One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Starting a Confrontation

That ship that started to approach us was what I could consider a normal pirate ship. It was bigger than the ship we had, but not even close to comparable to the largest ship in the world, Thriller Bark, or the Queen Mama Chanter. It wasn't that interesting to look at, since it was so bland looking, and the only difference was the all black sails and jolly roger of a crew I didn't know of.

I raised an eyebrow while looking at the skull and crossbones, which were weird to look at with shading on the bones and skull. But it wasn't shading, it looked more like a reflection off of the bones instead, which caused me more confusion. And when I turned to Rosalina, she also had a questioning look. We both knew they were pirates, but had no idea of who they were, so we nodded to each other, recognizing the fact that they must be from a different sea, and most likely took Reverse Mountain.

When the ship had gotten closer, I decided to use Observation to see who they were, and didn't get any answers besides the looks of the most important people there.

There was a tall, only like 6 foot, black haired guy with the fanciest clothes, looking like he was a noble of some sort, although his behavior quickly changed my mind on him actually BEING a noble, as he had several bottles of beer in his hands, drinking it all before throwing them at the ground.

Another person, who happened to be drinking with the first guy was very scruffy with red hair and a matching long, red, unkempt beard and matching moustache. This guy had a gold rimmed tricorn hat over the top of his extremely messy hair, and had what looked like a peg leg in the place of his left hand, which I found way weirder than his way to muscly physique, which I could really only tell because the noble clothing that he was wearing had rips all over. It looked like he forced the clothes to fit on himself and didn't do anything to fix them. He was also like four feet tall.

The final most important looking and non-generic looking person was a dark skinned woman with extremely long blonde hair. Very long hair. Like, 20 feet of hair. It reminded me of Rapunzel, but she very much was not like her at all. Especially since she wore giant clothes that made her look small, with a zebra pattern, with some tye-dye rainbow mixed in, making it look off, and yet not thanks to the uniformity of the zebra stripes. She was just lazing about with people combing through her hair, as if it was normal.

'Ah, finally, although kinda ordinary people, they have a feeling like Oda was the one who created them. Not entirely, but still. So, what's the deal with these guys?'

Their ship finally got almost right next to us, and I finally noticed the size difference of the ships. While ours was definitely not tiny, theirs was like three times the size of ours.

Me and Rosalina watched them show up, not moving much, as we knew subconsciously that we would end up fighting them.

I did realize that Taki, Alice, and Mariga were watching too, so I said directly to Alice "Can you bring Taki and Mari down below deck? I'd like to not have to chase after these guys if they kidnap you all."

Without hesitation, they all went below deck to hide, just in case. Rosalina noticed this and asked "Why is Taki going below deck as well? Is she not able to fight?"

Moving my gaze back to the ship in front of us, I stated "While you know how Taki is, as well as her strength, she is very inexperienced with actual combat. While I have no doubt she could wipe the floor with these guys, I would like to make sure MYSELF that she can control her strength to.. not instantly kill anyone."

"Hm." Rosalina nodded and stared at the edge of the ship that had stopped beside ours. And then we heard a voice yell something at us.

"Whadowe have here? Just sum kid and a.. whoo.. pretty lady. Whatcha doin out here?"

It was the tall guy who drank a lot who leaned against the railing of his ship.

Rosalina was the first to answer "We are going on a trip and seem to have gotten lost. It is a long journey, and we just so happen to be passing through here. It would be lovely if you could help us to the nearest island."

She had stuck out her sizable chest and allured both the guy who was drunk and leaning on the railing along with most of the other guys on their ship, distracting them fully.

I shook my head a little. 'I guess I didn't notice just how beautiful and hot women in this new world of mine are. Although I don't particularly feel anything right now, so.. eh. They aren't objects, so probably a part of it. I have a long time to think about it so... But now that I do think about it, another personality type switch to add tho the list, and the "not a bounty hunter" schtick. Very good way to do it, even with.. the weapons on our hips.'

All of them were oogling Rosalina, at least until the woman with very long hair walked up behind them. She had a few guys holding up her hair from touching the deck, which were the few people who didn't come to look at Rosalina. I assumed they were under some kind of hypnosis or something, because they didn't even react to Rosalina.

"Would you idiots stop drooling over her when you have me? I thought I was your queen?"

She then, in quick succession, with a slightly angry expression, hit several of the guys directly on their heads, and they then all noticed before turning to her, and immediately bowing down and apologizing.

"We're sorry Queen Aphra! Please forgive us!"

And who I assumed was Aphra just stood their,. looking down on them, as if casting judgement down on them.

All that ran through my head was 'What a high maintenance Karen. They're just enabling her at this point. Bet they've been doing this for at least a year. Apparently I can't escape the existence of some things no matter the world.'

I shuffled to Rosalina and asked just quiet enough for only her to hear "So, what's the plan here?"

Whispering back, she said "I will take the strong looking subordinates if you take out the captain and the cannon fodder."

I squinted my eyes for a second before they returned to normal "How about you take the captain this time, at least, when we learn of who it is. I'll still take the cannon fodder, but I wouldn't mind you taking the captain this time."

Rosalina nodded with slight hesitation, and then said in a surprisingly seductive voice "Would it be okay for us to talk to the captain of your ship so we can work something out on traveling to the nearest island?"

A couple seconds passed, with Aphra looking down on us, all the men still.. bowing down.. and both the red haired guy along with the black haired guy not doing anything. At least until the black haired guy moved to stand up and said "Imatha cap-tayn of this ship! Oooof coursssse you can! Hopupup'ere!" He waved his hand, motioning Rosalina to come into their ship.

Continuing to use her seductive tone, she said "Before I come up onto your ship, may I know the name of the generous captain?"

With a second of waiting, and the captain looking up and around as if he was trying to remember his own name, said with a smile "Mysname's Rodon! Naweh, wouldja liketa com'on upup 'ere?"

Rosalina smiled, "Thank you for your help Rodon!"

And walked to the edge of our ship, but only before Aphra put one heel on the railing, as if to assert dominance over us. She scowled down, staring with a deep hatred directly at Rosalina.

"You bitch. You want to come onto MY ship? You aren't even close to as beautiful as me, so, WHY SHOULD WE EVEN CONSIDER HELPING YOU!?"

I turned my head, cringing at what I just heard.

'*Tsk* I can't believe I only believed in her ONLY being entitled. It's more like she's a Karen, always thinking so highly of herself, and thinking everyone is below her. Just great. Whelp, can't go back on having Rosalina take care of the captain. Man, this is gonna suck.'

Rosalina's face went dark.

'Oh crap.' I crossed my arms at the scariness of Rosalina that even 'I' had barely witnessed.

She then immediately took hold of her sword handles, and the harpoon launchers on her hips shot out and anchored into the mast of the ship.

And while everyone was in confusion, she pressed a button, reeling herself in at incredible speed, to which she immediately kicked the captain's face, which made it look like it caved in.

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