Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 A Minor Operation

When the evening lights were lit, the lights of Beidu were like rainbows, forming a prosperous scene.

A military off-road vehicle arrived at the gate of a villa community on the 3rd Ring Road. Jiang Hao, driving the vehicle, did not drive into the community, but stopped at the roadside at the gate of the community.

“Here we are. This is the Eastern Mountain Villas,” Jiang Hao told Ning Tao who was in the passenger seat. “A lot of stars live here. The house here costs tens or even hundreds of millions of yuan.”

“Hundreds of millions of yuan?” Ning Tao was startled by what he heard. He glanced through the window at the nearby villas and shook his head, sighing, “The world has become crazy.”

Jiang Hao passed a wry smile and also sighed, “Indeed, the word is crazy. A few years ago my mother and I wanted to move to a bigger house, but we were hesitant and never made up our minds. As a result, house prices have now doubled.

“Now that Fan Huaying’s friend lives in such a community, she must be something,” Ning Tao speculated in his heart.

“You go in,” Jiang Hao urged. “If you can’t get a taxi when you’re done, give me a call or send me a WeChat. I’ll come and pick up you.”

“Aren’t you going in with me?” Ning Tao asked.

“No, you were invited, not me, so it’s not appropriate for me to go with you,” Jiang Hao replied. “You go in quickly. I’ll go home and wait for you.”

Ning Tao nodded, got out of the car and walked to the gate of the community with his medicine chest.

Jiang Hao started the car to go ahead as she poked a hand out of the window, waved and shouted, “Come home early.”

“Okay,” Ning Tao responded. After a few steps, he realized what he said, thinking that why he agreed when Jiang Hao asked him to go home early. When he looked back at the military off-road vehicle, it was already far away.

In life, some misunderstandings were hard to prevent.

As soon as Ning Tao reached the gate of the community, Fan Huaying stepped out of the janitor’s room. “Ning Tao, here you are. Come with me, my friend is waiting for you at her house,” he stated kindly with a smile on his face.

Then Ning Tao and Fan Huaying walked and chatted until they came to a detached villa.

Two burly bodyguards opened the door and bowed deeply to Ning Tao and Fan Huaying. Fan Huaying didn’t respond, but Ning Tao gave them a polite nod.

As they entered the living room, Ning Tao didn’t see Fan Huaying’s friend. The lavishly decorated living room was empty, without even a soul.

“Follow me,” said Fan Huaying, up to the stairs.

Ning Tao felt confused but didn’t ask Fan Huaying anything. He followed Fan Huaying to the second floor and then to a door.

Fan Huaying reached out and knocked on the door. “Wushuang, Doctor Ning is here,’ he said.

As soon as Ning Tao heard the name, he felt very familiar about it, and a famous star came into his mind.

Then a woman’s voice came from behind the door. “Let him in,” said the voice.

Fan Huaying reached out and pushed the door open, but instead of entering, he retreated aside. “Go in, Doctor Ning,” he told Ning Tao. “I know your rules. I’m not going to allow anyone to approach this room before you finish the treatment.”

Ning Tao nodded and walked into the room with his medicine chest.

It was a woman’s room with blue wallpaper, white window screen, Persian carpet and Persian furniture. Anyway, the room was full of exotic style.

A woman in a gauzy white dress stood in a graceful attitude on the balcony with her back to the door. She didn’t wear shoes, her bare feet on the carpet as white as jade, like an artistic work carved out of jade.

She was the big star that Ning Tao just thought of, Zhao Wushuang.

She was one third European, and her face was once voted the most beautiful face in Asia. She was perfect in the figure, the ratio of the length of her head to her height one to nine, and made it difficult to fault her appearance with even the most critical eye.

Also, she also had great talent in singing and acting. A famous director once predicted that she would conquer Hollywood in the future, become a real international superstar, and might even win the first Oscar for Chinese people.

A few months ago, however, the woman who had been so favored by god disappeared. No one knew where she had gone or what had happened to her. Although some media outlets had published information about her, it was only anecdotal reports, which she had never responded to.

Now Ning Tao was standing behind her, looking at her hot but lonely figure. Since he never pursued the star, after learning that the patient was Zhao Wushuang, he only felt excited for a while and then recovered to calm down.

Zhao Wushuang clearly knew that Ning Tao was in the room, but she didn’t turn around or even look back.

Ning Tao took his eyes off Zhao Wushuang’s back, closed the door before he took off his cheap homemade loafers. His shoes were disgusting, but his feet were white, well-proportioned and beautiful. The skin on his feet was no worse than the skin on Zhao Wushuang’ feet. Besides, his feet didn’t smell at all. If there must be a smell on his feet, it was a sweet smell of spiritual energy. The smell was almost imperceptible, and if someone noticed it, it would smell very pleasant.

That was a normal matter. Would a practitioner have smelly feet?

Zhao Wushuang finally turned around. She wore a mask over her face, so Ning Tao couldn’t see her face, but her beautiful black and blue eyes gave him an amazing feeling.

Zhao Wushuang cast a glance at Ning Tao’s worn loafers near the door, and then at Ning Tao’s bare feet without socks. Then her eyes were fixed on Ning Tao’s bare feet for at least three seconds with a hint of surprise. It was the first time she had seen a man’s feet so white and delicate that they even looked a little crystal clear.

Ning Tao walked over to Zhao Wushuang and cut to the chase, “Miss Zhao, can we start?”

“So you’re Doctor Ning?” This was Zhao Wushuang’s first words to him.

Ning Tao gave her a nod.

“Have you… ever treated a burn patient?” Zhao Wushuang inquired tentatively.

“No,” Ning Tao replied flatly.

Zhao Wushuang paused for a moment, and then said, “Since you haven’t treated burns, why are you so confident that you can heal my scars?”

Ning Tao looked her straight in the eye and stated, “That you live here means you are rich. With your identity and connections, you can invite the best doctor in the world to treat you, but you are waiting for me here, which shows you have no choice. Since you have no choice, why not let me have a try?”

Zhao Wushuang fell silent. She really had no choice. She even made a trip to South Korea a few days ago to treat her scars. To her disappointment, even the top cosmetic surgery hospitals in the country were unable to restore her damaged face to its previous appearance, only to reduce the scars’ size and fade its color. It was unacceptable to the woman who relied on her face for money anyway. So, as soon as Fan Huaying called her, she couldn’t wait to charter a flight back to Beidu. But she didn’t expect the miracle doctor who claimed to be able to cure her to be so young.

In terms of Ning Tao’s cheap clothes and the shabby wooden box in his hand, no one would believe that he was a miracle doctor when they looked at him. On the contrary, they would think that he was a roving doctor walking in the streets. How could she feel good about being treated by such a doctor in her house?

Ning Tao made a good impression on her with his face and his feet, but that had nothing to do with his medical skills.

Ning Tao shrugged slightly. “I see worry and distrust in your eyes. Do you want me to leave?”

Zhao Wushuang reached over and took off her mask. That was her answer. She saw no other way, so she would not give up a ray of hope. However, she seemed to lose her confidence and dignity with the removing of her mask. She dared not look at Ning Tao’s eyes again, and even turned her head away from his gaze.

Ning Tao finally saw her face. She had a burn scar the size of an egg on her left cheek and another burn on her chin. The scar on her chin, in particular, looked so severe that after the skin had shrunk, her lips were pulled out of shape. She could not close her mouth completely, and her white teeth and part of her gums were exposed. In addition to the two large scars, on her right cheek there were also some scars in the shape of water droplets. A delicate and beautiful face was destroyed by these scars that people felt sorry for her.

“Can you make my face look like it was before?” Zhao Wushuang summoned the courage to ask Ning Tao.

Ning Tao didn’t answer her question. Instead, he asked, “You didn’t have a burn on your face, you had acid thrown on your face, right?”

“You… How do you know?”

“If they were fire burns, your neck should be burned as well, but your neck is fine. Plus, you’ve got some drip-like scars on your face, which is obviously caused by acid,” Ning Tao explained patiently.

Zhao Wushuang paused for a moment and then repeated, “Can you make my face look like it was before?”

She was evidently loath to mention the event again.

Ning Tao didn’t make detailed inquiries about the facts. That was her private affair, not his. “You only need a minor operation,” he answered as he opened the medicine chest after putting it on her bed. “You lie down and I’ll treat you.”

Zhao Wushuang had a stunned look on her face and even suspected that she had heard the wrong answer. Even the best plastic surgeon in South Korea’s top cosmetic surgery hospital dared not say so, he actually said she only needed a minor operation… a minor operation!

Ning Tao took out a small white porcelain bottle from the medicine chest and then said to Zhao Wushuang, “Why don’t you lie down? Although it’s a minor operation and I can do it when you stand, it’s easier for me to do it as you lie down.”

Just then Zhao Wushuang recovered and walked quickly to the bed. Not caring her posture elegant or not, she sat down on the bed, lifted her legs to the bed, and lay flat on her back.

Something rippled, making Ning Tao who was looking at Zhao Wushuang a little trance. But the next second he regained his composure and looked away from her. Uncorking the small white porcelain bottle, he tipped it, and carefully dripped aloe vera essence into her scars.

“What is it?” Zhao Wushuang asked curiously.

“Delicate perfumed cream,” Ning Tao replied.

The delicate perfumed cream was the name he gave to aloe vera essence.

In the three days before he came to Beidu, he actually tried to refine aloe vera essence with the Heavenly Hound tripod and the rotten broken tripod left by Chen Pingdao, but failed. It turned out that only the delicate perfumed tripod could do it. The chilies, flower peppers and the other things that he gave to Tang Zhen were also made with the delicate perfumed tripod. The refining effects of the Heavenly Hound tripod and the rotten broken tripod were far from that of the delicate perfumed tripod. Therefore, the “professionalism” of the delicate perfumed tripod had become his only consideration for the name of aloe essence.

The aloe vera essence had to have a name. After all, he couldn’t tell customers who wanted to buy it that he made it out of aloe vers? Otherwise, how could he charge his customers?

While the cool, comforting sensation spread over Zhao Wushuang’s face, Zhao Wushuang’s curiosity about it grew stronger and stronger. “What kind of medicine is it?” she asked again.

“I made it myself with my secret family prescription.” Ning Tao only explained so much to her. As he smoothed the delicate perfumed cream over Zhao Wushuang’s face with his fingers, his spiritual power was concentrated on his fingers. Thus, as he applied the cream, his spiritual power washed and nourished her wounded skin like a fountain…

Zhao Wushuang got a little nervous. She closed her eyes and her long eyelashes flickered slightly

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