One Piece: Overlord Buggy

A Deal Of The South Blue

"Take me to the South Blue."

Rosalina stood there, sailing the ship, confused, before squinting her eyes a little, as if she was trying to figure out what I wanted to do.

"May I ask what you intend to do in the South Blue?"

"Um.. well, I have an errand to run there, I need to go to a specific island, and you are the only person I figure that can bring me there. I don't think I'd trust anyone else with that."

She continued to look at me like she was trying to pierce my soul or something, and then completely changed to her normal resting look with a slight smile. She then said "Since you trust me with sailing a ship so much, then I would not mind taking you to the South Blue."

I subconsciously pumped my fist, and saying under my breath "Yes!"

She laughed a little, and then continued "In fact, I will soon need to head to the South Blue as well."

I started to question in my mind 'What could possibly be in the South Blue? Especially since.... oh wait. I don't actually know where she's from. Even if she's under the potential control of Big Mom, I never actually asked.' And so, I decided to ask "Since you asked why I wanted to go to the South Blue, can I ask why you want, or need to go?"

She laughed a little again. "Yes, you may ask. I visit my home country periodically to make sure my.. family.. is doing okay. They are a bit.. insane.. as you would put it, so I just like to check up on them. You could also say that I have an errand to run as well."

The cogs in my mind started to turn, and I started to think. 'Wait, family? If I think of Big Mom, then I would think to go to the new world. Is my theory wrong? Um, yeah, the South Blue is, although on the other side of the Red Line, it's probably one of the farthest places from Whole Cake Island to even reach. At most it could be that one of Big Mom's many.. like.. 86 or something.. children left and settled down in the South Blue. But that would mean they don't have a connection, so that would completely disprove my "Rosalina Controlled by Big Mom" theory! Wait, back to family! That doesn't always mean blood related, so she could be the "family" of a member of the Charlotte family. But that still wouldn't entirely mean she is under the control of Big Mom. But.. it could be an informant for Big Mom, and she's just a spy! NO! STOP! I'm just making myself more paranoid about things that are ONLY POSSIBILITIES. I don't need to overthink it. But.. now that I do think about it, keeping contact with her family periodically to make sure they don't go insane.. couldn't completely mean she isn't being controlled, there are too many devil fruits out there, with too many possibilities of actually controlling other people to disregard the idea. I should leave it at "Rosalina is Possibly Controlled" as my new main theory rather than the Big Mom theory. There are just too many variables, and now that I remember, Charlotte Linlin is too dumb to do that in the first place. Although I can't disregard the whole idea because of the weir soul thing going on with her, I can just say that my "Rosalina is Possibly Controlled" theory is the best bet. Especially since she acts so.. off sometimes. It might be because of the personality of the controller coming through. But that just makes me think, why are they controlling Rosalina of all people? And what are they after?'

I was then shook out of my thoughts by Rosalina, who had started to yell my name.

"BUGGY. Are you there?"

Shaking my head and rubbing my eyes, I then answered "Yeah, sorry. I got stuck in my thoughts. Ummmm.. what were you calling me for?"

With some concern on her face, she answered "You were not answering, and so, I had decided to try and snap you out of your deep thought."

"Oh, well, thanks? Anyways, also thanks for taking me to the South Blue. It's just a really important thing."

'Yeah, it's a really important thing I want to change. And I need a doctor for.. HOW COULD I ALMOST FORGET ABOUT THAT?'

I started to freak out a little before nervously asking "Do you maybe know of an island with a bunch of doctors on it? I'll need to find a really good doctor to help me with my errand."

Rosalina became even more confused.

"A weird request, but yes, I do know of an island with exceptional doctors and, at the minimum, one or possibly two of the inhabitants of this island who would possibly be willing to come along for your.. errand."

'FINALLY! HOPE!' I calmed myself externally, coughing slightly into my fist, then saying "Since you do know of a place, could.. we.. stop there to find someone who would be willing to come along, do you think we can head there first?"

Staring at me and contemplating, her expression changed from one of slight happiness to one of blankness. Almost no expression was shown on her face, and yet, she was still steering the ship like it was the most natural thing in the world.

She then sighed. "Perhaps we can take a detour to this island of doctors, but I will need something in return."

With as straight a face as I could muster, I asked "What could you want in return for helping me aside from just taking me to an island in the South Blue?"

Staring me down now, she sighed again "I would like for you to not step a single foot on my home island. It is a weird request, I know, but it is my only request for my ability to help you. Do you understand that?"

I nodded my head vigorously before saying "Thanks?" With a very questioning tone.

"Since you understand.." She went back to being happy again. "We will be going to the South Blue in approximately a week, for the simple reasoning of.. I have perhaps not enough of my own personal belongings to go on this trip on such short notice. We will have to go back to Logue Town so I can gather up my belongings before we leave. Does that sound like a good deal to you, Buggy?" She reached out a hand, as if I was meant to shake it.

Sighing, I then shook her hand. "And so, in exchange for you bringing Taki, Alice, Mari, and I all to the South Blue, along with making a stop on this Island of Doctors, and then making another stop on an island I need to be on, I will not interfere nor step on your home island. Does that sound good to you?"

Rosalina nodded. "Yes, all seems accordingly correct. If that is all, I would much prefer our ship to not sink, so if you would please leave.."

I was understanding her correctly, so I just left back to my room.

Once back, I fell face first on my blanket bed, and let my mind run wild.

'So, Rosalina may very much be under control of someone, which is why she was so.. angry.. sounding when eccentuating to not step foot on her home island. That didn't make it seem as though my theory was wrong. The swift changes in mood and expression don't help the case either.'

I then flipped to the side, looking at a wall.

'The case against Rosalina is not looking good, there are too many things popping up that would point to her being controlled by someone, and yet, it could just be Rosalina's personality. But I still don't have any reasoning for that silvery blob taking up her heart and brain, so I'll just have to stay careful around her.'

I decided the wall wasn't very interesting, and turned to the other side of the room, where the door was. I saw my desk that I had stolen from a ship, which had no reason other than to sit down in a chair and lean against something, since I didn't have anything to write other than stuff in my notebook. There was a closet, where I could put all my clothes it without issue, and then a pile of briefcases, some of which, were empty.

Why were some of the cases of cash empty now? Because during one of the trading a bounty for money, I asked if I could trade smaller bills for larger bills, at a Marine base, since I had learned that that was how the money was put into the cases.

So, I ended up with a couple empty suitcases and two cases stuffed with large bills, adding up to an approximate 170 million berri, split between the two.

When I was able to do that, I was surprised, but I remembered that not all Marines were terrible, they do protect people.

After that, I had put the prototypes of Tandkyo's hand into two of the cases, and now still has several, but still reminded of what I had.

I grumbled out "Mmm. I'm rich." Before closing my eyes and going into 'Chillax Mode'.

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