My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

93 - The Beginning of the Cohabitation I Longed For (2)

TL: looloo

Schedule: 4/Week Mon-Thu

Illustrations: Here

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In the moment that would be remembered as a dark history of shame, I closed my eyes briefly, waiting for my heart to calm down. Even though it was mortifying right now, time would make this into nothing.

I repeated that to myself several times before opening my eyes again. Among the clothes I had taken out, I quietly found a thin turtleneck and went out to the living room to change into it.

When I returned to my room, my noona was still smirking at me.

"Aww~ It wasn't so bad to look at, it was small so it was actually okay, why did you cover it up~ Is it because Heena's lips are cute? Even the kiss mark is cute!"

"Shut up."

I snapped at noona and turned my gaze to Heena. There, I saw her still wearing an innocent expression as if to say, 'I did nothing wrong.'

Honestly, she was the main culprit, but I couldn't really say anything because I had teased her a lot at night using this as an excuse. So, I couldn't bring myself to scold her.

Even though Heena actually enjoyed that teasing.

Therefore, I took a deep breath and, reminding myself of our purpose, I asked Heena.

"Is Heeseong hyung at home today? I wonder if he could help us with his car. If he's not busy, maybe he'll come."

And at those words, Heena clapped her hands in agreement.

"That would be great! I'm not sure if he's home these days, but I'll tell him to come even if he has other plans!"

"What do you all think of Heeseong as?"

What do we think of him? A sitcom?

Without delay, Heena took out her phone and immediately made a call. And as expected, the conversation began even before the ringtone could finish a few times.

"Yes, yes. Yeonho and I decided to live at our house. We need to move some stuff, can you come with your car? Oh? Can you hand it over?"

But not long after, with those words, Heena handed me the phone. Wondering what she wanted to tell me, I took the phone.


─You're moving to Lee Heena's house?

"It sounds a bit grand when you say 'moving.'"


"Yes, that's the plan."

─Then you should call a moving service, why are you calling me?

"It's not a lot of stuff. Just clothes, and if hyung helps, just up to the computer."

─Ah, such a hassle...

"You'll come, right? Unplug the computer cables? And bring some Melona when you come."

─Are you really crazy?

As always, Heeseong hyung would grumble but would hardly refuse and come if it was reasonable. About 30 minutes after hanging up the phone, he arrived since he happened to be at home. When Heeseong hyung entered my room, I gave him a thumbs up, like a savior.

"I knew I could count on you!"

"Shut up."

"Oppa, don't talk like that to Yeonho."

"Right, hyung. Let's only say nice things."

"My head hurts..."

Leaving hyung, who was really holding the back of his neck as if his blood pressure had risen, behind, I moved the computer tower and monitor that I had diligently unplugged earlier outside the room. I was worried about getting the cables mixed up later when setting it up since I rarely unplug the tower, but maybe hyung would help if I asked.

"Heeseong, it's been a while~ You're really nice, so nice."

"Noona, it's been a while. Don't you have a driver's license?"

"I do, but it's just for show. More than anything, I don't have a car!"

"Ha... Let's go. Did you pack the luggage?"

"Sort of? And later, I plan to stop by your place too."

"Why my place?"

"I have to tell them about living at Heena's house."

"I already mentioned it when I left, didn't I?"

"No, why would you do that?"

Don't spoil such things. It's for me to tell.

"And if we go now, there won't be anyone home anyway. Dad will be home late today, and mom said she had somewhere to go when I was leaving."


"Yeah. So hurry up and move the luggage. I just parked temporarily, so we need to hurry."

Thinking about it, it makes sense to contact them in advance since they might be out. Heena, who had contacted my mom before we left, was right as usual. Probably, she would have contacted them before leaving if it was time to go there.

With those thoughts, prompted by hyung's urging, we started moving things to the car, starting with the computer tower. Heena and Yoonjung noona also helped move bags of clothes and coats.

"I should have packed more, shouldn't I?"

"No. It's right to bring just this much because of the space in my room's closet. I'll have to buy another one later."

I want to move the wardrobe in my room, but it's too big and it would be awkward to place in the room. It's also difficult to move. Later, I'll have to buy a smaller wardrobe with my own money. Or maybe I'll ask mom for a little help.

Since there wasn't much luggage, we quickly loaded everything into the car and went to find mom in the master bedroom.

"Ma'am! We'll be going now!"

"Alright. Thank you for helping Yeonho."

"Madam, I'll visit again next time."

"Heena, come whenever you're comfortable. And son, come here for a moment."


Wondering if she had something to tell me separately, mom called me closer, and Heeseong and Heena left the master bedroom first. After checking that, mom started speaking.

"I'll keep putting money into your card, so you buy all the food and daily necessities you need, okay?"

"Is that okay?"

"Of course, you should since you're living there. It would be burdensome to split the rent."

"Got it. Thanks, mom."

"Alright. Just make sure to consult Heena when buying something. She's quite sensible, so I'm not worried."

"Uh... Right."

Thinking back to Heena quickly grabbing bacon at the mention of newlyweds, she does seem to have her clumsy moments. Anyway, after discussing that, mom laid down on the bed, so I also left the room.

I felt a bit unsettled. Our home, which felt too natural to return to, now suddenly starting a life elsewhere seemed so abrupt. I should drop by again for dinner or over the weekend to have a chat with dad.

To my brothers, I just opened their doors one by one, shouted, "I'm leaving!" and finished my farewells. It's not like I'm going far away, after all.

Having finished up there, it felt like all the tasks were done, so I left the house and got into the car.

"Got everything? Let's get going."

"Okay~ Let's go!"

However, the sight of Yoonjung noona, who naturally took the passenger seat and cheerfully shouted for us to start, left me dumbfounded.

"Why did noona come along?"

"I'm bored~ And Heena invited me~?"

"Ugh... Alright, let's go."


At my response, noona let out a cheer of joy, and I sighed softly before sitting in the back seat, holding the monitor just in case.

Since it was a bit past lunchtime, the roads were clear, and it wasn't too far, so we quickly arrived at the house.

And with many hands, moving the luggage was swift. Everyone carried items in both hands, so there was no need to go back and forth. In fact, it seemed like I had a bit of a free hand just carrying the computer tower.

Leading the way, I opened the door and entered, only to start hearing Yoonjung noona's laughter again.

"I know the password too~"

Ignore it, just ignore.

Bypassing noona's teasing cleanly, I headed to Heena's room with the tower, thinking it would be good to connect all the cables while hyung was there.

After a moment of contemplation on where to put the tower, I settled for under the desk. It would be better to place it on top, but the space was awkward due to the bookshelf and picture frames. Behind me, Heena placed a shopping bag full of clothes on the bed.

"Yeonho, when did they say our comforter would be ready?"

"That? We still have some time. They said to pick it up around 5."

The nearby coin laundry, where the attendant would transfer laundry to the dryer for an additional thousand won after washing, was where we left it. Normally, you're supposed to go back when the washing is done to put it in the dryer yourself. But since we had plans today, we just paid the extra thousand won to have it taken care of.

Without showing signs of fatigue, noona joined our conversation again.

"You left the comforter there? From the morning?"

"Don't talk about that in front of me."

"Tch, then I'll have to hear it from Heena later~"

Why does she want to listen to such stories so badly?

Anyway, leaving noona aside, Heeseong hyung, who came into the room after us, and I connected the computer cables. I had taken photos with my phone just in case, but hyung finished connecting everything swiftly in less than five minutes.

See, it was good to call him.

After that, we sent hyung and noona to rest in the living room for a bit, and the two of us started organizing the clothes. Since it wasn't planned for me to move in so quickly, we struggled a bit to create space due to the lack of it. While trying to make some room for my clothes.

"Planning to put them here?"

"Yeah. It's easier to find if I keep all the underwear together~"

"That makes sense, but..."

The drawer Heena opened to put my underwear in was filled with her own. It was a step too far, and even though I had seen Heena wear her underwear, it was still a bit embarrassing. So, pretending not to look too closely, I started filling it with my things, when suddenly Heena pulled out a piece of underwear.

"Yeonho, should I wear this to sleep tonight?"

"That, the one we bought when we went lingerie shopping?"

"Yes! What do you think?"

As Heena held up a sheer white slip that was practically see-through against her body, I couldn't help but seriously nod.

"That looks good."


What should I do? I wanted to kick everyone out of the living room and just see Heena in that. But that would be too conscienceless, wouldn't it?

Anyway, although my mind wandered for a moment, we were able to finish organizing the clothes soon enough. Since we didn't bring much to begin with, it was quick to put everything away once we made space.

"All done?"

"Yeah. Thanks to both of you for helping."

"Don't mention it~"


Afterward, we all gathered in the living room to chat. Feeling a bit peckish, we also ordered a chicken to share.

Thanks to the well-organized delivery system these days, the chicken arrived quickly, and we chatted about various topics like the local market and future college life, especially since Heena would be a college student in two weeks.

If only the conversation had stayed on that topic.

"How is it living together?"

"We're just starting, so it's hard to say."

"Really? How about you, Heena?"

"I like it!"

"Even at night?"


I really wanted to shut noona up as she brought up unnecessary topics while holding a chicken leg, especially with Heeseong hyung right there. Fortunately, hyung, now accustomed to noona's prattling, didn't pay much mind and smoothly changed the subject.

"It's spacious, so it must be nice for the two of you to live here."

"Right~? Look at my room! It's so cramped, it's tough even just for me."

"I've never seen noona's room. Is that why Jeongwoo hyung doesn't go?"

"Uh... No? He wouldn't have come even if it was spacious. He prefers home-cooked meals."

"Typical of that hyung."

Amidst various conversations, I noticed it was past 5 o'clock and got up. Time to pick up the laundry.

"I'll go to the laundry place for a bit."

"Should I come with?"

"No, you rest. I can manage on my own."

"Okay, then please."

I stood up and trudged out. The laundry place was close by, perfect for a brief walk.

However, I regretted leaving alone too late. I should have taken Heena with me.

Returning from the coin laundry across the street, holding the bedding in both hands, hyung and noona stood up as soon as they saw me.

Thinking they were about to leave, I set the bedding down on the floor intending to see them out when Heeseong hyung placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke with a solemn face.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stop it."


Following him, Yoonjung noona, with a playful smile, chimed in.

"Pfft... Sorry~ See you next time! We'll head out first!"

"What are you talking about? What's there to be sorry about?"

As they left with those mysterious words, I stood puzzled for a moment, watching them go. Then, I picked up the bedding again and went back into the room.

I saw Heena sitting in front of my computer, crossing her legs on a hastily purchased 5,000-won chair.

To my puzzled self, she opened her mouth with a smile, her voice so serene it made me feel uneasily anxious.


"Why did hyung and noona suddenly leave? They said they were sorry."

"Forget that, can you turn on the computer now?"

"Huh? The computer? I haven't tested it, but it should work."

"Can you turn it on for a moment?"

Without much thought, I plugged in the desk's outlet and powered on the tower. There shouldn't be any problem with the internet, so I wondered if she wanted to search for something. It's doable on a phone, but if you have a computer, it's much more convenient.

"What are you looking for? Should I help?"

"Yes, you need to search for me."

"What is it?"

"A video."

At that word, I couldn't help but pause, my hand freezing over the mouse. She only said "video," but I had a sinking feeling I knew what Heena wanted to see.

The computer, with its SSD, booted quickly, and I found myself unable to move the cursor any further on the desktop screen. Slowly, I turned my head to look at Heena's face again.

Still smiling, her face was the only thing I could see. However, there was a chill to it.

"Unnie said that men always have them."


"Will you show me? I'm really curious about what you've watched so far."

"I think... that's kind of... privacy that should be respected even in a relationship..."

"Ah~ So you do have it?"

Shoot, I should have hidden it more thoroughly...!

But my regret was rendered meaningless by Heena's following words.

"Unnie also sent me how to find hidden videos on KakaoTalk. There are so many ways?"

Saying this, she gestured towards the monitor. Her demeanor suggested she would not tolerate any resistance, and I eventually bowed my head in defeat. I also realized that Yoonjung noona had been a thorn in my side all day and had left me with one last jab.

"Show me. I'm really curious."

"Heena, let's calm down and..."

"Quickly. Before I find and watch it myself."


I was doomed.

Author's Note:

She's just checking Yeonho's tastes.

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