One Piece: Overlord Buggy

The Slippery Pirates Part 1

As soon as all of the crew witnessed their captain getting his face kicked in, he flew backwards and rolled across the very wide deck. The first to react was Aphra, who immediately yelled out "Bitch? You know who we are!? WE'RE THE SLIPPERY PIRATES! YOU CANT JUST EXCPECT TO GET AWAY WITH HITTING OUR CAPTAIN!"

That then immediately took all of the crew of the Slippery Pirates out of their stupor, only to become angry and start to charge at Rosalina, who was still partially floating in the air from momentum and slowing down quickly.

And then Buggy appeared right next to her for a split second, hand on the handle of Surya.

"So, Rosa, you wanted me to take care of the cannon fodder, right?" Smirking, Buggy disappeared, using Soru and Geppo to move from crewmate to Crewmate, putting a slice on each and every one of their chests before appearing behind all of them, and them then going flying in multiple directions.

Aphra and the other most important looking guy, Helven, looked on with disbelief at Buggy, who had appeared in front of the both of them, sheathing Surya.

Looking at them with slight disdain, Buggy smirked and said "We'll be taking the bounties of your crew, your money, and your ship, if you don't mind."

With some annoyance, Aphra then stated in a low tone "So, you're a bitch too. It would have been better for you to follow me and Rodon than to fight even a single battle against us. You may have thought of taking out my followers and the crew, but you don't know how me, Helvan, and Rodon are in a fight. We're all more than capable." She then stared up at Buggy. "You'll regret the day you fought against us."

Aphra then reached into her shirt, and pulled out two giant hair clips. Each hair clip had a knife on the end, and the people holding her hair up, split the amount of hair in two and brought it to either side of her, and she put the clips on to the ends of her own hair. The people who brought her hair around moved back, and Aphra grabbed her own hair, starting to spin it around like nun-chucks.

Without any hesitation, while still twirling her hair around, she let the momentum throw the bladed ends of her hair head towards Buggy, readying the second bladed twirling set of hair.

But as Buggy dodged, moving just enough for it to miss him, the buff red haired guy named Helven came up behind him and tried to stab him with his peg leg hand.

'Peg Leg Hand guy doesn't seem to have a gimmick other than having a peg leg for a hand, and he's not able to do anything, unless he proves me wrong.' Buggy thought while turning and moving around the place Helven was aiming for.

But while he did dodge, he wasn't expecting what happened next. Helven, who was basically next to Buggy, twisted his arm and the peg leg, and said "Whirlwind!", causing a small tornado of wind to form, and hit Buggy in the side. Aphra's hair was caught in the same tiny tornado of wind, and thrown back to her, which she then prepared to throw again.

Being surprised by that attack from Helven, Buggy straightened himself out after the tornado of wind disappeared and said "Well, this'll be more interesting than I thought."

Rosalina watched as all of that went down, and then looked towards the downed Captain Rodon. He looked worse for wear, as his face had some smoke coming off of it, and some bruises forming. But they quickly disappeared, and he woke up.

Putting his hand to his forehead, he said "Owww.. thareally hurt! *Sigh* I thought I wasgonna be hurting because of a hangover, butnow, I gotta deal with.."

Rubbing his head, he looked up to see Rosalina standing there, in front of him, and then he looked over her entire body, criticizing all she had.

Still confused on the nature of his body returning to it's original handsome state, Rodon spoke "Yaknow, ya might be a little more beautiful than Aphra, but that's not a way tosay I won't fightcha."

Still rubbing his head, Rodon got up and stretched out, as if he wasn't hurt. Opening and closing his own eyes while stretching, he said "Man, you did a number on my face. Hurts like hell! Too bad I'm sober now, you woulda had a better chance when I was drunk!" Immediately follow that statement was cackling, which had an evil undertone.

Rosalina moved back a little, holding both of her swords sideways, almost next to each other. Crouching down some to be ready to jump, her face darkened a little.

"Maybe I should channel my inner demon. I would not want to disappoint my partner over there with taking down the captain, now would I?"

Smirking, Rosalina then launched her harpoons at the railing, just missing Rodon, and within a split second, she was already near him, the blades nearing his neck at a great velocity, thanks to the high-speed grappling hook launchers.

"Checkmate, Rodon."

Rodon just stood there, only moving his slightly widening eyes.

And the twin longswords slid across Rodon's neck.

Rosalina passed by without much interference, and landed before flying off the ship, retracting the harpoon hooks to the sheaths. Immediately going from a crouched landing position to standing up, Rosalina sheathed her two long swords, closing her eyes, and breathing out.

"I thought you would have put up more of a fight, Rodon. I guess you were all talk."

"All talk, am I?" Came a voice from behind Rosalina.

Turning without any patience, Rosalina found Rodon, still with his head on his body, picking wax out of his ear with his pinky finger, and he was still facing the other way, his back to her.

Knitting her eyebrows, Rosalina immediately put her hands on the handles of her longswords, and yelled out angrily "HOW DID YOU NOT GET CUT ON YOUR NECK? I HAD SLICED YOUR HEAD CLEAN OFF WITH TWO BLADES!"

Calmly, Rodon turned.

"Ya know, there's a reason I'm called 'The Slipper' Rodon."

A laugh came out of Buggy, who was listening in a little. Both Rosalina and Rodon heard Buggy say "Haha! The Marines can come up with good names!"

Rodon turned to face Buggy, who was busy fighting against Aphra and Helvan, and yelled "I HEARD THAT MOCKERY OF MINE NAME! DONT YOU DARE TRY TO DEFILE MINE NAME!"

In that second of Rodon yelling, Rosalina had pulled a single longsword out of it's sheath, and swung for Rodon's head once more, only for him to put his arm up without it looking like he was trying to block.

The next thing that happened confused and infuriated Rosalina, because her longsword did in fact hit Rodon, but it slid as if there was no friction right off his body.

Rosalina pulled the blade towards her, and using the momentum, she landed low, sliding to a halt on the deck.

She then stared at him with some sweat starting to form, and a questioning yet angry gaze.

Rodon recognized this, and immediately started a speech while pacing a little around the deck while watching Rosalina.

"Ah, pretty lady! I do so understand that gaze ofyours! You're probably wondering why yacan't cut me with your swords! Rejoice! For Iamwillin to regale you with a reason! It's not asif you're gonna make it outta here, so I may as well tell ya! For I have eaten a legendary treasure of the sea, something so rare that people'd fight over it! Somethin many believe is justa legend in itself! I have eaten a Devil Fruit!"

Rosalina's eyes widened, as if indirectly stating 'This is one of the few people I've ever fought against who has a devil fruit!'

"You.. you have a devil fruit? And you ate it?" Rosalina asked, slightly uncertain, yet as if she had known they existed.

Rodon was impressed.

"So you DO know what they are! That'll savea lotta intro! Ya see, I ate the Smooth-Smooth Fruit, making me a smooth human! All physical attacks will slide against me and not hurt me! I can slide on things too!" He puffed out his chest in pride.

"So, why did you get hurt before? Why was I able to hit you and hurt you?"

Rodon looked directly at Rosalina, pacing slowly in a circle without changing his gaze. His face then went from bragging to an indifferent face with no expression.

"Ya see, that wasa fluke. While, thanks to the fruit, I always look this handsome.." he bent backwards, keeping balance on one leg, lifting the other up and holding his right hand to his face as if he was holding a mask he was going to put on, and his left arm sticking out to keep balance, he excentuated his own beauty, and continued, it will not always make things slip off of me. Since you're gonna die, I can tell ya it'll only happen when I'm drunk. I stop being slippery when I'm drunk!" 

He struck a normal pose. "But too bad I'm not drunk! Otherwise you woulda had a chance at beating me!" And he cackled again.

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