One True God

Chapter 107: Seal

"Really, what a pathetic bunch they are," Lucifer said those words as he remembered the looks of the several Hell Gods who worked with him side by side in the past.

And what he said was so ridiculous and unbelievable that it caught Raya Pazier off guard.

Raya Pazier was so shocked with what Lucifer said that she couldn't even utter a single weird as a reaction to what Lucifer said.

She just stood still as she stared at Lucifer's head with wide eyes, eyes that looked like they were about to pop out of their eye sockets.

And this was only natural.

If one thinks about how the Hell Gods are literally standing at the pinnacle of the demon race, then every demon, whether strong or famous, are afraid of them.

It doesn't even matter whether they have an army behind them or whatever. It doesn't need to be said that a single Hell God would be able to kill that army in just a single snap.

And that's not even the limit of their abilities!

That was how strong those demons are, and yet, there is someone here who actually has the balls to shame the Hell Gods with words!

Something like this is enough to shock Raya Pazier, but that was not the important point.

The most important point is that...if another demon were to hear you shaming these Hell Gods and if it were to become known to other demons, then...the religion based on those Hell Gods would definitely come for Lucifer's head!

What's more, even though Raya Pazier doesn't know how it works, the religions always have a way to know if someone has badmouthed the God that they are serving.

That was why no one really badmouths the Hell Gods since those religions are powerful and have many demons under them. It would only be a matter of time until the religions would start their investigations and hunt the foolish demon who would dare to badmouth their respective Hell Gods!

Raya Pazier, naturally, was aware of this, which is why...her brain just stopped working as she just looked at Lucifer.

There is a popular saying in the Hidden World, most popular with the commoners among the demon race.

'Do not expect to live for long after badmouthing a Hell God.'

And now, Lucifer has not only badmouthed a single Hell God but instead, dissed them all at the same time!

This would mean that all of the religions would eventually start investigating and begin their hunting for the one who badmouthed the Hell Gods.

Naturally, this would mean that Raya Pazier would be involved in it as well, which would mean that Raya Pazier would be killed.

Even though she didn't really say anything, she was still present. And since she was present in this, the religions would kill her.

Even though it didn't really make sense and the reason was just shitty, that was just how the religions worked in this world.

This is the reason why Raya Pazier couldn't just help but stand around in a daze while looking at Falkor while being lost for words.

However, even though Raya Pazier didn't know, those things wouldn't really work for Lucifer.

The religions would never get word that Lucifer badmouthed the Hell Gods even though they have a way of doing so.

This is because of Lucifer's identity. As Lucifer stood equal to them, no one would dare to voice out their dissatisfaction to Lucifer or anything of the sort.

Why? It was all because Lucifer is a Hell God himself.

The only ones who can do something about Lucifer or punish him are the Hell Gods themselves.

But this would also come at a great cost so Hell Gods just usually insult one another and just leave it at that.

So they weren't really in a dangerous situation or anything of the sort.

Besides, Lucifer himself has a religion based around him. Those people would naturally sense if someone has badmouthed Lucifer in any way, and would start to hunt for that individual if that does really happen.

Naturally, if Lucifer is able to prove himself that he's really the Lucifer, then he would be able to take command of them.

Even the Luciferian Empire. Of course, since there would be demons who would seek to take advantage of a headless religion, it would be full of corrupted shits, but...the main point is Lucifer is the pillar of the Luciferian Empire and his religion.

Lucifer can just cast away those corrupted people and Lucifer would be able to use the Luciferian Empire and his religion as he sees fit.

Lucifer knows this very well, but he has just refrained from going there to take command.

This is because that would be the same as announcing himself that he is alive and well to his former enemies.

Anyway, Lucifer had to get his body in good condition first before getting shit done.

It was then that Lucifer suddenly took a deep breath.

"Fuuuu. I've run my mouth for a moment there." Lucifer said.

After saying those words, Lucifer then turned around and continued to speak while looking down at Raya Pazier.

He suddenly turned into a gigantic figure. At least, that was how Lucifer looked like in Raya Pazier's eyes, which is absolutely stunning.

Anyways, this is what Lucifer said.

"I know what you are thinking about. I am aware of the general knowledge in the Hidden World."

"However, do not worry about a single thing. The future that you fear will not come to pass."

"When the situation clears up and my pawns are all gathered in a single place, I shall explain things to make it easier for us to move around."

"After all, if my pawns do not even know my identity, then you guys won't be able to make correct decisions on the field when you need to make one."

"You understand that, Raya Pazier?" Lucifer said with an overwhelming manner that Raya Pazier could only nod her head.

"Y-yeah...I understand..." Raya Pazier muttered out those words.

But in reality, Raya Pazier did not understand a single thing that Lucifer was talking about.

This is because of the initial shock that she received when Lucifer talked bad about the Hell Gods.

The only time Raya Pazier would understand Lucifer's words today would be the moment that her mind clears up from confusion.

She only agreed this time because she felt like she needed to agree. If she didn't, then...Raya Pazier knew that her head would roll without her even noticing it.

That was how overwhelming and domineering Lucifer was when he said those words.

Well, it was only natural considering that Lucifer just basically gave a slip about who he was and all that stuff.

Lucifer was aware of it, so it would be better to prevent Raya Pazier from overthinking stuff. Lucifer would only tell them once he's sure that his organization is established and had its foundation built up.

Besides, Lucifer has already gathered enough pieces to start his own organization.

Rachel with her cunning and wittiness should be able to run an organization.

Rouge with his strength and resources from the Warmester Denoble House should be able to keep Lucifer's organization afloat.

And Raya Pazier...with most of her factors still unknown to Lucifer, he still decided that Raya Pazier would be useful to him in a lot of ways.

Once the organization has been created and grown strong enough for Lucifer to discard the Warmester Denoble House, Lucifer would tell Rouge and Raya Pazier who he was.

"Good if you understand." Lucifer said as he...naturally just shrunk back to his original size.

Of course, this is in Raya Pazier's perspective.

But even then, Lucifer was still not done as he also started to speak again, "You finally returned."

Raya Pazier turned her head around to look at who it was, and it was Rouge.

'Ah...have I been so out of it then I forgot about him?' Raya Pazier thought as she completely forgot that Rouge was with them.

Well, this is all because of the impact and influence that Lucifer had on her.

Anyway, Rouge was now kneeling on the ground and he spoke while lowering his head, "Yes. It didn't take me a long time to return and this is because I have..."

"Succeeded in finding the official seal of the Warmester Denoble House."

Rouge announced the success of his mission, though it seems so anticlimactic.

Hearing the result of Rouge's mission, Lucifer quickly asked for it.

Rouge then stood up and just straight up gave the official seal of the Warmester Denoble House.

The seal expected, 6 pillars surrounding a single staff. This symbolizes the Patriarch and the 6 pillars of the Warmester Denoble House.

Lucifer then began to cook up an 'official document' that would look like it was made by the Patriarch himself stating that Rouge would become the temporary Patriarch while he was away.

While he was doing this, time was ticking away.

Tomorrow would have the Warm City see the greatest chaos ever since it was created.

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