One Piece: Overlord Buggy

The Most Interesting Parts, Part 2


He immediately followed that declaration with jumping towards me, fist cocked back to punch.

"What a foolish thing to do. You know what? I'll take that punch, and you'll see just how far away from being Pirate King you are." I smirked and glared at him with as ferocious a gaze as I could, especially since he wanted to get to the same status as my captain.

"Well then, if you have such a big dream, show me how far you are!" I pointed Surya directly at him.

With that instigation, he grew angry, and sprinted straight at me, this time, I could tell he was going to do something different. And I was right.

During his run at me, he jumped up, spun around and decided to hit me with his clawed hand. Although I was expecting him to try and hit me with his mechanical hand, I didn't expect his hand to move exponentially faster every half a second of movement.

Using a combination of future sight to make everything seem like it had slowed down and observation to look at his hand, I saw bullet shells ejecting out of the back of his hand, along with an explosion. It seemed as though he was using the froce from the small explosion of the bullet to make it move faster. But thanks to figuring that out, I was able to react properly.

'How about I block this to look cool?'

I stopped using observation to find that the world had started to speed up again, along with the claws heading towards me.

To look the coolest I could, I tossed Surya from my left hand to my right, and lifted my left arm up to block.

Within a split second, I could tell he thought I was crazy to not use a weapon, but he didn't know much about me.

I immediately used Colorless Armament on my arm, covering it just enough to make it look like it was touching my arm.

Tandkyo yelled out "BULLET CLAW!"

And the impact came. It caused a shockwave because of the growing speed, along with a cloud of dust to cover me.

He jumped back from that attack with a smirk, saying "I thought you were stronger, but it seems I overestimated you. Now.." and he started to turn to Rosalina, Taki, Mariga, and Alice before he stopped turning, becoming slightly more nervous than before.

While still covered in smoke "Did you expect me to go flying? Or perhaps you expected parts of me to go flying, since those claws of yours are so sharp.

And a gust of wind came, blowing all the smoke away, revealing myself to not have a single scratch on me, nor to have moved.

At first, he started sweating, as if he had just did his best and caused no damage, but he recovered by becoming extremely annoyed that it didn't work in the first place.

Pointing at me, he yelled "YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO NOT GET HURT BY MY ATTACK?"

"Oooh. So you have another trick up your sleeve? How about you come at me? If you do scratch me, I'll tell you. But you have to attack me first."

Clearly provoked, he stood there for a second, looking down with his arms limp. And then he looked at me, and started to chuckle a little.

"Bahanhanhan! You think you've beaten me already? That confidence will be the end of you!"

And with no hesitation, he slammed his claw hand into the ship's deck, making a hole he could go down into.

And silence ensued for a second while I just stood there, not moving, watching the hole.

'I'm not just gonna do some stupid thing like jump down there, my personality during a fight may come closer to Lucifer, but I'm not as nonchelant as him either, so, maybe he'll decide to come up here again?'

I waited for a second and leaned against the mast, sheathing Surya while waiting.

A minute passed before I heard Rosalina yell over "What are you doing, Buggy? I thought you said you could take care of him yourself!"

Turning my head to be met with the slightly worried and confused looks of our ship, I said "I did say that. This doesn't mean I can't take care of it, I just want to see how long this guy makes an idiot of himself waiting for me to follow him."

I then immediately heard rustling below deck, and heard some running around, finally watching a door slam open and Tandkyo come running out, with a cannonball in his clawed hand.

With a bit of exhaustion, he said "Trying to make a fool out of me, huh?" He smirked before holding his newly modified hand up, aimed at me. "I'LL BE THE ONE TO HAVE THE LAST LAUGH! NO ONE JUST GETS TO ATTACK ME AND MY CREW AND GET AWAY WITH IT! TAKE THIS!"

His mechanical hand split into pieces, surrounded the cannonball, as if it was becoming a part of his hand, and several metal containers started to expand, and using observation, I noticed the three canisters were connected to one outlet, an exhaust outlet.

Once the canisters started to leak even a little, air came out, and he got into a position with his right arm sticking straight out, both legs planted,  and he was staring me down, before yelling out "CANNON HELL!!!!"

That caused all of the air to explode out of the canisters from the exhaust vent, increasing his speed even more exponentially than with the bullets. It also took his whole body along, and since the cannonball claw fist was pointed at me, all of him was just rocketing towards me.

In a split second, I made a decision.

That decision was to pull Surya partway out of it's sheath, and try to use Colorless Armament with Surya. How? The same way I broke the deck on the Oro Jackson months ago. Imagining the flow coming directly off of my hand and over Surya, my Colorless flowed from inside my body to the outside, and then over my left hand, covering the handle, and then over the blade.

And then, I fully pulled Surya out of it's sheath, lifting my arm into the air, slashing at the incoming attack from Tandkyo.

That split second decision had caused the battle to come to an end, as with the force and Haki put behind that slash, the oncoming cannonball fist was cut in half diagonally. It cut off three of his mechanical finger claws and a part of his pointer finger claw. The force from the actual cut also caused some wind to occur, along with a thundering sound because of how fast I had slashed Tandkyo's hand. Even the force from the air rocket was moved to a stop, as my slash had much more force.

He fell to the ground with an almost non-existent weaponized hand, face first. And he just layed there, defeated.

I sheathed Surya and walked up to stand in front of him, then saying "You know, Doom Fist would have been a better attack name."

He looked up at me before I  kneeled down and continued "While I could tell the force behind it was strong, you didn't have enough strength. I would say find some better technology before fighting me. Besides, you should take me as a benchmark, someone to surpass to become stronger."

Why was I complimenting an enemy and helping him out? Because, thanks to the things he said, his declaration for his dream, and his Conquerers Haki, I felt as if he was going to be an important player in the future. I did still want his bounty though.

"W-what? Why are you telling me all this?"

I smiled at him before saying "But no hard feelings, I kinda want the money from your bounty. While I did just suggest all that, I will take you to a marine base to exchange you for some money. Please don't take it personally, as a bounty hunter, it is kinda my job."

Before he could retort, I leaned far in, then whispering "I wouldn't mind at all if you escaped though. Having someone as I rival sounds fun."

And again, before he could say anything, he was already tied up along with his crew.

Without paying any attention to what he and his crew said, we took their ship, some things on it, and gave them to the Marines without issue. We just had to bring the ship back to Logue Town.

While on that trip to Logue Town, I looked through their ship, and found some prototype hands, and decided to take them and add them to The One, putting them in my room. Of course, I took the gold and split it between me and Rosalina, since we were the ones doing the hunting and moving of the ships, and were co-owners of the shipyard.

Near the end of the six months of time, I realized something.

A part of the plan I almost forgot.

And without any warning, one day, I went up to Rosalina and said "Take me to the South Blue."

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