One True God

Chapter 109: Oumu

When the chaos in the Patriarch room where Rouge, the 8 demons who control the Court of the Warmester Denoble House, and the various demons leading the various departments of the Warmester Denoble House settled their debates and discussion for what was happening with the Patriarch and Rouge's position finally ended, the 8 demons left the Patriarch room in defeat.

This is because there were just too many demons supporting Rouge that they couldn't just ignore them anymore.

Even though they are basically the highest political power in the Warmester Denoble House right after the Patriarch and the 6 pillars, too many enemies are just not good for them.

That was why they retreated for now as they knew that it is pointless to keep this up.

Besides, the legality was with the other party's group. If they continued to keep this up, then that would mean that they are going against the Patriarch's orders and they would be seen as traitors to the Warmester Denoble House.

There were a lot of factors why they lost, but the main reason is because of the legality, which made the other top brass supporting them defect to the other side.

And now, in the Patriarch room where the heated discussion took place, Rouge stayed behind as he was still seating on the throne of the Patriarch.

However, he was not all alone in this room. There were other demons in this place and these demons are the ones who helped Rouge battle against the 8 old demons or the Court of the warmester Denoble House.

In other words, these demons are the ones who lead the various departments in the Warmester Denoble House.

Naturally, this group of demons has its own leader, and it is the most powerful demon out of all of them, which is the demon who leads the War Department of the Warmester Denoble House.

The one who leads the War Department of the Warmester Denoble House is called Oumu, and he is the reason why...these various department leaders have willingly supported Rouge even though even they suspected that it was all too fishy and shady.

The reason being is that...

"Oumu! I didn't expect that you would come and help me for this cause, my good friend!" Rouge shouted out loud as he descended from the throne of the Patriarch room and approached the demons.

Right, it is because Rouge and Oumu were good friends. Oumu is one of the few demons who helped Rouge when Rouge was still new here.

And since they were good friends, Oumu had his full trust in Rouge, and he thought that it was really legitimate that the Patriarch himself gave the order for Rouge to become the temporary Patriarch while he is away.

And since Oumu is the group of the various department leaders, due to his own charisma and strength, he was able to make them agree to support Rouge first.

It is really amazing how Oumu just blindly trusts Rouge even though he knows that this is a shady situation.

"Hahaha. You don't have to thank me for something like this. We have been together for so many years now, so supporting you in a situation like this is no big deal," Oumu said without missing a single beat.

Well, it was the truth that they have been together for so many years now. They were good friends after all.

However, even Oumu knew that some of his comrades are feeling suspicious of Rouge taking the seat of the Temporary Patriarch while the Patriarch is away, hence Oumu asked Rouge.

"However, I must ask this for the sake of others. Even though I helped you fight off against the Court of the Warmester Denoble House, I must know is truly by the will of the Patriarch that you are the temporary Patriarch now."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I trust you in this, but..." Oumu said as he looked back a little bit where his comrades are observing their conversation.

They were a little bit away from them, so they couldn't hear their conversation or anything of the sort.

Some of these department leaders are looking at Rouge with interest, and some with no interest at all, and a very few demons were looking at Rouge with...hostility.

Well, the reason for that hostile look is because they were suspecting him of actually killing the Patriarch and the wives and sons of Kars to get his position right now.

It wouldn't be weird for something like that to happen in a powerful Denoble House such as the Warmester Denoble House, but there is a reason why they are not sure.

It is because they are absolutely aware of how absolutely strong the Patriarch was. Even though he was old, his strength was just monstrous.

What's more, to kill the Patriarch, one must kill the 6 pillars. They stand as the shield and sword of the Patriarch, and due to them being individually strong, it is basically impossible for Rouge to kill the Patriarch.

Even if Rouge was hiding his strength for this day, it would still be impossible for him to kill them so one-sidedly where this situation could have happened.

Even if Rouge also got some outside help to kill the Patriarch and the 6 pillars, it would still be impossible.

Their powers are just...absolutely monstrous as that is the reason why the Warmester Denoble House is able to run amok in the Zacharath Kingdom.

That is why it is only just suspicions for today, and they are hoping to make things sure right now, through Oumu who is the good friend of Rouge.

Since they were good friends, they thought that Rouge wouldn't lie to him or anything of the sort.

It's not like lying would do him any good at this point. After all, Kars would still go back sooner or later and he would have the backup of the old fogeys of the Court of the Warmester Denoble House as he has the blood of the Patriarch.

The legality would be on his side, so trying to cling to power right now would just be foolish if...he did kill the Patriarch.

However, if he didn't and is telling the truth that the Patriarch did assign him to this position, then...all is well.

At least, that is how those few demons who were suspicious of Rouge viewed this situation.

Of course, Rouge knew this very well as Lucifer has already explained those stuff to him before he even announced that he is now the Temporary Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

"Of course, of course. I never doubted your trust in me, and I understand that it is just your comrades who are suspicious of me," Rouge said with a thin smile on his face.

Well, it is because he knew the answer to this already.

And his prepared answer was...

"Don't worry about it. It is the truth that the Patriarch himself gave me the right to become the Temporary Patriarch for now while the Warmester Family is away."

" is also the truth that this situation is somewhat shady. No, it is too fishy in fact."

"There are many people more deserving to become the Temporary Patriarch while the Patriarch is away, so...when he gave it to me, I almost couldn't believe it!"

"I mean...can you understand me? I am just someone who is close with the 6 pillars of the Warmester Denoble House because...I was somewhat useful when it comes to fighting, but even so! I am just a random captain, responsible for a few dozens of men!"

"Making me the Temporary Patriarch is just absurd and unthinkable that even I couldn't believe it when he assigned me the role!"

Rouge said all those words with...passionate emotions on his face.

He matched his emotions with the words that he was saying, and it was all for the sake of fooling Oumu.

And what he said was reasonable as well. After all, even though joy would what most people would experience when they are promoted, the position that was granted to Rouge was just too heavy to bear for someone of his position.

In fact, it would be most common for people to experience pressure and break down due to the pressure since the responsibility of being the Temporary Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House is just too heavy.

What's more, Oumu knew Rouge very well. He knew that Rouge was really close with the 6 pillars for reasons unknown.

Even though Rouge was really powerful in battle, there were some other demons who were also powerful in battle, but never once have they ever been called by the 6 pillars.

That was was weird and not weird at the same time for the Patriarch to give him the position of the Temporary Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House while he was away.

It was not weird since he was close to the 6 pillars, but weird because of his official position.

Either way, because of the blind trust that Oumu had for Rouge, he just thought that it was reasonable.

"I understand you, I understand. Well, don't mind me if I ask, but can I see the official document signed by the Patriarch himself?" Oumu asked Rouge.

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