One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 47 The Dying Dashiqi

Chapter 47 The Dying Dashiqi
If we say that the battle on Uriel's side is a wild style with no gorgeousness except for the light and shadow effects.

Then the battle between Smoker and the silver-white blade bull ghost is even less technical, which makes people feel tired and impatient to watch.

The blade bull ghost seemed to have a stronger defense than the ice skin. After Hailoushi's ten hands also had no effect, Smoker simply held a sword in both hands and fought against it.

Unlike the ice-skinned bullghost, the bladed bullghost does not have the ability to capture smoke.

Smoker, after continuously experiencing bitter battles against Uriel, Sanhuang, and Snowy Cow Ghost, finally met an opponent who could not suppress his fruit ability.

The blade bull ghost also swung his big axe.

The ax roared like the wind.

Smoker didn't dodge either, the ax blade slashed into Smoker's body with the wind pressure, turning everything it touched into clouds of thick, empty smoke.

This is the rascality of people with natural abilities.

Smoker was slashed in half, and the upper and lower sections were severed.The smoke lifted his upper body and floated in front of the blade bull ghost.

The point of Smoker's knife aimed at the throat of the blade bull ghost, and he stabbed hard.

Sparks splattered.

The blade bull ghost was unscathed.

Before Smoker swung his knife again, there was a series of metal rubbing sounds on the blade bull ghost.

Dozens of steel blades pierced out from under the skin on its shoulders and chest, piercing Smoker who was close to him into a sieve.

White smoke curled up from the pierced hole, and Smoker's upper body exploded into a large cloud of smoke.

This is him from the natural department. If he was replaced by other people, even ten of them would be stabbed into big skewers.

The bull ghost of the blade, it turns out that the blade of the sword comes from the blood and bones.

After the sharp blade stabbed out, the bull ghost didn't retract the blade, but it seemed that there was an extra shoulder breastplate covered with spikes on the upper body.

With the leather pants on the upper and lower body, Uriel sneaked a glance during the battle, and felt that he really looked like those wild wild men in a certain Fighting God Fist.

Smoker turned back and went up again, his upper and lower body melted into smoke, floating in the air, forming one piece, enveloping the head of the blade bull ghost.

This is one of his regular tactics, plugging the opponent's mouth and nose, blocking its breathing, causing the opponent to suffocate, faint, or die.

This method of warfare had brought him brilliant results, and it was invincible against previous enemies. Often, it only took a few minutes to knock the enemy to the ground.

But he ignored that this time the opponent was not an ordinary person, or not a human being at all.

He completely underestimated the lung capacity of the reformed bull ghost.

The blade bull ghost whose head, eyes, mouth and nose were covered showed no sign of being overwhelmed and fell to the ground, and gradually became irritable.

The big ax in his hand waved wildly for a while, but when he found it was useless, he simply threw it on the ship, smashing a large part of the deck.

Then went berserk.

Numerous sharp blades pierced through the body.

On the outside of the two arms and the outside of the two thick legs, sharp blades grow densely like thorns, thorns made of steel blades.

It clenched its fists tightly, and the back of its hand was sharp, like two metallic javelins shining with silvery white luster.

Long sharp thorns protruded from both knees, up to two meters long, like lances in the hands of ancient knights.

The knight raised his gun to charge.

The blade bull ghost is not so much charging, it is more like a reckless bull that has become enraged and rushing around.

The feeling of being blinded by the smoke, unable to see, and unable to breathe due to the blocked mouth and nose, added a new level to the unnaturally transformed rage.

It jumped vigorously, stomped on it, and bombarded the deck like a javelin-like iron fist, blasting holes in the thick deck, and sawdust fragments flew around like an explosion.

When blindly bumping into the cabin behind the warship, he bent down and rushed forward with a pair of bull horns, knocking the cabin out of a big hole.

The scene is more popular than violent demolition.

Numerous navies surrounded the battlefield of Uriel and Smoker, dryly anxious, but they couldn't intervene at all.

The sound of the water gradually sounded, and the two warships chased behind the warship.

The enemy of the navy is coming.

The warships chased from both sides of the warship, and the distance was quickly shortened to less than ten meters.

The hundreds of modified bodies on the warship have long been impatient.

The distance of ten meters is almost non-existent in their eyes after transformation.

One by one, they jumped onto the warship.

Especially the modified bodies with fleshy wings, they first flew high into the sky, then folded their wings, and smashed down on the warship below like a bomb.

The scene immediately became chaotic.

The offensive is raging.

The combat methods of the reformed bodies are extremely simple, straightforward, and extremely brutal.

This is because after they have been transformed, most of their sanity has been lost, leaving only endless rage in their thinking.

Also because of their strength after transformation, simple and rough is enough.

The eight legs of the spider-shaped modified body move simultaneously, back and forth, advancing and retreating extremely fast.

A pair of bone swords on the upper limbs pierced continuously while moving, attacking the passing naval soldiers.Leave deep stab wounds on them.

The modified body with arms like a praying mantis has arms like the wind, constantly slashing and slashing. It seems to have no rules, but it is extremely fast, and it is a natural two-sword style.

The blade of the arm sickle has tiny serrations, coupled with the continuous secretion of venom, the sword in the hands of the navy is often corroded by the serrations and venom to form a conspicuous gap after parrying the slash of the modified body.

If it is cut, the thick green venom will seep into the wound, like a strong acid, corroding the wound and emitting pungent smoke.

Coupled with the flying modified body that continuously carried out raids from the air, the advantage in numbers of more than a thousand navies disappeared, and the people turned into a mess.

Most of the navies were suppressed by the modified bodies, and they barely supported them only by relying on long-term training and mutual cooperation and support. They were not completely defeated and suffered a large number of casualties.

Among the many navies, only Dashiqi's situation is slightly better.

As a knife fanatic, her knife skills can be regarded as the first glimpse, a long knife withstood the siege of two wolf-shaped modified bodies and a cat-shaped modified body.

The sword is flashing, dancing into a silver group.

In a short time, a wolf and a cat were chopped under the knife.

Then, there was a loud bang.

Deep in the hearts of the two dead modified bodies, the bombs that had been planted for a long time exploded the moment their hearts stopped beating.

Violent explosions and flames enveloped a large area of ​​the deck, knocking Da Siqi out of the spaceship and falling into the sea.

Including Uriel and Smog, everyone who saw the explosion and Dashiqi was shocked.

"Three yellows, save people," Uriel shouted.

Seeing the three yellow and fiery figures sinking into the sea and chasing Da Siqi underwater, Uriel shouted to Smoker again, "Smoker, order. Tell everyone to get out of the way immediately after killing the enemy. There is a bomb in the opponent's body. Explodes immediately upon death."

"In addition, let everyone pay attention to avoid fatal injuries. As long as they don't die, I have a way to save people."

Rescued by Uriel several times, Smoker had already trusted him deeply, and immediately issued orders according to what he said.

At the same time, he shrunk the smoke even tighter, and he could feel that the blade bull ghost under him was showing signs of hypoxia, so he immediately increased his strength.

Even if the bull ghost could be dealt with a second earlier, maybe one more soldier under his command could be saved.

Uriel had the same idea, and the flame of the holy fire giant ax in his hand rose again, and the power of sacrifice was further strengthened.

 Thanks to book friend 218****66, I don’t know if you are a hairy r, and there is also a recommendation ticket from book friend 3559****43. Due to the background of the author, the nickname of the book friend is often not displayed, which is a headache.In addition, I will reply to the question of Qidian book friends going off the blog, thank you for your question, and the answers to related questions are answered in the book.The second watch is delivered, and Lao Liang asks for a recommendation for collection.


(End of this chapter)

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