MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 68 – Training Begins!


<WWPC Base / Forest / 5:03>

"I see you all slept well" Aizawa spoke with amusement as he saw the dark circles under the faces of his students, it was 5 am and they had been forced to get up if they didn't want a punishment.

Some of them couldn't even sleep well because of all the sound of the insects or because they were simply not used to sleeping anywhere else but at home. 

And then there was Lena, who hadn't been able to sleep well because of the cramped space in the shared dormitory. 'How I hate you damn claustrophobia...'

"Today we will start the real training that the UA staff has been preparing for each of you" Aizawa informed as he folded his arms lazily.

"The real?" Lena muttered as she gave Aizawa a deadpan look, the other students simply deflated or sighed defeatedly. 'I'm starting to regret this camp...'

"As you may know in a relatively short time the exams to obtain your Temporary License will begin. This License will be your first step to becoming true Heroes" Aizawa lazily informed as he looked seriously at the expression of each of his students, analyzing their reactions. "Sharpen your minds, firm your spirits and prepare your hearts because it will be far from easy to obtain."

"Having said all this-"

Aizawa suddenly pulled out a baseball from his back and threw it to Bakugo who managed to catch it without much effort. Bakugo looked at the ball suspiciously before his eyes widened slightly as he recognized the ball in his hand.

'This is from the Apprehension Test...' Bakugo thought curiously as he raised an eyebrow at Aizawa feeling a bit confused.

"- let's see how far you have progressed during these three months. Bakugo your previous record was 705.2 meters" Aizawa pulled out the distance meter as he motioned for Bakugo to start.

Bakugo smiled broadly understanding Aizawa's motive, took a deep breath as he quickly took his position and....


A huge explosion came from Bakugo's hand just as the ball left his hands sending it flying like a missile. 


'Well... that's disappointing' Lena thought as she made a strange grimace on her face as she saw Bakugo's score.

"Tch" Bakugo simply clicked his tongue in annoyance as he shoved his hands into his pockets.


"In three months you have gained vast experience in the world of Heroism, but that growth has been mainly technical and emotional" Explained Aizawa as he put away the distance meter before looking all of his students in the eyes with intensity and a creepy smile. "It's time to focus on physical growth! So starting today we will focus on improving their Quirk and pushing them to the limit!"

The Class 1A students smiled enthusiastically as sleep and tiredness left their minds. Lena gave a broad smile to Aizawa accepting the challenge she proposed.

Summer Camp had just begun!


<PoV - Lena Oxton>

"So... what will my training be?" I asked tentatively as I looked around us, Aizawa had taken me to a rocky area a little further away from where the other people were doing their training.

Logically, Aizawa couldn't handle more than 20 students who had different skills at the same time. Fortunately, WWPS were supervising the training and giving different advice or correcting if they were doing something wrong.

"You... you're a complicated case, the UA Staff didn't have much time to develop a fully effective plan for your Quirk" Aizawa explained as he frowned and gave me an angry look. "Mainly because we didn't know until recently what your Quirk really is."

"Hehehehe.... ups" I laughed nervously as I cringed a little at his look feeling a little guilty, just a little.

"Whatever" Aizawa let out a tired sigh before pulling out his tear water bottle and starting to squirt drops in his eyes. "There are infinite possibilities of what your Quirk can do with the only possible limit being how far you want to take it. As this is a special case UA decided to analyze all your fights to date as well as your performance during the internship with Nighteye, as well as asking for details about your Quirk from your father"

Unconsciously I shuddered a little at the knowledge that all UA staff now knew about my former condition, I felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't help but avert my gaze to the side.

It was as if someone had been told a big secret without my prior consent. Of course, in this case the secret was my medical condition that had affected almost my entire life leaving me scarred for life. 

"The first thing we will try will be to increase your energy reserves, the more Entropic Energy you have the stronger you will become in general" Aizawa spoke again bringing me out of my thoughts. "The second thing we will try... will be to Slow down time."

I blinked twice before interrupting Aizawa "Excuse me but... why would I need to Slow down my time?. I mean, isn't the idea of a sprinter supposed to be to go faster?"

"Who said it was your time?" replied Aizawa with a vicious grin. "You'll try to slow down the time of other people or other things, either at a distance or around you."

I widened my eyes before that before frowning and looking at him confused. "But why do I need to Slow down other people's time or things, I understand if it's to save someone but I don't see much use for it in a fight against some villain."

"You'll need it because you're careless, reckless and a general airhead when it comes to thinking in the heat of the moment" Aizawa replied while rolling his eyes, every time she spoke it was like an arrow pierced me and I could only scratch my head in embarrassment. 

'I didn't think he had that opinion of me...' I thought with slumped shoulders and a blank stare.

"I personally don't agree with this being the first thing you learn but Nezu insisted that this was fundamental and very beneficial" Aizawa growled in frustration at the Director's mention, but still continued speaking normally. "In Nezu's words, Slowing down time around you can be an excellent technique both defensively and offensively if used correctly. You could, for example, slow down Bakugo's time making him move much slower and much more vulnerable to your attacks or those of your allies, not to mention the fact that you're not literally slowing him down you're Slowing down his time, that includes the speed with which he can react and think."

"That... that's a bit OP" I said wordlessly as I imagined myself stopping Bakugo in mid-air preventing him from moving completely. 

"It would be like Conqueror's Haki?....." I muttered to myself feeling suddenly excited.

"And that's nothing, assuming your Quirk has no limits that is" Aizawa muttered disdainfully while looking at the sun for a moment.

"Then what will I be doing first!"

"You'll be doing both at the same time."



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