My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 140: Conspiracy

The two then toured around the place which was on the way from the club and came across the chocolates shop Chance bought chocolates from when he was in Miami.

Samantha asked him the shop details before coming here, and Chance gave her the shop name, so Samantha identified the place immediately.

When she reached the shop, for a moment she was surprised, and frowned when she looked at this premium chocolate shop and headed inside.

At the reception, the first question she asked the woman working there was, "Do you people have any other branches in Miami?"

"No Ma'am, this is the only branch in Miami and in the whole world, we have no other branch anywhere else" The receptionist proudly informed Samantha but didn't lose her politeness.

"Hmm, okay" Samantha just nodded her head and entered in. 

Bill looked at his daughter, who looked lost in some deep thoughts. 

"You are around so many chocolates, and yet you are not excited. What is wrong with you?" Bill asked her in surprise as he is well aware of his daughter's sweet tooth.

"Dad, Chance came to this place" Samantha seriously informed her dad of what she is thinking about.

"Hmm, so what? Should we put a photo frame of his on the wall like people do of celebrities who visited their shops?" Bill laughed at his own joke.

Samantha didn't smile and was still serious, "No dad. This is the place from where Chance got those chocolates from and they have no other branch in Miami which means Chance visited the same showroom, few weeks back."

"So?" Bill didn't understand what is bothering her.

"This shop is close to Excalibur's club. There might be a chance that Chance and Excalibur might have crossed each other's paths in the two days Chance stayed here" Samantha explained to her dad what was bothering her.

Bill was taken aback by her words. For the first time, he was feeling nervous. The probability of Chance's truth coming out scared him as she was thinking in a direction she was not supposed to.

After a very long time, Samantha accepted someone in her life and loves him so much. The fear of her heart breaking and she turning colder than she already is, worried Bill. So, he tried to handle this situation.

"Yeah, but there is a much higher probability of them not coming across each other at all. What are you even trying to imply?" Bill laughed awkwardly, trying to hide his nervousness.

"I am just saying, what kind of a weird coincidence it is right? That Excalibur and Chance were around the same place. There is a good chance of them coming across each other too." Samantha was again lost in some deep thoughts which worried Bill.

"Samantha, we are on a mission here. Can you not distract yourself by thinking about your boyfriend?" Bill scolded her as he believed this is the only way he has to divert his smart daughter attention so that he could stop her from joining the dots.

"Sorry dad, that was not my intention. It is just that this is like such a big coincidence and…" She suddenly trailed off while talking as if she was thinking about something else.

"And?" Bill asked her worriedly as this discussion was scaring him.

"And I met Chance coincidentally in Austin. Like why such coincidences even exist when we both have nothing in common" Samantha voiced out her thoughts.

Bill was terrified with her thoughts. Till date nothing triggered Samantha's thoughts this way but once they were triggered there was no stopping her.

"That is what we call fate, destiny. You and Chance are meant to be together forever, that is why you two…"

"Are you serious, dad?" Samantha interrupted Bill.

"Well, it was fate that I met Sarah and you, so I am a firm believer of it" Bill firmly said.

There was no way Samantha could ever argue with this as she too believed it was her fate that she met Sarah and Bill, and became a part of their family.

"Hmm, sorry dad"

"What are you trying to say with all this talk Samantha?" Bill didn't wish to let this topic be left midway as he believed it is more dangerous to let such topics be left in between without a proper closure. So, he wished to know what was going in on her mind.

"Nothing dad, it is just that so many coincidences are happening these days. I just hope they are indeed coincidences and not some conspiracies" Samantha voiced out her thoughts.

"Conspiracy? Are you serious? That is such a serious word to use so casually Samantha"

"Dad, chill, why are you so riled up?" Samantha was confused to see Bill all worried and freaking out.

"How can I not? You are talking as if Chance is some bad guy…"

"No dad, that is not what I mean at all. I was just wondering how I met Chance coincidentally that's it. When I am saying there is a possibility of conspiracy, I didn't mean to blame Chance, I just casually said it. He was present at the two places where I had my mission and now Miami too. It is not normal. Is someone using Chance to trap me?" Samantha wondered.

"Chance indeed loves you and he is too smart to be manipulated by someone" It would be a lie to say, Bill was not worried after he heard Samantha's thought process so he couldn't help but try defending Chance.

"Dad, I know. I too love him a lot. I am just saying we should be more careful"

"We are. Didn't we do a complete background check on Chance?"

"Yeah dad, why are you being so defensive about Chance?" Samantha questioned him and the next moment she laughed, "Do you like him already? Don't tell me you love him more than you love me"

Bill smiled at her, "I really like him, Samantha. When I realized you were into him, I researched more about him and I have every information on him. Ask me whatever you want, I'll send it to you…"

"Dad, relax. I too trust Chance, it is just that for one second…"

"Even for a second, you should not doubt the person you love" Bill exclaimed.

"Yeah dad, I am sorry, my bad, okay?" Samantha pacified her father who was clearly not fine with her thoughts.

"Hmm, now don't you ever let your mind have such weirder thoughts"

"Okay dad. I never doubted Chance, I was just doubting the coincidences that's it. It is difficult to explain but…"

"Forget it. This was all fate. Accept it the way it is, now let's buy some chocolates for him and few other stuff" Bill went to the sample counter and started tasting a few samples.

Samantha helplessly shook her head at her dad's actions and realized it is now time for her to be Bill's parent and tables have turned as Bill was now acting like a child.

Bill and Samantha did some shopping, had their dinner and went back to their room. They planned to sleep early as the next day was very important for the execution of their plan which is supposed to take a day after tomorrow on Friday.

When Samantha reached her room, she called Chance.

Chance was still at office as San Diego was behind Miami in time zone.

"Hey, how is everything there?" Chance asked her as soon as he answered his call.

"Hmm, it is fine."

"What happened? You sound dull"

"Nothing, just a bit tired"

"God, you and your tiredness are always together. I really wish my girlfriend to be more active and energetic" Chance teased her after a long time as after that day they didn't get intimate with each other and neither did Chance tease her until now.

"Then go and find someone else. I am sure Carol must be very energetic." Samantha taunted him instead of getting upset.

Chance laughed loudly, "You never fail to amuse me, do you?"

"And you never fail to annoy me, do you?" 

"Fine, how was Miami? Did you get a chance to tour around?"

"Hmm, also I visited that premium exclusive chocolate shop"

"It was amazing, right?" Chance got excited thinking about that place.

"Yes, it is."

"Great. Have fun, I have to cut the call, have a last meeting to attend"

"Bye, take care"


"Chance?" Samantha desperately called him before he cut the call as she couldn't let this topic be as it was eating her from inside.

"Yes?" Chance was about to cut the call when he heard her voice.

"Our meeting at Austin was such a big coincidence, right?"

Chance was confused as to why suddenly Samantha was bringing up this topic, he decided to answer her strategically.

"Actually Samantha, to be honest with you, our meeting in Austin was something that always puzzled me" 

What Chance said surprised Samantha as she expected him to talk like Bill and claim it is all fate but he didn't.

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