Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 147

Chapter: 147. Mobilization Training Assembly.

Despite various incidents, I was able to enter the facility safely with my two students.

The assigned location through the lottery was Mongolia’s border region.

I had hoped to be assigned to the North Korean line again, but it seems the world doesn’t work that smoothly.

“Well, at least it’s not Siberia,” I sighed.

It’s not just that it’s ridiculously cold, but the incredible supply distribution by the Soviets is notorious among the heroes.

If Siberia is the worst, then I suppose the self-destructive area is the western Japan line at this point.

Under normal circumstances, it would be a perfect place to kill time, but now that the Hokkaido barrier is gone, it’s become the front line where we dig trenches daily and stand guard.

“Excuse me? Senior? What did you say?”


Lost in thought, I was approached by my two students. Well, to be precise, just one.

Han Abin was quietly sitting in her chair, staring straight ahead.

Baek Sihyeon, on the other hand, was half-asleep, mumbling strange sounds.

“It’s a relief that we’re not going to Siberia.”

“Ah. That place is infamous. I’ve never been, though.”

Hmm, how long has Han Abin been asleep?

“Did you say four years?”

“I’ve been sleeping for five years since I started training with you, Senior.”

I see.

“Then this will be your third or fourth mobilization training. Where did you go each time?”

“Twice on the China line, twice on the North Korean line.”

“China, huh. Not bad. It’s a decent location. North Korea’s okay too. It wasn’t a bad outcome.”

Supplies from China are relatively normal, and the enemy’s strength is average.

The problem is…

The area is ridiculously vast compared to the number of heroes, so there’s hardly any time to rest.

As I pondered this, I heard…

“…You think the North Korean line is okay?”

The incredulity in Han Abin’s voice rang out.

“Well, it’s close to Seoul, so supplies are plentiful, and the support is solid.”

“That’s true, but…”

“What’s the problem?”

“If you listen to shelling all day long, you’ll probably develop noise-induced disorders. The enemy is ridiculously strong, too.”

Ah… was that the issue? That hadn’t crossed my mind.

It was a blind spot I never considered.

Hearing shelling all day might be common, and in my standards, the enemy wasn’t that formidable.

“Thanks to that, we end up getting treated like trash. Sometimes there are casualties, and if luck runs out, bodies get broken.”

So the youngsters these days treat mobilization training like trash, do they?

They had only shown up casually and left in solitude, and I never got to talk to anyone. I gained some valuable insight.

Well, it’s not like it’s useful.

To be honest, what would I do with information about how they view mobilization orders?

It’s just an 18-day, 20-week cycle item.

Unless it’s like in Czechoslovakia when we went for inspection, I have no say in this.

This system is necessary.

There aren’t enough people who want to work at the Management Bureau indefinitely like us, and letting the heroes get preferential treatment could collapse the tower.

That’s why the standby army system was established. Well, that’s how it is.

By the way…


“Have you talked to the Infinite Architect?”

I threw the question I had been postponing for days now.

My wavering thoughts were also settling down.

“Hmm? Ah, do you mean the talk about entering as one of the students?”


“I declined. It didn’t seem bad, but since you’re here, Senior…”

With that one sentence, the tension that had built up over the past few days vanished.

Even the pressure I didn’t even realize I had.

Thoughts I had been piling up.

If we’re moving on, there are things I need to say.

Now that I had washed it all away.

Just as I was about to relax in my seat…

…Sihyeon shouldn’t just be left alone, right?”

The voice of Abin continued.

It was filled with a genuine and urgent emotion.

Influenced by that voice, I turned to look at Baek Sihyeon.

…That’s true.

I couldn’t help but agree to the sight of my foolish student shaking his head as if in a trance.

Where could I go leaving him like that?

…You might not know, but I learn the rules from you, Senior…

“What’s wrong with learning?”

…No. It’s nothing special.

Han Abin turned her head as she said so…

But it really isn’t anything special.

It’s not like my hearing has gone bad or that I couldn’t hear that.

There’s something to learn from me…

I pondered for a moment.

…But I really don’t know?

To be honest, the only thing I’ve been doing lately is assisting with combat.

Baek Sihyeon shares a similar combat style with me, so I could correct him.

Han Abin, on the other hand, has a vastly different combat style, making it challenging to offer advice.

Yet she said, ‘There’s something to learn.’… Being a master has its own headaches. I should be worried about my shortcomings.

If there were any additional information, I could feel at ease, but Abin also sealed her lips.

Strangely enough, the detail-heavy Baek Sihyeon was dozing off.

How long had it passed since I had been shifting uncomfortably as the chair turned back into a prickly seat?

“Heroes, please maintain silence!”

A soldier on the podium grabbed the microphone and shouted that loudly.


Following that, a howling feedback sound.

I guess the branch doesn’t have much money; it’s surprising issues like this arise in what’s supposed to be a decent auditorium filled with heroes.

“Uh? Did it start?”

Perhaps it was loud because Baek Sihyeon finally opened his eyes after not flinching even at the loudspeaker announcement.

“The assembly initiation has begun.”

“Uh… Can I sleep a bit longer?”

What am I supposed to say to this guy?

While stuck in thought over that for a moment…

“Ugh. Sihyeon. Just wake up; it’s not that long…”

The remaining student sighed heavily and nudged Sihyeon.

Was that effective? Yawning and rubbing his eyes, Baek Sihyeon soon got his act together and began surveying the area with bright, curious eyes.

Since he hadn’t seen many other heroes, he tilted his head at the martial artists dressed alike, shining at the gathered weapons and scanning the magical girls with sharp looks, while looking at the transforming heroes with eyes full of curiosity.

Pure, like a child who idolizes heroes.

To that innocent gaze, I…


I swung my hand and popped him on the back of the head.

“Stop staring around so much.”

I opened my mouth gently, trying to soothe him.

“But this is the first time I see so many heroes gathered!”

However, despite being scolded, Baek Sihyeon raised his voice, seeming utterly unperturbed.

‘Is it the first time?’

‘Everyone who stays seven days acts like that.’

‘You’ll get used to it quickly… But haven’t I seen him somewhere before?’

Thanks to that, gazes were directed our way, and whispers dominated our surroundings.

In a moment of shyness.

“Weren’t they at the Gray Eater?”

I whispered, finally naming my enemy.

“I couldn’t see it clearly back then!”

That was all that the only student who spoke loudly despite the whisper did.

“Either way, we’ll be seeing a lot of each other during this mobilization period. Try to be quiet now.”

Of course, the enormous voice ignored my words.

Well, I could get where he’s coming from. Those who admire heroes tend to act like that.

However, being the acquaintance of such a person brings an embarrassment beyond imagination.

I wondered how much longer I had to endure these gazes.

“We now welcome the commander of the unit.”

As the event proceeded, the attention directed at us faded away.

A man walked slowly onto the podium.

Wearing the Armed Forces Management Bureau Defense Force emblem, the soldier looked remarkably less soldier-like.

He appeared more administrative, resembling staff personnel.

“Mongolian army, huh?”

“In small organizations, the Defense Force sometimes takes command instead of soldiers.”

A whisper passed through the crowd.

“First off, I’d like to thank the heroes for participating without falling under the mobilization order.”

As one would expect, his smooth voice flowed from his mouth.

“I am Liche, in charge of the Great Barrier in the Mongolian region. I would greatly appreciate it if you could follow the protocol during the mobilization period. Of course, there may be disadvantages if you do not comply, but since you are heroes, I believe that such a situation will not occur.”

I’m starting to feel drowsy.

“Since this is the first assembly of the year, there may be a higher number of foes to organize than usual. However, in general, the Mongolian region has a smaller number of enemies…”


…centered around monsters




Therefore, 10 per squad

…last year, there were many complaints regarding artillery…



…sufficient sleep time will be guaranteed…


…these days, it’s often said that heroes should be heroic…


…With this, the entrance ceremony will conclude. Thank you very much.

“Senior, wake up. Sihyeon, you too.”

I opened my eyes at the warm sensation resting on my shoulder.

…Huh? What? Is it over already?

What? I could have sworn it just started.

As I moistened my dry mouth with saliva and turned my head, everyone was getting up from their chairs and heading outside following the Defense Force’s orders.

“Yes. Both of you, Senior and Sihyeon, you slept so well.”

I had nothing to say.

After lecturing Sihyeon so much, I fell asleep as soon as the entrance ceremony started.

Honestly, maybe the Defense Force officer had used some psychic abilities.

As I continued with that useless thought, I got up and headed toward the allotted lodging.

“You said you’d head straight to the barrier?”

Of course, I also didn’t forget to question our only model student, Han Abin amidst all this.

“No, they said to take it easy today. If there’s anything special, they’ll announce it over the broadcast.”

“A whole day of doing nothing?”

“They mentioned there aren’t many foes in the Mongolian area, so it’ll be sufficient to have the stationed army unless something special arises.”

Wow. Maybe this place is a hidden gem.

I had no idea about the Mongolian area since I was new here.

“Now, if only the food is good, it would be perfect…”

“What about the lodging?”

“We’ve slept well in that Nanjido place anyway. It can’t be worse than that.”

As long as there’s television, mobile connectivity, and a bed, who cares?

“That’s true…”

“I’m fine as long as I’m with my master!”

“Uh, sure.”

Continuing with that comedy act, we walked through the corridors inside the Great Barrier for about 3-4 minutes.

“Room 318. Here we are.”

Finally, we arrived at our lodging.

Creek. Creak.

Maybe it was the hinges rusted?

As Han Abin walked ahead and opened the door, that sound echoed briefly, but it wasn’t annoying.

We quickly checked the state of the lodging.

…It’s pretty ordinary.

“That’s right.”


Ignoring the fool who dashed out and dove onto the bed from behind, I calmly observed the lodging before responding.

It had four beds, one television, four lockers, one refrigerator, one table, and four chairs.

Plus, it even had a bathroom.

Just average quality.

Neither bad nor good.

Now that my anxiety about the lodging was resolved, there were just three things left to consider.

First, communication.

Well, since it’s near the tower, communication should be excellent.

Second, meals.

I’ll find that out quickly when dinner time comes.


“As long as the person sharing the room is decent, we’re good.”

“Looks like most of them are good people. So you shouldn’t worry too much.”

“I just need my master around!”

“Thanks for the positive responses.”

Saying that, I settled into a chair at the center of the lodging.


I never thought sharing a space would happen after using solo rooms all along.

I usually insist on individual rooms, but in a lodging inside the Great Barrier, there’s plenty.

However, this time I requested to stay with students, so this is the outcome.

Usually, with three people, they assign either to a four-person or five-person room, so it makes sense to have roommates.

I hope they’re good people.

How long had it been since we started unpacking and each went into personal maintenance?

Then came a knock on the door.

“Come in.”


The hinge creaked.

And then a woman entered.

“Ah. Hello! I’m Magical Girl Christina! Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you.”

What walked in was a Soviet magical girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, looking no older than middle school, along with a plush bear mascot on her back.

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