My Wife's Name is Luna at Hogwarts

Chapter 19 Azkaban! (2nd update)


…… are absolutely safe,

Because I am a thinking magic hat! "

OK!The hat has finished singing!

Professor McGonagall came up with a roll of parchment and said seriously, "Now whoever's name I call will come forward immediately, put on his hat, sit on the stool and wait for the sorting.

So the first one, Hannah Abbott! "

As Professor McGonagall finished speaking, a little girl with a rosy complexion and two golden braids stumbled forward, put on her hat, and sat down.

After just a moment, the hat suddenly shouted, "Hufflepuff!"

"Okay!" People at the long table on the right began to applaud and cheer for Hannah, guiding her to sit down next to them.

"Susan Bones!"

"Hufflepuff!" Hat shouted again.



"Mandy Bloch!"


"Laverne DeBlanc!"


Every time the hat called out a house, the long table corresponding to the house would immediately burst into cheers, and then warmly welcome the new little wizard.

As the number of people around him decreased one by one, an acquaintance of Klein soon called out, "Hermione Granger!"

Hermione lifted her robe in an unladylike manner, almost jogged to the stool, nervously put the hat on her head, and closed her eyes! (Uh, I also closed my breath at the same time...)

...After a long silence (which almost suffocated Hermione to death), the hat finally shouted, "A calm mind, extraordinary wisdom, courage and fearlessness, not afraid to challenge authority... Although I think you also have a good Ravenclaw talent, but I guess you must be more suitable...


"Hoo~!" Hermione took a long breath and breathed in the fresh air desperately. The Gryffindor table also cheered and welcomed her in.

Next was Malfoy. He didn't seem nervous at all. When he was sitting on the stool, he was even in the mood to look for Klein in the crowd. Look at the way he looked at Klein like a woman, how happy he was smiling. ~.

In the end, he got what he wanted. The hat seemed to be too lazy to look at his talent, and screamed in disgust before even touching his head, "Slytherin!"

Soon, Ron entered Gryffindor as expected. At this time, there were not many people left. When Klein thought it was his turn to be the last, Professor McGonagall suddenly shouted His name, "Rhine-Clavenlaw!"

Klein wasn't nervous and sat on it without hesitation. After all, it was just a talent check, so what could happen?It’s not like I’ll be kicked out. Anyway, as long as I’m not sorted into Slytherin…

But who would have thought!As soon as Klein touched the hat to his scalp, the hat shouted in an unprecedented high-pitched voice, "Az~...!"

! ! !Damn it!Hat, what do you want?Don't be scary!

Klein was completely confused at the time. His calm expression from beginning to end was the first time in his history that he was not nervous!

With a reaction speed that exceeded the limits of his body, he put the dirty hat completely on his head, and held his open mouth tightly with his other hand to prevent him from continuing to speak. !

The teachers and students present don’t know, so doesn’t he know?The damn hat actually wanted to send him to Azkaban!Damn it!Is this something humans do?

("Oh~ kid, please let me go, why are you holding me down all of a sudden?" After being held down, the nasty voice of the dirty hat began to reappear in Klein's heart.

"You still have the nerve to say that! What are you doing? Where do you want me to go?"

The hat said calmly, "Azkaban, my child, you have an extraordinary talent. Under Dumbledore's Hogwarts, you can't show your talent at all!

Life-killing curse, soul-stealing curse, aren't these what you want?Hogwarts can't give you these, only Azkaban!There is the advanced academy for dark wizards and the incubation base of black magic. Only there can you truly grow! "

"Bullshit! It's true. Who doesn't know it's a prison?"

"What's wrong with the prison? My child, it is this kind of environment that allows you to concentrate on learning magic! I believe that under the supervision of the dementors, your grades will improve very quickly!

Think about your predecessors, all of them have made great achievements in the world after only three years of studying there! "Hat began to persuade me in a persuasive way.

Klein rolled his eyes and said, "Then after this great deed, he was hunted by wizards all over the world, and finally died a violent death under the arrangement of the Child of Destiny!

I am mentally ill to do this!Hat, please be normal, I just want to go to school with peace of mind, and then live a life of farming and raising Luna, don't give me any trouble! "

The hat's voice was faint, like questioning, rhetorical, and finally sighing. The three voices were superimposed together, and in an instant it was like a thunder, exploding from the deepest secret place in Klein's heart, "...really don't want to?" X3”

At that moment, Klein's mind was shocked and he said almost subconsciously, "Of course! I don't want the Dark Lord or anything like that! Don't even think about it!"

When Klein regained his composure, he heard Hat seem to be a little relieved. His voice was no longer as confusing as before, and his tone was much kinder than before, "Okay, kid, let me go, and I'll sort you into another hospital!"

"You can let me go, but you can't send me to Azkaban!"

"Of course, my child, although you are very talented in this area, after all, I am just a tool to detect talent. If a person really doesn't want to, I will still respect his inner choice."


"Of course, after all, it is his choice that determines a person's fate, not just his ability, right?")

Well, Klein finally let go of his hand. After all, it was not a problem for him to keep holding the sorting hat to prevent him from talking during the sorting ceremony!

At this time, the people watching outside were also confused. What is going on?The Sorting Hat suddenly shouted "Ah! What!" and was pressed down by the enthusiastic classmate Rhine. But our classmate Rhine, you seem to be a little too enthusiastic!

How is he going to sort you into a different house if you keep holding the sorting hat?

Just when Professor McGonagall came to her senses and was about to stop him, Rhine seemed to finally realize her mistake and let go of the sorting hat.

Just when everyone thought this was just a minor incident caused by a nervous child, the next scene refreshed everyone's understanding again.

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