My Wife's Name is Luna at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 Welcome to Hogwarts (first update, the omitted content in the text is in the chapter desc

In fact, Ron's relationship with Klein was quite good before. After all, the dust-hungry Klein had improved the favorability of everyone in the Weasley family.

Although Harry was somewhat resistant to being with Klein because of what Klein had said before, Ron agreed, so he didn't say much. He just smiled and nodded to Klein as a greeting. .

Klein didn't take it seriously, got on the boat, laughed, and continued to talk to Ron, "That's right! It's nothing. I was just a little angry when I saw Draco bullying you, and I couldn't hold it back for a while. Haha, you know, he has What I said at that time was so irritating.”

Ron nodded with deep sympathy, "Indeed, if Harry hadn't stopped me, I would have taken action! He was so beaten that even his mother couldn't recognize him! You know, I have been very good at fighting since I was a child. George and Fred always say this, but unfortunately I never find a chance to try my skills."

The three of them didn't chat for a while before Hermione brought Neville over. Seeing that there was only one empty seat, Neville very gentlemanly said that ladies would be given priority and that he would go to other ships to check, but no one had any good ideas, so After letting Hermione come up, we set sail...

Looking at Neville's lonely back on the shore, Klein's lips slightly raised, hey, Neville Longbottom?Let me take a closer look. You are destined to kill the last Horcrux. This time, without the encouragement of friends and being gradually isolated, will you be able to pull out your Gryffindor sword again?

Danger!Poor little Neville, who was looking for a boat on the shore, had no idea that he was being taken care of by a jealous wife-protecting maniac without even doing anything!

The boat didn't move very fast, and Hermione kept asking Klein about spells and wandless casting!Klein, who was really having a headache after being asked, could only deal with it casually. Harry, who was curious about what Klein meant by what he said before, followed Hermione and asked, "Rhine, what did you say before?" What exactly does that mean?"

Klein: "That's what you and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named mean!"

Harry: "But didn't he disappear?"

Klein: "He disappeared, but he will come back one day, right?"

Harry: "You mean Voldemort is not dead?"

Klein: "Who knows, no one has seen his body anyway!"

"Hey! Can you stop using such a flat tone and saying such horrible things!" Ron felt that he heard something he shouldn't have heard. He knew too much!

Although Hermione didn't think there was anything wrong with mentioning Voldemort, if Klein and Harry talked about this topic all the time, she, a top student, couldn't get a word in!

This... made her feel very embarrassed, so she cooperated with Ron and changed the subject, "By the way, do you know how the hospital is sorted?

I mean, in my previous school, students were selected through a method called examination. Those with good grades could go to good colleges, and those with poor grades could go to bad colleges...

Of course, I always go to the best academy, but I wonder if the same is true for magic schools like Hogwarts!If this is the case, I think I can go to the best Gryffindor, after all, that is the academy where the greatest white wizard Dumbledore came from! "

"Oh! Don't!" Harry Potter thought of his previous grades in school and suddenly had a headache. "If you do it this way, I'm afraid I'll be expelled right after I enter school!"

Ron patted Harry on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, Harry, you won't be expelled. Have you ever heard of any young wizard who went home because he failed to sort?"

Harry had just calmed down when he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Ron's tone. He turned his head and found Ron's freckled face, which was terrifyingly gloomy at the moment. He was facing him and continued to speak word by word, “They all died in the troll’s belly!

George and Fred told me that the school would release a troll during the sorting ceremony!Only those who escape alive at the hands of the troll are eligible to stay in Hogwarts! "

"What! Troll! But I don't know any magic!" Harry's face turned green with fear!

Rhine glared at Ron who was causing trouble and said, "Okay, Ron, stop scaring Harry. How could the school do such a thing!"

Ron put on an innocent look and spread his hands, "But that's what George and Fred told me, even though I don't believe a word of it."


Finally, amidst everyone’s joking and joking, the boat docked!After getting to the underground dock, they walked along a dark tunnel for an unknown distance, and finally followed Hagrid up a flight of stone steps, and finally gathered in front of a huge oak door.

Hagrid raised a huge fist, knocked on the castle door three times, turned around and grinned at everyone, "Welcome to Hogwarts!"

The huge door slowly opens, and the weight of history is revealed!As expected, the magnificent auditorium did not appear. Instead, a black-haired old witch wearing an emerald green robe stood in front of the door with a serious look on her face, "Thank you, Hagrid. Leave the rest to me."

"Okay, Professor McGonagall!" After Hagrid agreed, he turned around and left...


Professor McGonagall looked at everyone and said in a stern voice, "Little wizards, welcome to Hogwarts. The opening banquet will begin soon, but before that, you all must first determine which college you will enter. That is the sorting ceremony! Sorting is a very important ceremony because... (omitted)

...So now, get ready, line up in a single file when you are ready, and follow me! "

Everyone followed Professor McGonagall and entered the luxurious auditorium.Students from other grades in the college sat at their own long tables and looked at them intently.

Professor McGonagall stepped forward and placed a wizard's hat in front of the new students.The hat was patched and hadn't been washed in 2000, and Klein thought it was extremely dirty.

But Hat obviously didn't think so. He came to life, opened his mouth in excitement, and sang enthusiastically, "You may not think I'm pretty, but never judge a book by its appearance... (omitted)"

Klein was not interested in listening to the hat singing. Instead, he looked at the professors' seats above and Quirrell, who was trembling and acting poorly. After blinking vaguely, Quirrell smiled knowingly.

Professor Flitwick next to him gave Quirrell a strange look, "Professor Quirrell, why are you laughing?"

Quirrell twitched one eye and laughed, "Oh, it's nothing, Professor Flitwick, don't you think the way the Sorting Hat sings is particularly funny?"

Flitwick frowned, "But doesn't the Sorting Hat sing like this every year~"


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