My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 141: Brutal

What Chance said surprised Samantha as she expected him to talk like Bill and claim it is all fate but he didn't.

"Oh, really?" Samantha asked him instead.


"Why so?"

"Why would be a florist will be attending a conference meant for corporate businesses?" Chance questioned Samantha instead, turning her speechless.

She realized that day in the conference she gave him some lame excuse which he just accepted and he also said there was no need for her to explain more.

Samantha never thought her lie was not bought and actually bothered Chance.

"If it bothered you, why did you never ask me?"

"I believed you had some reason of your own for hiding the truth from me and when the time would be right you will tell me yourself like you did about your past, your dad, etc. Today too I wouldn't have said this if you weren't the one who brought up this topic."

Chance completely pushed her into a guilt trip as Samantha realized she is the one who is fooling him in this relationship and not the other way around.

"Sorry Chance…"

"Sam, don't you ever apologize. I don't even care about it. I love you and as long as I have you, I don't care about anything else. Remember that" Chance assured her and just then she heard someone calling Chance as it was time for their meeting.

"Yeah, I'll come in two minutes" Chance informed the person who called him.

"Chance, go for your meeting, sorry for holding you up"

"Hey, the meeting is not more important than you. Tell me, why did you suddenly bring up the Austin topic?" Chance asked her as he was curious what suddenly happened that triggered Samantha to think about all of this.

"Nothing, empty mind is a devil's workshop. Don't bother with me, attend your meeting" Samantha assured him as she was at fault here and she didn't wish to discuss about it.

"Are you sure? I am the boss, I can just postpone the meeting to tomorrow, my employees will only be happy" Chance laughed from the other end, making Samantha smile too.

"No, finish the tasks for today, don't postpone it, I am fine and also I am sleepy"

"Okay, good night. Take care of yourself" Chance greeted her and went to attend his meeting.

Samantha slapped her forehead and told herself to not overthink as she is the one at fault, she got worried thinking will Chance would really not bother himself when he would know she is an assassin.

She again scolded herself and decided to focus on the mission she was here for and not distract herself.

Next day

Samantha and Bill visited the care home pretending to be potential clients. Bill disguised himself to look way older than he was and Samantha dressed up like a middle-aged woman in her late forties who came there to admit her father.

The people at the home care, received Samantha very well and informed her about all the facilities and comforts they offer for old people, how they ensure to make them feel at home and how she can visit her dad whenever she wants, etc.

Samantha showed a lot of interest in this home care and got excited every time they came up with some interesting facility or activity they offered.

This encouraged the employee who was giving her all information, explaining all the details and ended up giving more details to Samantha as she was sure Samantha is a potential client.

After getting all the information, Samantha requested that employee to show her around the place and she was more than happy to do so.

The employee took Samantha and Bill on a tour around the care home. Samantha and Bill already had the blueprint layout of this place and they already had a plan on how to enter this care house and how to kill Excalibur's mother but they wanted to visit the place and check it for themselves for a fool-proof plan as they didn't wish anything to go wrong the next day.

After two hours, Samantha and Bill were done with the touring. The employee was very happy, as usually people just glance over the place out of formality and only people who are serious about admitting their family here ask so many questions.

What they came here for was over so Samantha and Bill left the place, not wasting another second there. They got more information than they needed.

Before leaving Samantha assured the employee she would be back here with her father on Monday if the other care homes are not as good as this one.

After that, Bill and Samantha got rid of their disguise and reached their hotel room like normal tourists. They had to maintain different disguises for different places.

Then they met in Bill's room and the two discussed their plan as everything till now went exactly like the way they planned and till now there were no hurdles on their way. 

After going through their whole plan, the two hoped the mission next day to go as smoothly as they hoped for.

They just spent the rest of their day in anxiousness as finally the day they had been waiting for was here. Within 24 hours, they will be avenging Sarah's death.

Samantha and Bill wondered what to do after this as the whole purpose of Bill's life and Samantha's decision to be an assassin will be fulfilled the next day.

Bill wondered should he retire from the assassin world and let Samantha take over his organization.

While Samantha pondered between giving up being an assassin or continuing to be one as she never really thought about it very deeply.

Bill and Samantha were lost in their own worlds. 

That night Samantha didn't call Chance and he too didn't bother her as he could understand what she must be going through right now.

He could only wish to be with her as a support but he couldn't as the situation they were in didn't let him.

Next day early in the morning around 4 am, Samantha and Bill secretly entered the care home.

The day before they already got to know that the staff arrives there at 6 am and they noticed the security of this place was weak.

It was a care home for old people, so there was not much security, so, Samantha and Bill used the back door they observed yesterday and entered inside the care home building through it.

A day before Samantha checked the lock password so it was not difficult for them to enter in.

The two then headed upstairs to the VIP section and since everyone was sleeping there was no one roaming all over the place.

Samantha and Bill already knew the room Excalibur's mother was staying in as they did their own research before, they came here.

The rooms of older people were locked from outside to ensure they don't run away from there. Samantha and Bill already had a duplicate key as one of the people from their team came here and made the arrangements for them.

Samantha opened the door to Excalibur's mother's room and entered inside with Bill following her.

They locked the door from inside and stepped towards the old woman, who was sleeping peacefully on a wide bed, placed in the middle of the room, unaware of death hovering over her.

Excalibur booked an exclusive room for his mother and he pays the highest amount among all other clients here, as he wanted to ensure to provide the best services to his mom.

So, the old woman had a separate room for herself which made things easier for Samantha and Bill.

When Samantha looked at the old woman sleeping peacefully, she had an evil smirk on her face.

'Few more hours and I will help you sleep forever' Samantha thought to herself.

Few hours later

Around 9 am, Excalibur reached the home care to receive his mother just like he had been doing on every second Friday for years.

One of the employees, who attends him regularly greeted him and after exchanging some pleasantries, she went upstairs to bring his mother like she always does but when she opened the door to the old woman's room, the sight in front of her was so dreadful and scary, that she screamed in fear.

Never in her life, she saw something so brutal.

Her voice was so loud, everyone who heard it rushed towards her. Seeing the chaos around him, Excalibur had a bad feeling and he too headed upstairs.

When Excalibur reached his mother's floor, he saw a big crowd standing in shock near his mom's room.

Some people covered their mouths in surprise and some were murmuring something among themselves.

Excalibur had a bad feeling about it, he pushed everyone aside and stood at the entrance of his mom's room, only to receive the shock of his life.

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