My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

94 - The Beginning of the Cohabitation I Longed For (3)

TL: looloo

Schedule: 4/Week Mon-Thu

Illustrations: Here

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Given Heena's atmosphere, which suggested she wouldn't move a step until I showed her, I eventually opened the heavily encrypted folder with trembling hands.

Then, Heena took the mouse from my hand and began playing the videos one by one.

Unable to bear watching, I bowed my head, wishing for this hellish time to pass.

Without any reaction, she mechanically checked the videos. Rather than examining the content in detail, I could hear her quickly scanning from start to finish before moving on to the next.

Since I only kept the ones I really liked, there weren't many videos. Maybe about a dozen. Thanks to that, Heena, having swiftly finished checking all the videos, slowly spoke up.


I flinched for a moment but realized her voice was much softer than I had expected, sparking a faint hope in my heart. Perhaps she wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

"Uh, yes?"

Still with a slightly trembling voice, I looked up at Heena. She continued speaking with a smile, looking at me.

"You like sexy unnies, huh? Their breasts are all big."


Regrettably, while her voice was soft, the content was not. I could feel a cold sweat running down my back.

"Are you disappointed because my breasts are small? I'm sorry."

"No, no! How can I even compare them to you?"


"Of course! And you're sufficiently big."

I meant it sincerely. Compared to when I first saw her in the summer two years ago, Heena's breasts had definitely grown. I hadn't thought they were that small back then either.

"Thanks for saying that. But how much have you watched all this time?"


I was at a loss for words at that question.

How much AV had I watched up to now?

How could I remember?

Faced with a question that no man could answer with anything other than "I've watched a ton," I hesitated and soon, the attack continued.

"You've watched countless times, haven't you? So I guess even after we started dating, you watched a lot?"


"Uh-huh. I understand. You said nothing would happen between us until my birthday this year, but in the meantime, you could have been watching those pretty unni's."

"No, it's not like that..."

"You'll keep watching, right? I thought it was just the two of us living here, but I didn't know these unknown unni's would be living with us too."

"No, I won't watch them! Should I delete them all? Huh? I can delete everything right now!"

Faced with her relentless onslaught, I blurted out the words as if I were bleeding from the heart. Honestly, it hurt to think about deleting all those masterpieces, but I felt I had no choice if I wanted to avoid entering a cold war from day one of living together.

As I cried out in desperation, Heena sighed.

"If you don't want to delete them, you don't have to. I understand that even if guys have girlfriends, they still watch those videos."


I had already been mentally saying goodbye to those AVs, shedding tears on the inside, but when Heena said that, I was relieved.

In fact, now that I'm going to be with Heena directly, I won't be watching those things as much. Still, there would surely come a day when I would think of them again, and it would be too regrettable if I couldn't watch them then. So, I was very grateful for her understanding.

"Should I just leave them?"

"Phew... I'm really, truly thankful you understand. If I delete them, I'll definitely think about them later. So, we'll just leave them─"

But the moment I said that, Heena's expression vanished from her face, causing my heart to drop.

Could it be.

"Really? You plan to keep watching them?"


It was a trap!

"Ah, I see? Even though I'm here, you plan to continue watching these videos? Watching these pretty unnies dressed in cosplay, with their very big breasts, and doing it alone?"

"Well, maybe I should delete them after all..."

"You were so happy when I said you didn't have to delete them? No, it's fine. If you want to watch, watch. I'll just sleep alone in bed, so feel free to watch as much as you want.

Yeah, watch all you want."

I felt like I was going crazy!

"I'll delete them right now! I won't watch them for the rest of my life!"

"It's okay. Do whatever you want with them."

"I'm telling you I'll delete them! Heena! Do you want to see? I'm deleting them now! All gone!"


Despite my cries, she turned her head away, ignoring me. For the first time since we started dating, I had to work hard to appease Heena, who was truly upset.

From that moment until we went to bed, I endlessly assured her, "I love you," "I really only have you. I won't watch those things ever again," "I'll do anything you ask, so please calm down, okay?" without leaving her side.

Even then, Heena, leaving me aside, went to bed wearing the sheer slip she had said she would wear today. Her attire, with a white panty underneath and nothing over, revealing Heena's fair skin, made my body burn with desire.

Yet, with the impression that she was exciting me but refusing any desires, she lay down with her back to me, driving me nearly mad.

So, I hugged the sulky Heena from behind, declaring my love for nearly two hours, trying to soothe her.

Finally, late into the night, she softened.

"You won't watch them anymore, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll never watch them again."

"If you do, I'll smash the computer."

"...Just trust me."


"Yeonho, I'll do everything you want, so if there's something you want, just tell me. Okay? Whether it's cosplay or toys. Anything is fine."

"Got it."

"Hehe, then it's settled. I love you~ Thanks for putting up with my nonsense."

"It's not nonsense. I love you too."

It was the first time I saw Heena speak so fiercely. It seemed that watching those kinds of videos was something she could never forgive, perhaps because it involved looking at other women.

And after receiving such promises, Heena gave me a gentle kiss. Starting with that, we spent another deep night together on the third day.

The previous two days, following Heena's assurance that they were safe days, we hadn't used contraception, but today, I finally got to use the condoms I had bought. Though I was a bit scared by Heena's disappointed look when she saw them.

From then on, bearing the sorrow of my vanished videos, I teased Heena to my heart's content. Despite claiming it was tough, she seemed to really enjoy my torment, judging by her cute moans, and I mourned the memories I could no longer see.

I loved you, AVs...

A few days had passed since Heena and I started living together.

There was a slight crisis on the first day, but after that, our days were very smooth. Now, we were practically together 24 hours a day, and though we engaged in various erotic activities, we didn't just play around. After the AV incident, we focused on our studies as usual. I studied for the college entrance exam, and Heena studied for TOEIC and other things she would need in the future.

We'd wake up, have brunch, and study. In the afternoon, we'd take a break, maybe go for a walk or stay home together, then have dinner and study again. I was following my usual routine at home, here as well.

During this time, Heena's uncle and aunt even visited us once.

"Are you two living well? I brought some side dishes~"

"Hmm, any troubles?"

"No, we're fine. Thank you."

"Oh, I can't tell you how relieved I am that Yeonho is here~ Our girl can't cook at all."

"I, I can cook a bit now!"

They showed concern for our well-being, brought us some side dishes, and then left shortly after.

As the days went by and it was nearing mid-February, Heena began to frown because of her university orientation schedule.

"I don't want to go..."

"But you have to attend those things to get along with people."

"That's true, but... we can't see each other for three days!"

"If you exclude the day you leave and the day you come back, it's effectively just one day..."

"One day or two, I hate not seeing you!"

I smiled wryly at Heena, who was throwing a fit about not wanting to go. There had already been one orientation in January, and I had seen her occasionally chatting in the group chat she was invited to. Now, she had to attend an overnight, 3-day freshman camp.

It seemed she was really not happy about having to be apart for that time. She has been complaining even though the departure was the day after tomorrow. From what I've heard from her brothers, it seemed okay not to go.

However, according to what Heena had complained about before, considering the future, it seemed better to show up, so she had reluctantly decided to attend.

So now, sitting on the two-seater sofa that uncle had brought us this time, I was grumbling. Though I talk like this, I'll eventually go. Heena wouldn't irresponsibly skip out on something she needs to do.

Still, I fully understood Heena's reluctance to be apart from me and was more than willing to comfort her in any way. However, what was immediately important to me was.



"I get that the house is warm, but maybe you should wear pants?"

Heena, in front of me, wearing only a short tank top barely reaching her pelvis and black panties, might be too stimulating. The line of her thighs extending below her pelvis and the area between her legs was captivating my gaze.

"Don't like what you see?"

"I do, but it's becoming harder for me to restrain myself."


At my words, Heena turned her body around, slightly sticking her buttocks out towards me and began to sway seductively. Then, with a thin smile on her lips as if tempting me, she spoke.

"Trying to restrain yourself?"


Right. Why should I restrain myself? We're doing it every day anyway!

Eventually, not only at night but also during the day, we engaged in various activities, and time kept passing by.

Author's Note:

Why don't I have a girlfriend like Heena...

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