One True God

Chapter 108: Chaos

The sun has finally risen over the sky to signal the end of the night and shine over the Warm City.

A lot of time has passed ever since Lucifer finished preparing the official document made by the Patriarch branded with the official seal of the Warmester Denoble House.

Of course, just because they have something like this doesn't really mean that all of the vassals and subordinates of the Warmester Denoble House would just go and obey it.

They would question the official document since it was just too shady, to begin with.

The 6 pillars and the Patriarch himself going missing suddenly and then a random subordinate suddenly comes with an official document saying that he is now the Patriarch is already suspicious.

There were a lot more people who are suitable to become the temporary Patriarch while the Patriarch is away. Those people are, naturally, the sons of Kars, and Kars himself is supposed to be the next Patriarch if only it weren't for his lack of strength.

Since Kars is currently not in the Warm City, it is only natural that his oldest son would take command of the Warmester Denoble House in his absence.

However, the fact that they...are also not here and together with the  Patriarch is a lot more suspicious than the official document.

There is no absolute way that all of the Warmester Family and the 6  pillars would just go missing all at the same time. It's not like they are being attacked by a powerful enemy or anything of the sort, so they didn't have to go hiding or do anything like that at all.

Of course, Rouge would say that the Warmester Family, together with the 6 pillars, are just having a vacation somewhere else.

But even if he told them that, things are just too suspicious to believe all the words written on the official document and what Rouge would say.

This is basically an event that only happened for the first time, and those with sharp wits would be able to catch on with what is happening and suspect things as they are.

And that is exactly what is happening right now.

In the main building, the one building where the Patriarch and the Wramester Family sleeps, chaos has occurred all over the place.

There were many people who were seeking entrance to this main building, which is a rare sight indeed as people wouldn't even dare to disturb this building as this is the building where the Patriarch resides.

However, it is because it has been announced for all to hear that the Patriarch is on a vacation that these people were storming this building in.

But...even if the Patriarch is not here, they wouldn't still dare to do that.

The only reason why they were storming this main building is because...other than the fact that it has been announced that the Patriarch and his immediate family members are on a vacation, a random, lousy captain has become the temporary Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House while the Patriarch himself is away.

This made all kinds of subordinates storm in the main building, hoping to see the temporary Patriarch. would be better to say that they are here to demand an explanation.

It was only natural that this would be the outcome of Rouge becoming the temporary Patriarch. It would have gone a different way if it were one of Kars' sons who became the temporary Patriarch.

Anyway, among these people who were storming in, there were some who could be considered to be the top brass of the Warmester Denoble House.

They are the ones who control things here, and they could be considered to be just below the Patriarch and the 6 pillars when it comes to hierarchy.

And these people are...the Court of the Warmester Denoble House.

8 old demons control the Court of the Warmester Denoble House, and these 8 demons have come to the Patriarch room, where Rouge could be located.

There were also other demons in here who could be considered to be pretty high in the hierarchy ladder of the Warmester Denoble House.

But Rouge...who was sitting on the throne of the Patriarch gave no attention to them as he just entertained the questions of the 8 old demons of the Court of the Warmester Denoble House.

And while they were asking Rouge all kinds of questions about the Patriarch and why he was given the seat of the temporary Patriarch, the faces of the 8 old demons turned grim as they realized that there were no flaws or whatsoever in Rouge's story.

It means that Rouge's story was accurate and that even the things that should be overlooked, if ever this was a narrated story told by someone, are well explained and the details are just right on the spot when it comes to the quirks of the Patriarch.

As they were the members compromising the Court of the Warmester Denoble House, they are well aware of what the Patriarch is like and what he uses to base his decisions.

However, even though the 8 old demons can see no flaw in Rouge's story about this whole thing, they couldn't help but doubt it.

Why? It was because this is just really too rare and suspicious all at the same time.

There's no way that the Warmester Family, along with the 6 pillars, would just go on a vacation or anything of the sort.

Besides, to make sure that they would have the best experience, they would bring some men with them to take care of their daily needs or whatever they would want to avoid inconveniences.

Either way, the best possible way to go on a vacation is to bring some men with them so that they wouldn't have to do anything at all except enjoy their vacation.

What's more, since the 8 old demons knew that the sons of Kars and his wives are all spoiled, there's no way that they would do those everyday tasks for themselves.

That was why it was just too suspicious.

However, when the 8 old demons tried to question the legality of Rouge being the temporary Patriarch for now, another group emerged from the doors of the room where Rouge and the 8 old demons were located.

This new group immediately pressured the Court of the Warmester Denoble House by saying that they do not have the right to question the legality since it is the Patriarch himself who said that Rouge would be the temporary Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

The 8 old demons were about to retaliate, saying that this new group of demons does not have the right to say something in this situation but...when they saw the identity of the new group, they became just frozen in shock.

Why? It was because this new group was composed of strong demons who lead the various departments in the Warmester Denoble House.

Even though there were 4 organizations that had their own roles to do for the Warmester Denoble House, that does not mean that the Warmester Denoble House was lacking in anything or whatsoever.

In fact, they also have their own department and subordinates who do the same tasks as those 4 organizations do.

There were also other departments other than that, and the new group of demons who showed up here are the leaders of all those departments.

In other words, the demons who lead the departments that could be considered to be the main bulk of the Warmester Denoble House.

Even though the 8 old demons are the ones who make up the Court of the Warmester Denoble House, they cannot just ignore this group of demons and treat them as nothing.

Sure, they can deal with these various demons individually, but if they are all grouped together, not even they would be able to do something like that.

However, it's not like the 8 old demons didn't have any backups.

In fact, they had backups. It was the other demons who could also be considered to be the top brass of the Warmester Denoble House.

However, as they just number a few men, the situation still became a little bit difficult.

Rouge's side had the official document of the Patriarch, signed with the official seal of the Warmester Denoble House, and that is really...special. 

The various demons who are supporting him are also a threat and are making things shaky for the old 8 demons.

And since they are supporting Rouge, who had the right to become the temporary Patriarch with the support of the Patriarch himself, if the 8 old demons were to disobey that, they would be labeled as traitors and would be hunted down.

The 8 old demons knew this, which is troublesome for them. It would only be a matter of time until the other top brass defect to the other side since they wouldn't want to be classified as traitors to the Warmester Denoble House.

Well, in simple words, there are three parties in this situation. And two of that parties agree on the same thing. And what's more, they have the support of the most powerful man in the Warmester Denoble House.

There's no way that the third party would be able to say anything else in this situation.

Nevertheless, the 8 old demons still continued to prove their point, knowing that they are the highest in the hierarchy right now.

But alas, it was all futile as the demons supporting Rouge were just too many.

It was in this way that the chaos in the Warm City died down almost immediately it started.

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