared in her eyes. 'I can't let anything stop me now, I'm too close...'

A few hours ago the Scientist Trio had received a call from the authorities investigating Reaper in I-Island, apparently he had not been the only one involved in his stay in I-Island, however we did not know who this supposed 'companion' of Reaper's was.

I-Island had no human guards, all robot security was ultra-advanced and heavily equipped robots along with traps. Much like Tartarus, Japan's maximum security prison. Possibly because the person in charge of security at I-Island is the same person who designed Tartarus.

Reaper had somehow managed to partially hack into I-Island's security system by shutting down the cameras and most of the robots, giving him a free pass to the facility. What the Mercenary didn't count on was that I-Island was prepared for almost anything.

The general system of I-Island quickly realized the failure in one part of its sub-systems and restarted the Security System again activating the robots and the traps, almost capturing Reaper in the process. Unfortunately the cameras were only activated near the end of Reaper's desperate escape so we didn't get anything?

Apart from two blood samples. 

Angela closed her eyes for a moment remembering the information obtained.

The first was from Reaper, or formerly known as Gabriel Reyes. Gabriel was a former Hero born in Los Angeles, United States, he studied in a Military School where he managed to graduate as the best of all his students in more than 50 years. After graduating from military school he decided to pursue a career in heroism where he met Jack Morrison.

However, years later Gabriel was accused of murder and was put behind bars after a trial that lasted 3 months. Blah, blah, blah, it was nothing new and were things that were already known about Reaper for a long time.

Now the second stain was what was interesting as it had no record in any database in the whole world. That is, that bloodstain, it doesn't exist.

It was very obvious to find out that someone had accompanied Reaper to I-Island, and quite possibly this person was the one who caused the hacking of the I-Island Security System considering that even the UN databases were empty.

'And possibly it was the same person who helped him escape from the Raid...' Angela thought with interest as she stopped in front of a gate guarded by heavily armed policemen. 'Bleh, I hate having to make deals like this... damn politics...'

Taking a deep breath, Angela opened the door... only to be met with a living corpse.

Angela stared at the corpse- no, the person with wide eyes before immediately running to the side of the bed where he was lying. "Wh-! Who did this?!"

In front of her lying on a bed was the barely recognizable figure of a man, his body was covered with many bandages and different tubes that carried many liquids into his body. Especially one of them especially large that connected to his chest.

What little he let see of the bandage covered man was a disgusting skin of an animal color that Angela recognized as burnt skin.

"No idea" Said a half-hearted voice, turning her head towards the direction of the voice Angela saw a Hero leaning back in a chair with a bored look on his face. "Hello there."

The Hero was a relatively short man with a slim, narrow build. His hair was an ash blond color and was messily slicked back with some of the front locks sticking out in arcs above his head. He was dressed in a light brown winter jacket , underneath the jacket he has a black shirt which had some yellow patterns on it, he is wearing a pair of all black gloves and boots plus a visor that covered his yellow eyes.

Perhaps the most striking thing about the man were his huge bright red wings and his sharp bird-like eyes.

"Who are you?" Asked Angela cautiously as she looked the man in the eye.

"Oh?, I thought a lot of people would recognize me now, I guess I'm still a bit new at this" Hawks smiled nonchalantly as he stood up from the chair and stretched "I'm Hawks a pleasure miss, I'm the HPSC envoy to make sure our resident guest doesn't do anything stupid although it's pretty clear he can barely breathe"

Angela nodded before turning her gaze back to the person on the bed with a grimace. "What happened to him?"

"Honestly no idea, but the doctor said he had several cuts all over his body, one especially deep in his chest that almost reached his heart, and yes, his lungs are shredded and the machine is what's keeping him alive for now. Oh, plus he has severe burns all over his body" Explained Hawks as he walked over to the window and looked out at the roads with a blank stare. "Whoever did this wanted to make sure the body didn't leave any traces behind."

"This is terrible..." Angela barely managed to get the words out of her throat as she felt like throwing up. "How did you find him?"

"I did, I was patrolling with these babies" Hawks replied simply as he shrugged his shoulders. "When I saw a man in an alley trying to set fire to him, I tried to capture the man but he quickly disappeared without a trace, although as you can see I didn't get the job done."

"Well now that you're here I can leave" Hawks said as he turned around with a relaxed smile and left the room not particularly caring about the subject's condition.....

'Genji Shimada... who did this to you?'

Or so he let on the surface.


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