One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 46 The Invincible Bull Ghost

Chapter 46 The Invincible Bull Ghost
Surrounded by smog and miasma, many reformed bodies look hideous.

Behind them, there are two huge modified cow heads.

Each one is more than ten meters tall, wearing tight leather pants, and a thick steel ring on the nose.Bursts of white air continued to spew out from the cow's nose.

On the huge cow's head, two long horns with a length of more than two meters are bent towards the sky, and a large tuft of mane hangs down from the back of the head, thick and curly.

One has blue skin all over its body, while the other has silvery white skin, as bright as metal.

From behind the two giant oxen, a small figure stepped out.

White coat, thick glasses, freckled face, small buck teeth, messy hair like a chicken coop, a sleepless, all-nighter, heavy technical geek appearance.

He was condescending, looking down from the warship, first glanced at the routed pirates, his eyes hidden behind the glasses flickered.

The voice said without any ups and downs, "Sure enough, I shouldn't expect anything from the garbage pirates, but in the end I still have to take up my precious experiment time to wipe your ass."

There was no concealment of contempt for the pirates in the words.

Then he turned to the warship with a smile on his face.

"However, for the sake of bringing a lot of excellent experimental subjects, you will be exempted from the death penalty this time."

Finally, he turned to Smoker, who turned into white smoke and knocked down many more pirates. His face showed fanatical desire, and his voice trembled with excitement.

"Ah~, Tiebaxi, a devil fruit capable person, and one of a kind in nature, what a perfect experimental subject, thoroughly researching your slices will definitely make the experiment achieve unimaginable progress."

Putting his hands into his hair, trembling violently, he looked at Smoker, almost as if a traveler in the desert who was about to die of thirst suddenly saw a big waterfall, and his mouth was almost drooling.

Smoker felt a chill, and the white smoke of his avatar trembled three times.

Looking at the huge warship and hundreds of evil-looking modified bodies, he was as reckless as he knew that the situation was not good, and when the smoke rolled up, he was about to get up and fly to the warship.

"Ice skin cow ghost, stop him."

What a rare and precious experimental subject, how could it be possible for you to escape!As soon as Smoke moved, the technical house of the warship quickly issued an order.

Among the two cow-headed experimental subjects behind him, the blue-skinned one moved when he heard the sound.

The huge cow raised its head to the sky and let out a long moo. The legs, as thick as stone pillars, were slightly bent, and the leather pants were stretched tightly. The outline of dozens of hard muscles on the legs was undoubtedly revealed.

Pressing down and jumping up, people feel that the warship trembles slightly.

The huge force of the legs pushed back the body, and the ten-meter-high body soared into the sky and jumped directly into the pirate ship.

Smoker's figure just moved, before he could fly out of the pirate ship.

The gust of wind fell suddenly, and the wild figure of the ice-skinned cow ghost was in front of him. The big ax that was as high as his body swung away violently, and swung it towards Smoker, who was scattered into smoke.

The wind pressure was like a wall, and it made a shrill howling sound in the thick fog. Smoker's smoky figure would be blown away under the wind pressure.

Will open, but not open.

Smoker's smoke body has not dispersed, but it is not because he has a good grasp of the fruit ability, but all the smoke is frozen by the strong cold breath that comes with the big axe, and it cannot be dispersed at all.

The ax face was as huge as a gate, more than three times the size of Smoker's figure. The ice-blue chill radiated from the blue skin of the ice-skinned cow ghost, permeating the hands and the axe.

Whether it's the fog in the sea or the smoke transformed by the Smoker fruit's ability, they all become sluggish and stagnant due to the severe cold air.

There are almost signs of solidification.

At the critical juncture, Smoker's potential burst out, and he urged his own fruit ability, and finally gathered forcibly, returned to human form, and leaned over to avoid the chopping of the big axe.

He rolled over and over again on the deck, distanced himself from the ice-skinned cow ghost, and when he got up, his head, face, and back were covered in cold sweat.

Slower, the smoke is frozen, then this ax is no different from chopping on your own flesh.

The end is nothing more than turning into minced meat, and becoming more minced minced meat.

On the warship, the technical nerds who watched the whole process also broke out in a cold sweat.

Angrily shouted: "Idiot! Idiot! You stupid cow, do you understand what I want to capture alive? You almost chopped up the precious experimental subject into mud."

"Now, immediately, immediately, throw away your broken axe, and give me hands, hands!"

The ice-skinned cow ghost shot two maddened red lights from its eyes, and with a roar, it stared viciously at the swearing technical nerd, and violent murderous intent burst out instantly, as if it wanted to tear the guy who gave the order to pieces.

But after a while, it still obeyed the order of the technical house, threw away the big axe, and grabbed Smoker with its bare hands.

Seeing all this on the warship, Uriel couldn't hold back his surprise.

Little Bado's information didn't mention that the body modification on Ghost Crying Island has reached the point where it can control the modified body.

When the modified body is not only violent, but can be controlled by people, it becomes too terrifying.

While Uriel was thinking about how far the body modification experiment on the island had progressed, the battle with Smoker on the pirate ship became more and more critical.

Or that it could no longer be called a fight.

A battle can only be established when there is a gap in strength between the two sides, but at least they can fight back and forth.

The current situation on the pirate ship is not a battle at all, but an old cow catching chicks.

In the shadow of the ice cow ghost, Smoker looked even more pitiful than a chicken.

He desperately dodges and rolls on the boat, using the terrain to escape the capture of the ice cow ghost.

Although the ice-skinned cow ghost is huge, its speed is not slow at all. Its body is quite flexible, and it has managed to catch Smoke several times.

One person and one cow fled forward and chased after, the ice-skinned bull ghost's azure body continuously exuded icy cold air, which penetrated the skin for several meters, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped in an ice-blue air mass.

Every move carried a chill that could freeze the air.

Smog took advantage of the terrain several times to distance himself from the pursuers. He had just turned into a mist and wanted to fly, but was rushed by the cold air outside the snowy cow ghost.

He also turned around several times and used the special weapon ten hands made of Hailou stone in his hand to attack the ice cow ghost.

It's a pity that its body shape comes from human body modification rather than a devil fruit. Naturally, it has no reaction to Hailoushi. On the contrary, Smoker deeply understands the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

His attack hit the ice-skin cow ghost's skin as hard as stone, and he couldn't even make a dent.

As for himself, he couldn't even bear the wind pressure from the opponent's palm.

At this time, the scene in the naval elite training camp flashed in his mind. The chief instructor Zefa told them not to rely too much on the fruit ability, but to focus more on training their bodies. Now it seems that it is indeed a golden word.

It's just that I don't know if this realization will come too late.

Unsteady under his feet, he didn't notice a pirate who had been knocked unconscious by him in a panic. He didn't know when he woke up, and rolled quietly to his feet, stumbling his footsteps.

The bull ghost's hands approached in an instant, and they were about to close together to grab him.

 It is rare to have a good character in acting, and it is rare to have a ticket in writing a book.Thanks to book friends 218****66 and book friends 171****78 for their recommendation tickets.As soon as it is delivered, Lao Liang asks for a recommendation for collection.


(End of this chapter)

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