Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 146

Chapter: 146. Mobilization Registration Period.

“Heroes! Please use this counter for the healing department!”

“Martial artists, if you want to share a room with members of the same school, you must apply in advance!”

“What? You already retired? Then why are you here… I’ll call the person in charge!”

“If you’re in the middle of a conversation, take this form! Please register in advance next time.”

The counter was chaotic today. It’s normally a lively place, but with the mobilization period, it felt like a hell had opened up!

Heroes submitting forms, representatives or secretaries from specific organizations, mobilization targets like civilians, soldiers from various military bases, and defense team members within the association—all gathered here.

If they submitted their forms beforehand or chose their desired mobilization period, things would be handled much more smoothly.

But what can you do?

Even if you become a hero, procrastination is a human trait!

Online registration is possible, but it only allows for the most basic confirmation requests, so it’s no wonder it turned into this mess.

Special unit assignments. Academic or combat rejection based on story progress. Documentation for sharing rooms with specific individuals.

Complaints about wrongly delivered notifications.

All had to be resolved at the association’s counter.

Of course, not every mobilization period is this packed with people. This time, there’s a particular reason…

“Senpai…? Last year, there were way fewer people, right?”

Yeah, I was just thinking that. “This time… there was that incident from Hokkaido, remember?”

“That one?”

What was it…

I pondered for 2-3 seconds to recall the word that had just slipped my mind. “Oh right. The Hokkaido incident. People who should have been assigned there were taken over by the defense staff for the repairs, so all the personnel that should have gone there ended up here, causing this mess.”

Wow, the efficiency of the association is impressive.

“True,” I couldn’t help but agree with Han Abin.

It was obvious that such a situation would arise, yet the association curiously activated its usual money-saving habits, merely adding two extra counters.

Of course, even with two additional counters, increasing the total to twelve wouldn’t be enough to handle a 2-3 times larger crowd.

“Heroes! Using powers within the association is prohibited! Don’t use ice magic just because it’s hot!”

The aftermath of that was this chaotic scene.

I mean, can’t they at least allow a bit of ice magic? It’s not like we’re calling down hailstorms! This could actually help ease frustrations.

While I had such random thoughts, beside me…

“How much longer do we have to wait?”

Han Abin asked.

“Just give up and zone out; it’ll go by fast. You know, like a march. You just have to blank out for a bit and it’ll be over before you know it.”

Or just fiddle with your phone or something.

There are plenty of ways to pass the time!

“But it’s too noisy around here…”

Seems like your training hasn’t been enough. Whatever astounding focus you showed on the rubber boat has vanished.

“Seriously, why did you even come with me when I said I’d go alone?”

“I can’t just stay home like a good girl!”

Even if I told her to rest quietly at home, she wouldn’t listen.

For me, it’s just another yearly hassle; submitting two more forms won’t change much.

“I’m totally regretting it right now…”

Han Abin sighed, perhaps resenting her past self.

Trusting last year’s experience and following me without a second thought led to this hellish situation. Regret is only natural.

Being in a situation where she could have easily pulled out, she voluntarily stepped in due to poor judgment.

By now, she must be thinking she should have just stayed at home or if it’s possible to leave now.

But considering that I’m her instructor and senior and a human, she’d find it embarrassing to voice those thoughts.

That’s purely my guess, but it’s probably about 90% accurate.

Therefore, I must extend a hand of salvation.

“If it’s tough, just go home with Sihyeon. It wouldn’t matter to me if I’m by myself…”

As I turned my head saying that…

“Where did Sihyeon go?”

In my field of vision, there was only Han Abin.

Sihyeon, who was stylishly dressed thanks to Abin, was nowhere to be seen.

“Sihyeon? She was right next to me, but…”

Did the overwhelming crowd make Abin realize Sihyeon was missing only now?

A brief silence filled the space.

“Don’t tell me… Sihyeon went missing?”

That voice, filled with disbelief, came out of my mouth.

Missing? Isn’t that a bit much? Sihyeon is an adult now, after all… No way…

“Yeah, right. Ha, ha, ha.”

She is an adult, so shouldn’t she be able to take care of herself?

Yeah, nothing should have happened.


“Sihyeon! Where are you?”


Our voices overlapped.

Filled with worry and fear, our loud voices pierced through the air.

It’s not like we’re worried for Sihyeon as a person.

She’s a grown adult; in fact, she’s an A-Rank hero. What could possibly happen if she suddenly disappeared while standing in line?

So, we’re not really concerned about Sihyeon.

“Sihyeon! Where are you?”

“Sihyeon! Please answer your phone!”

We’re worried what kind of trouble that girl might have caused.

For some reason, she wasn’t answering her phone, and even after calling the management office to report her missing, we still couldn’t find Sihyeon.

But it’s not like we didn’t encounter Sihyeon at all.

It was just in an unexpected manner.

“My apprentice is such a rookie that she’s causing a ruckus!”

“Ah! Master, I finally found you!”

After receiving contact from the Infinite Architect, I arrived at the high-ranking official lodging.

There sat a fool, casually sipping coffee.

I don’t know if he realized we were concerned, but this idiot was grinning with his mug to his mouth.

I wanted to shoot some insults at him, but, as they say, you cannot spit on a smiling face.

“Sihyeon, come here for a second.”


Leaving Sihyeon’s punishment to Abin, I took a seat facing the Infinite Architect.

“What in the world happened that you have our apprentice with you?”

“Your dumb kid decided to go to the bathroom and ended up going down the elevator to a restricted area.”

“I’m not sure how she did it, but she bypassed the elevator security. When I checked the CCTV, she was hitting the button repeatedly, and suddenly, security was breached.”

What a load of nonsense!?

So the association’s security is that garbage?

“Is it really that easy to bypass security?”

“Yeah, I’m thinking of chewing out the security team. Can a single brat bypass security? If it goes like this, you guys are making me unable to retire.”

Imagining the scolding he’d give to his juniors seemed to satisfy the Infinite Architect, who nodded with a huffing breath.

This crazy, sadistic old man. Still, I guess I should thank him this time.

“Well, either way… thanks, old man.”

I wondered if he was surprised by my words.

“Hmm? A rookie is thanking me? I must be living a long life. What’s going on here?”

“My apprentice always drags trouble along with her. If I had left her alone, she would have broken something in that restricted area.”

If she simply broke the association’s elevator, I could consider myself fortunate. Thinking she might have smashed the Otherworld’s Power suppression field or the reality stabilizer gives me the chills.

The aftereffects would surely come back to me, and I’d be held responsible for it.

Just imagining it is horrifying.

Hence, bowing my head to the Infinite Architect isn’t a big deal.

“So, she is indeed your apprentice. Seems like you both bring trouble.”

“Are you going senile? What do you mean we’re alike?”

I retorted with mixed anger.

“I doubt you can objectively reflect on yourself. So if you can’t agree, just nod along. I’m too busy to chat with a brat.”

The Infinite Architect simply responded in that calm voice.

Then without hearing me out, he wheeled away from the table.

I missed my chance.

Even if I wanted to counter him, he spouted out his principle and turned away, making it hard for me to voice my thoughts.

However, as it didn’t feel like the conversation had ended, I patiently waited while sitting.


A mug was placed in front of me.

With warm steam rising up.

“Drink. Is coffee okay?”

The Infinite Architect’s words came back at me.

“Why so suddenly?”

“Don’t today’s kids get taught to serve drinks to guests? Shut up and drink; I have things to discuss.”

“Isn’t there any alcohol?”

“Just drink.”

Yes, yes. I’ll do that.

It didn’t seem like further questioning would be meaningful, and for some reason, the Infinite Architect created an ambiance that suggested he wouldn’t proceed with the conversation unless I took a sip of the coffee.

So, gingerly, I took a sip from the mug.

The first taste was bitter.

Then a hint of sweetness and creaminess fluttered by my throat.

With that first gulp.

“How’s it?”

“Just coffee.”

Honestly speaking, my tongue has gotten so numb that I can’t really tell the difference.

I guess it was wrong of me to expect anything from that brat.

Despite the barrage of insults, it was true that my tongue felt numb, so I quietly continued sipping the coffee.

Just around the time the mug was nearly empty…

“About your apprentice, Han Abin…”

A sentence from the Infinite Architect, uncharacteristically gentle, flew towards me.


“How about you let me take charge?”

“I’d rather not.”

The Infinite Architect seemed strangely compliant, making me wonder what was up.

Since I have no interest in matters unrelated to my apprentice, I intended to end it quickly with a short response.

“Think about it. What can Haram do for that kid?”

The Infinite Architect pressed me.

“Combat skills, skill development, and experience.”

“Do you really think you can do that?”

His tone hinted at anger, but the voice that actually came out was oddly gentle.

It seemed he genuinely wanted to persuade me.

“Let’s face it; I’ve got results. I’ve boosted combat power several times over and helped her develop the new skill of telepathy, plus managerial experience…”

“Do you genuinely believe it was due to you?”

“I wouldn’t deny that you had some success. You nurtured a dying seed into a wonderful tree. Without you, that girl wouldn’t have shown any signs of talent and would have faded away.”

Wow, thanks for the compliment.

“But you’ve hit a ceiling. Your direction as heroes is too different. For Abin to grow, she’ll need professional training.”

The Infinite Architect’s words continued to pour out.

Sure, I could argue against them but held my tongue.

It was far too in line with my own thoughts.

“I’ve spoken to her, and she aims to join the command section. If that’s the case, she’d be much better off with me as her teacher than you. I’ve got recommendations as well.”

This too aligns with what I had been thinking.

Considering Abin’s future, I knew it would be right to comply with this suggestion.

I don’t mind.

“Then let’s proceed with the procedure. Call in Han Abin.”

“By the way, Infinite Architect…”

But, what should I say?

“I think we need to hear from the party involved as well.”

Something I didn’t know seemed to be at stake, so I threw that response.

It’s not related to the stick she had hidden inside her.

That object has already been stained with Abin’s color, making it tough for even the Infinite Architect to notice.

It was merely… the price that was weighing on my mind.

…That makes sense.

Perhaps agreeing with my statement, the Infinite Architect stopped his continuous speech from that moment.

Again, silence settled in the room.

Breaking that silence was…

“I’ll ask about that later. More importantly, why are you really here? Are the three brats here for a tour of the association?”

That was the original tone of the Infinite Architect.

Well, that makes it easier for me to converse.

“I came to submit forms for the mobilization period.”

“Has it already come to that? No wonder kids are flocking in groups.”

“Don’t you need to submit your forms?”

“Me? Go through the trouble of standing in line? I’m the commander; I can just write and submit them myself. What’s your concern?”

Looks like the command staff has those direct channels after all.

Must be nice.

I kept that sarcasm in mind.

“So, about that, Infinite Architect.”

“What is it?”

I handed over a piece of paper.

“How about you handle my forms?”

He looked at me with a look of disbelief, as if he couldn’t believe my actions.

But who cares!

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