My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 129: Can I Taste This Dessert?

"It would take a while for me to cook something yummy, till then have this Nutella, you will feel better" Chance placed a Nutella jar in front of her.

"Thanks" Samantha has sweet tooth, she can never refuse an enticing offer like this one.

"Would you love to have some tasty dessert post lunch?" Chance asked her and she nodded her head as she would love to have something sweet to improve her bitter mood.

"Great, I'll prepare Nutella Fudge for you" 

Samantha's eyes shined in excitement, "Wow, really?"


"But Chance, I think I'll be finishing off this jar while you prepare lunch. So, you might not be able to make the promised dessert." Samantha cutely pouted at him.

He couldn't help but smile at her actions, "Come here" He called her and obediently she followed his instructions and stood next to him.

"Open the refrigerator"

She did and was awed when she saw seven Nutella Jars in there.

"What the fuck"

"I also have sweet tooth; it is my saviour when I am stressed or worried or frustrated or annoyed" Chance explained.

Samantha looked into his Fridge and there were many premium chocolates in there too. One section of the Fridge was only filled with different kinds of chocolates.

"I love your Fridge; can I take it to my home?"

"Whatever is in there, all of it belongs to you too. Just grab whatever you want" Chance kissed her head and went back to his cooking.

"I had no idea you love chocolates so much"

"Hmm, I know it is weird, but I do love them a lot. When you tortured me they kept me going." He teased her with a smile on his face.

"Wow, so that was the secret behind your patience"


Samantha smiled and went back to the table, she continued eating Nutella while observing the handsome man who was cooking lunch for her.

"It is really good to have a man who can cook so well and satisfy my hunger." Samantha flirted with him as her mood was much better now.

"Hmm, it is even better to have a man who can satisfy you on bed too" 

Samantha: "…"

"It is better to shut my mouth and never dare flirt with you" Samantha complained as this man never fails to make her speechless.

"Hahaha" Chance laughed at her reaction and in some time, the food was ready.

As always Samantha enjoyed his cooking and the dessert was so amazing, she ate most of it.

"Chance you should make this dessert every day, I will never get tired of it." Samantha declared.

Unknown to her Chance's attention was somewhere else, he was tempted looking at her lips which were smudged with chocolate. 

"Can I taste this dessert too?" Chance requested her with a naughty smirk painted on his lips which Samantha didn't notice and casually nodded her head.

Chance leaned towards her, he grabbed the back of her head and sucked on her lips, tasting the chocolate on it, he pried open her mouth and tasted the chocolate in her mouth.

Samantha was startled and tried to push him away to prevent him from eating away her chocolate, but Chance held her hands and deepened their kiss.

His lips were moving against hers with so much passion that she couldn't fight against him, his tongue made her feel so good, she gave in to his urges by responding passionately to his kiss.

Whenever Chance's lips touched hers, Samantha feels like current passing through her and some force pulling her towards him.

Her heart starts beating faster and she feels like time around them stopped. 

Chance pulled her on him, since he was sitting on the chair next to her, it was easy. Samantha sat on his lap, her legs on his either side.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Samantha continued kissing him.

While his one hand was wrapped around her waist to hold her in place, his other hand was playing with her hair.

After a few seconds, Samantha parted away from his kiss due to lack of breath.

Chance didn't let her get off him, he held one side of her face, cupping it in his hand, his thumb caressing her cheeks while his other fingers were behind her ear, holding her face in place.

"This dessert tastes better this way" He complimented her, making the woman blush harder.

"That's enough, let me go" Samantha was trying to leave but he did not let her.

"Not today" Chance evilly grinned at her and stood up from his seat, Samantha wrapped her legs around him in reflex to balance herself.

"Chance, you better…" Chance pushed her down on the bed and swallowed her sentence by covering her mouth with his.

He pinned her hands on her either side and kissed her.

His slow and soft kisses slowly turned demanding; he was nibbling on her lips as if there is no tomorrow.

Samantha turned nervous and under his kiss, as she felt like something more might happen now.

Chance kissed her roughly and Samantha couldn't keep up with him, so she cruelly bit on his lips, only then Chance stopped acting like a beast.

"Sam, I had no idea you are so wild in bed" He smiled in satisfaction and she realized he liked it.

"Are you crazy?" She shouted at him.

"Hmm, I am, crazy for you" He sucked on her neck after his declaration. He left another hickey on her and was happy with his creation.

"Chance, let's stop here" Samantha requested him as she could feel something more might happen and it made her more nervous.

One glance at Samantha and Chance could feel what she is going through so he got off her and kissed her cheek.

"What do you wish to do?" He asked her.

"Let's watch another action film" She excitedly exclaimed and he couldn't refuse to it.

They watched two films that day and in between Chance pretended like he was scared and stole a few kisses from her.

They spent an eventful weekend together, due to his presence Samantha forgot the fight she had with her father over Brimstone and the Grim Reaper.

Next day, Bill again paid a visit to Samantha as she left his home furiously yesterday in the middle of their conversation. 

"Hey dad" Samantha cheerfully greeted him.

"Dad? We are in your florist shop, what happened to Mr Bill?" Her dad reminded her of their fake façades that they need to carry.

"Ahh so sorry, I forgot" she brightly smiled at him.

"Wow, it seems you are in a great mood today" Bill didn't expect to see her like this after the fight they had.

"Hmm, Chance made an amazing breakfast this morning and when you eat good food in the morning, the rest of your day goes well"

"Are you trying to make me jealous? Now I wish to come and live with you two" Bill joked with her.

"Wow, that would be great, let me check if another apartment is available in my building." 

Bill helplessly shook his head seeing his daughter's enthusiasm.

"Sam, I was joking. Don't you want some privacy with your boyfriend?"

Bill's question turned her uncomfortable, "Dad, don't talk like that"

He laughed at her awkwardness, "Who would believe you are an assassin if you keep acting like this?"

"Why? Do I have to be cruel and an asshole all the time only because I am an assassin?" 

"No, but that is the kind of image we have"

"Who cares?" Samantha rolled her eyes making Bill laugh at her cute actions. 

He loved it when she acted like this as it made her feel, his cute, loving daughter was back.

"Anyway, are you now not angry with your dad?" Bill asked her worriedly.

"Why would I be?" 

"Seriously? You forgot how you left our home yesterday?" Bill was surprised his daughter who sulks for days if she is angry with someone forgot all about it and was acting normal.

"Oh yeah, about Brimstone. Fuck, I forgot" Samantha was surprised at herself for being so ignorant about something so important.

"Don't curse" Bill warned her.


"At least in front of me"


"Sam, about yesterday, I hope now you are fine with…"

"No dad" Samantha interrupted him, "Edwin is like my brother. You treated him like a son dad, how could you be fine with betraying him?" She was back to her furiousness towards her father as she couldn't believe her father would betray Edwin, aka Brimstone for Grim Reaper.

"Sam, Grim Reaper didn't help us out of goodwill, it was to get some information from us in exchange. We promised to help him and we ought to help him."

"So?" Samantha raised her eyebrows in question.

"So, we need to keep our word." Bill couldn't believe his daughter was still having plans to betray Grim Reaper.

"What would he do if we go back on our word?" Samantha scoffed in confidence.

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