One Piece: Overlord Buggy

The Slippery Pirates Part 2

Rosalina was a little in disbelief.

'How do I hit someone who can disregard my physical attacks? I do not have many an option here, what should I do?'

Staring down Rodon, fully understanding the situation, Rosalina had to figure out how to hit someone with almost no ability to get hit.

With Rosalina thinking of her next move, Buggy had been moving around and dodging the oncoming onslaught of attacks, be it from hair knives, or being poked hard enough that a tornado forms.

Using some terrible acting, Buggy decided to act winded, and asked "So.. um.. guy. How do you make tornadoes with your.. peg?"

Aphra didn't give Buggy a chance to talk more than that, as her knife hair was coming down on him from above and the sides. Although he could dodge with ease, he still did some acting to make it seem harder than it was.

Helven stopped, then started to caress the peg in the place of his hand.

"Tha name's Helvan! Since ya gonna die by tha hands o Aphra here, I'll tell ya, since it'll go to ya grave! Them be my 'Windy Forcy' techniques! I'll tell ya, punchin an twistin yur arm at tha same time's a bit hard, but it works! Tis why I'm able ta miss an hit all my 'ttacks!"

'Ooh, didn't know that, maybe I can test his own techniques out later, but for now, I need to focus on defeating these guys using the lowest amount of power I can. Paranoia can sometimes get the better of me. Too bad I've decided to take on all challenges.' Thought Buggy, still dodging and weaving around.

Aphra continuously kept whipping her bladed hair around, trying to even slice Buggy, and continuing to fail. Helven decided to start helping Aphra out again, but not before unscrewing the peg and replacing it with something akin to a drill. It was like a knife if it was turned into a spiral, with the edges all sharpened, most likely by the same person who sharpened the bladed hair clips of Aphra.

He then got into a stance with his helical dagger pulled back, cocking his arm like a hammer, and using his other hand to aim, as if he was Luffy. 

Aphra had kept Buggy occupied by restricting his movements, if he didn't know exactly what was going to happen of course. But he wanted to see exactly what Helven had in store, trying to get as much information on his stupidly named 'Windy Forcy' techniques.

With a hawk's gaze, Buggy saw as Helven finally finished getting ready, and he yelled out "Aphra! Now!" Before watching Aphra aim towards Buggy once more, missing once again.

But that wasn't the end, because the build up of his attack had caused a little bit of air to gather around his hand, something akin to Fishman Karate, except replacing water with air. And that build up surrounded Helven's helical dagger, as if it was sharpening on the blade itself.

Without any more hesitation, Helven jumped forward with some good speed, appearing right next to Buggy, who was still slightly floating in the air after jumping to dodge Aphra's attack.

Buggy didn't have any surprise, only a straight look, and he just watched the helical blade come towards his side covered in wind.

"THORN IN YOUR SIDE!" Helven yelled, finally coming close to hitting Buggy.

Rosalina had some quick thoughts on how to even try and attack or defeat Rodon.

'I could see if there is a limit to his ability to make things slip off of him. But he said he can only be attacked when he is drunk, so is it an always working situation, or a situation where it is a conscious decision? Maybe I just need to attack fast enough to hit him, and I can take care of him faster as well.'

Rosalina's eyes then darted around the whole area of the battle, noting down all of the possible places to jump or latch on to to get more momentum. Most of the things that could be used were the masts and the floor, with almost nothing else to use.

Rosalina then formulated a plan and acted upon it, instantly launching herself forward to just punch Rodon.

With her arm cocking back, she thought 'Maybe this will do something, but I will know after this.'

Rosalina then punched towards Rodon, who was watching all of this unfold.

"Heh, you really don't believe that you can't hit me, do you? I would normally never hit a woman.." he moved to punch as well. "But a woman bounty hunter is easier to justify!"

Both punches landed square against each other, only for Rosalina's fist to slip away, and for Rodon's to follow along her arm, going straight for her face, which threw her backwards into the opposing mast. She hit the mast hard, and fel too the ground, face bruised a little, knees and hands on the ground.

She then held up her head to stare down Rodon, as if asking why he was strong enough to throw her as far as he did.

"You must be wondering why I can throw you so far, right? It seems that the wounded little Birdy can't figure it out!" He put a finger and pointed it at his head. "It's cause of the Smooth-Smooth Fruit I possess! I can make things slide off me, and use other people, be it an arm or leg, as a runway to speed up as the perfect way to attack!" He then cackled loudly.

Rosalina's eyes went slightly feral before she got back up, arms and head down, as if formulating a master plan to go along with.

'It seems as though he brags about his own power, but what are his limits? He made me think of it as a conscious decision to make, so perhaps I need to break his focus?'

Launching her gear again, she started to zip around the ship at high speeds, circling around Rodon.

In his most dramatic, charismatic voice, Rodon started to spin around while talking as fancily as he could "Oh, my beautiful little Birdy! It would seem your open cage has some issues! It seems that my little Birdy has some trouble figuring out what's gonna happen!"

He cackled, assumedly, it was his laugh.

In the air, almost 20 feet in the air, Rosalina was looking down upon Rodon, criticizing his every move. But all she could see was Rodon dancing slightly, trying to keep up with the speed of Rosalina, and failing.

'What shall I do this time? Perhaps I need to go with my plan B: use my speed advantage and his him as fast as possible to test if he has a limit.'

Rosalina started to go around Rodon while lowering herself closer to the ground.

Throwing herself around made Rosalina slightly dizzy, and tired from aiming and firing, and slashing, but it hadn't drained a lot of energy out of her, only enough to start to cause some concern.

And then she remembered Buggy wanted her to do this.

'Buggy, how are you so strong? You delegated me as the one to defeat this guy, and yet, you could have done it yourself without my help, you've shown me that. It made me feel insecure about my own strength, and I did not know why or how you had gotten strong enough to take down whole crews without issue. Your soul also says that you're stronger than you let on. Why are you having me do this instead?'

While still questioning Buggy in her mind, Rosalina did some multitasking, speeding herself up and forgetting about the thoughts of Buggy to solely focus on defeating Rodon.

Using this opportunity, Rosalina sped past Rodon a couple times, testing the water for slashing and attacking him.

Those cuts had done nothing to Rodon, and it looked like Rosalina could use Geppo while using her maneuverability gear, which was more surprising to see.

But Rosalina continued to go as fast as she could.

Buggy was watching at the helical blade of Helven came creeping closer. He had a plan though, a very simple, and very easy plan.

With the Helical blade and attack incoming, he had his hand on the handle of Surya, ready to draw at a moment's notice.

Using this Quickdraw ability of his, Buggy pulled Surya out of it's sheath, right in the direction of the helical dagger. Pulling Surya, Buggy had drawn the blade with his hand upsidedown, so that the blade of Surya was still facing away from him, and going alongside his arm.

Using Surya's pure sharpness and the finesse that had been learned while bounty hunting, Buggy swung Surya up to the sky, ready to face against the incoming dagger.

And within half a second, Surya was above both Buggy and Helven, having cut straight through another blade without any assistance or brute force.

Both Aphra and Helvan were shocked at the revelation of Helven's blade being cut, let alone into pieces.

As the pieces of blade fell, Buggy said "Seems like someone didn't care for their blade. Maybe you need some help. I'll be your coach." And smirked evilly.

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