My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 128: Brimstone

Bill went through the records and that was indeed true.

"But Sam, killing an innocent old woman? We kill people based on the contracts we get. For the first time we are going out of line to kill someone. The reason behind killing Excalibur is simple, he killed Sarah and we want to avenge her death. But dragging his innocent mother into all of this. I am not sure about it" 

Bill calmed down and understood her perspective. Therefore, he calmly put his point forward.

"Dad, why did Excalibur kill my mom?" Samantha questioned him; she was clearly fighting her tears.

"Sam, don't do this"

"Answer me" Samantha shouted at her dad.

"To avenge me"

"Then he should have killed you right? Why mom? My mother was innocent too. She never even hurt a cockroach in her life. She was a lovely lady who only believed in spreading love around. She was the nicest person I ever met in my life, dad. Please tell me why the fuck did that bastard kill my mom to avenge you?" Samantha shouted.

Bill was speechless as he really had no answer to her question.

Seeing Bill's state, Samantha calmed down and held his hand.

"Dad, I am not saying I wish you were dead instead of mom. I rather wish I died in stead of either of you two…"

"Sam, don't you ever say that" Bill warned her.

"Dad, I am just saying, he killed mom who is obviously innocent. If we kill his mother then the impact on him would be higher than we killing him. Don't we both feel it would have been better if we died instead of mom?"

Bill nodded his head, as every second of his life, he feels this. It was only for Samantha's sake he was still living. He can't let his daughter to be an orphan again.

"The pain we are going to give Excalibur by killing his mom, who he had been taking care of and protecting so well, is the best revenge. An eye for an eye, A mother for a mother" Samantha declared.

"What have I turned you into?" Bill exclaimed looking at his ruthless daughter who wants to kill a ninety-year-old woman, on a wheelchair to avenge Sarah's death.

"Dad, this is the best revenge towards that Excalibur"

"Do you want to do the honours of killing his mother?" Bill asked her as he could see she was already planning how to kill her.

"Yes dad, I hope you would let me have the pleasure of avenging mom's death" Samantha didn't hesitate in letting him know of her intentions.

"Sure, but I am going to accompany you on this trip. You are not going alone" Bill declared.

"Of course, we have to see Excalibur crying in pain" 

"Hmm, we have to"

"He visited her this Friday, so in the next twelve days he will be visiting his mother again"


"We should kill her Friday, early morning" Samantha discussed the timeline with him.

"And it would be better if we leave for Miami on Wednesday."

"Hmm, I already prepared my excuse to use and I am sure Chance too would be too busy to pay any attention"

"Yeah, he is not a nosy person, he won't ask you many questions" Bill casually said.

"How do you know that?" 

"I get a hold of one's personality, so…" Bill didn't have to explain much.

"Dad, do you have any idea, what Grim Reaper is looking for?" Samantha asked her father as her father might have more information. He always does.

"Hmm, after his proposition, I looked into it. Someone hired an assassin from our organization to get Maestro, one of the assassins working with Grim Reaper, killed."

Maestro is Lucas' assassin name.

"Ohh, Maestro was one of the best. I couldn't believe our assassin would kill some other assassin. But dad he was hired to do this, so isn't this unfair for Grim Reaper to have his revenge against someone who just did their job?"

"I dug deeper and I got to know, the assassin who was hired from our side to complete this mission, did it intentionally. He knew he was trapping someone and the whole plan was known to him. He was jealous of Maestro as he was better than him, so…"

"Who is he?" 

Samantha was asking who killed Lucas.


"What?" Samantha was shocked knowing this name.

Bill nodded his head, he was not very surprised at Samantha's reaction, he expected it.

"Dad, that's my mentor you are talking about" Samantha almost shouted at her father, as they would be betraying Brimstone soon for Grim Reaper."

"I am your mentor, Samantha. He just trained you with guns" Bill expected this reaction from her but for him finding Sarah's killer was more important than anything else.

He didn't mind betraying others.

Samantha was the only one he cared about in this world and now Chance has been added to that list. No one else mattered to him now.

"But dad, he is the only one who knows about my true identity"

"So? Now it is even better, right? Grim Reaper will kill him and no one who knows your identity exists."

"Well, have you forgotten? Grim Reaper knows me"

Samantha reminded him of how Grim Reaper saw her real-self.

"Yes, but he promised he won't do anything about it.", 'He will just love you and would take care of you for the rest of his life' Is what Bill thought to himself.

This thought kept him motivated and pumped up these days.

"Dad, we can't trust that guy"

"Really Sam? He brought us information on Excalibur within a month just like he promised. We have spent years searching for him and failed but Grim Reaper did it for us in a month. He assured us he won't create trouble for us and he really didn't. Please tell me on what basis you are questioning him and why can't we trust him?"

Bill knew of Samantha's hatred towards Grim Reaper but that doesn't mean he would let her stubbornness win this time and gave in to her demands.

"Dad, why are you so much in support of that bastard?" Every word coming from Bill was coated with appreciation and praise towards Grim Reaper. This was something she hated.

"Because he is the best and I respect him"

"But dad…"

"You are jealous of him Samantha, that's why you hate it when he is praised"

Samantha looked at her dad in shock, she never thought her dad would scold her and accuse her for an outsider.

This enraged her.

"I don't care about what we promised, I am not going to let that bastard Grim Reaper kill my mentor. I am going to protect Brimstone with my everything" Samantha declared and left from Bill's house.

"Samantha, Sam…" Bill called her but she ignored him and drove away.

"This girl" Bill got worried seeing her reaction. It was clear she would be using the information Grim Reaper provided to them and would double-cross the guy by not sharing the information he needs.

This situation would have been harder if he had no idea that Chance, is Grim Reaper. But lucky for him, that was not the case.

Bill dropped a message to Chance asking him for a meeting on one of the weekdays.

Chance was surprised at Bill's request when he read the message but he was sure there was some trouble. Bill would never request to meet him casually.

After a while, Samantha was back home but she was in a bad mood. She straight headed towards Chance's house and knocked on his door.

The moment Chance opened the door, he felt a soft body clutch onto him and hug him tightly.

"Sam, what happened?" He stroked her hair and was confused at her reaction.

If nothing else, she should have been in a good mood today after going through all the information he provided her with.

Her reaction was totally opposite to what he was expecting. Recollecting the message he received from Bill, Chance joined all the dots and realized trouble was on the way.

"Love, what happened?"

"Don't ask me anything, please" Samantha requested him, still hugging him tightly.

"Okay" He kissed her head and just stayed still, hugging her back tightly. 

After a while, she let go of him.

"You fine now?" Chance looked into her eyes.

"No, I am not but if you are next to me, I'll be fine" 

Chance didn't say anything and pulled her inside his house and made her sit on the dinner table.

"You know what one should do when they are in a bad mood?" Chance asked her.

"One should cry?"

He laughed when he heard his response, "No darling, one should eat something amazing."

Chance opened the refrigerator, he took out a Nutella jar, grabbed a spoon and placed it in front of Samantha.

"It would take a while for me to cook something yummy, till then have this Nutella, you will feel better"

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